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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Oil companies are evil. Sincerely, Democrats. PS. The federal government makes takes in twice as much money per gallon of pumped gas than the companies that bring the gas to market...
  2. Which is why I'm sure you give the same line of credence to people who're afraid Obama and the Democrats are going to tax the crap outta everyone, bloat the federal government with even more social programs that won't work but will cost an arm and a leg, and go after the 2nd Amendment, right? You partisans are such goddamn idiots.
  3. Ah, so it's could be penis envy + stupidity. That actually explains it even better than stupidity + lying. I didn't have to speak to him, thumbdick. "The view from three-time gold medalist Pablo Morales, now the head coach at Nebraska: "He sort of defies description because, in my opinion, there is no historical precedent for what he has accomplished, how he is accomplishing it, his body of work thus far. You have at once a supremely gifted athlete with a willingness to endure unmatched levels of preparation. On top of this, he is a fantastic competitor, very mentally tough, and he appears thus far to get even better in the face of a tough challenge."" BECAUSE PAT FORDE INTERVIEWED HIM FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO READ ABOUT THIS MORNING. See, we have this thing called the internet and it allows people who actually have experience at the highest level of the sport to give a truly educated take. You know, one that trumps the one of the frustrated "athlete" who wants to denigrate someone else's amazing accomplishment to make themselves feel better.
  4. Really? Pablo Moralez, another USA Gold Medal Olympic Champion and the head coach of an NCAA Division I Swimming Program says you're full of sh--. Guess which one of you I give credibility to? Dude, STFU. You're flat out wrong. And I'd venture it's an even bet on whether you swam a single lap "competitively".
  5. For the amount of time and money you're going to waste, it'll end up being a net loss for you. Move along quickly. If you want to make extra money, take a second job doing something you like to do. MLMs make the dude who starts them rich. And pretty much NO ONE else. Virtually everyone involved loses money because it's expected that you move a certain amount of product - even if it means digging into your own pocket to do it. Move along quickly and pretend you never even considered this garbage.
  6. You're right, there's probably another Olympian who has won back-to-back events with 54 minutes between them, setting both World and Olympic records. Oh, and Phelps has done it TWICE. IN THE SAME OLYMPICS. And if what Phelps has done is so unremarkable, why don't you tell me why another SWIMMER hasn't accomplished the same feat, since swimming has been an Olympic event since...Well, forever. Jesus Christ, is there ever going to be any accomplishment that some !@#$ing blockhead isn't going to try and sh-- all over in an attempt to show how "smart" they really are?
  7. Boy, you're not kidding. There are only 2 "ifs" with the kid. "If" he can stay healthy and "if" he can mentally deal with the pro game. The athletic portion is off the charts. He'll be friggin' uncoverable if those questions get answered.
  8. To me it looked like one team was playing their first preseason game and didn't gameplan the opponent at all. It looked like the other team had already played a preseason game and felt pretty good about themselves. That's about it.
  9. Perhaps we have a different definition of "wide open". Hardy was actually pretty well covered but used his tremendous size to get body position on the much smaller corner to make a nice play. It was a well thrown ball but Hardy was in no way "wide open". I now know why Hardy was a TD machine in college.
  10. To say nothing of: "Hey Senator, how's about you swing a couple of multi-million dollar no-bids my way? And while you're at it, make sure you sponsor this Bill we wrote for you, so we don't have to publicize these photos of you doing your whore while your wife is trying to beat Cancer." These people really are naive.
  11. Uh, yeah it is. Those people have security clearances and access to extremely sensitive classified information. Their backgrounds are completely vetted (financial, personal, contacts, mental, etc) and they are briefed that the kind of behavior that Mr. Edwards engaged in is a bigtime no-no. You're incredibly naive.
  12. Leave him alone. He's a "moderate with some conservative stances" who hates it when people pidgeon-hole or stereotype.
  13. The spectre of that is hanging over every citizen (subject) every day. That's just how it is.
  14. You could "care less" what they do in their personal time? These people have incredible power and influence and stuff like this is just ripe for blackmail. This P.o.S. is getting EXACTLY what he deserves.
  15. Yeah, it's amazing what you can pull off with the threat of imprisonment or death being held over your heads. That's just wrong as hell.
  16. The best part of it is going to be the final bill, all footed by the taxpayers. A SWAT team. Dogs killed. Inevitable lawsuits, etc. I guaratee this "package" is going to cost taxpayers over a million. Yeah, that's gonna be worth it. Yep, let's continue the "War on Drugs". It's definitely winnable.
  17. Many? Or a really small percentage? Many: 1. constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people. 2. noting each one of a large number (usually fol. by a or an): For many a day it rained. –noun 3. a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind. 4. the many, the greater part of humankind. –pronoun 5. many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend. You advocated forced sterilization for "many" people who "do the same things". Yet you're accusing someone else of idiocy?
  18. Yeah, now we can pour money we don't have into another bottomless pit. At least this time some of it might end up here.
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