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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Anything that involves "judging" as the means of deciding a winner is not a sport. Those athletes are amazing but watching the scores is sickening.
  2. Really? How about Senator's Kerry's devotion to the military while he served in Congress? Or is that off limits too?
  3. Did he do it reaching for a dessert fork?
  4. Really? Because him being absent hasn't reminded the BILLS and the rest of the NFL just how important he truly is to the franchise? Because having Langston Walker get pushed around by James Harris wasn't a good reminder? How about Leadfoot Chambers over at RT?
  5. Maybe this season our guys won't help them up off the ground. Man, I miss the good ol' days of Haslett stepping on Bradshaw's dome.
  6. Did you hook the black jumper cable to the black battery terminal?
  7. My truck stereo has a code you have to type in every time the battery has been disconnected.
  8. I'm glad you said "forget about it" - it saved me a ton of typing. It's both, really. The partisans only care about the empires they build and the power they can broker to set themselves up for life. It's really sickening.
  9. Well, you are in the education business. I guess I need to head over to the time machine. It's been awhile since I've seen an "Animal House" reset. Very refreshing.
  10. It's great to know the Educational Apparatus is afraid of "change". That's genius. The best part is the vast majority of them are liberals.
  11. How about returning to a smaller, Constitutional government? Or is it just too hard to fathom that large intrusive government causes more problems than it solves? Ah, the old "all or nothing" argument. Politicians count on that, so keep it up. They like the job to be as easy as humanly possible. You do understand that your disdain for big business is quite hypocritical given the United States government is the largest, wealthiest corporation in the history of humanity, right? And something so large would never use their power to manipulate the taxpayer to make themselves richer either? You know, like selling a bill of goods to start a multi-trillion dollar war? Or passing legislation to give a Prescription Drug Benefit while buying up pharmaceutical stocks? Try one consistant train of thought once in awhile.
  12. Make sure you complain extra loud when those evil corporations react to your "proposal" by shipping jobs overseas to places that understand how the real world competes. You know, as opposed to the one where the richest government in the history of the world cries poverty and a good percentage of the voting populous actually believes it. Yeah, it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what your "position" is.
  13. I've been reading your posts for nearly a decade. I'm pretty sure I've got your position down. As far as the rest of it, it comes down to Risk/Reward. Taxes like the ones being proposed tend not to work for the reasons mentioned. It's called reality. Reality IS a pretty good basis for not doing something. Let's watch Mr. Obama preach "change" while proposing the same tired solutions to the same problems. Yeah, he's a real savant. Pander, pander, pander.
  14. Borrowing implies that the President intended on paying the money back.
  15. The "Big" part of you obviously doesn't refer to grey matter. Do you think there could possibly be OTHER answers that don't involve regressive taxation on the citizenry? Or is that just impossible to fathom?
  16. I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in "Potato Head". Can someone translate for me?
  17. Yep. So is his successor. And quite probably whichever of the 2 buffoons that "wins" in November. And it's all thanks to dudes like you.
  18. You can keep regurgitating the same garbage. Obviously that's all the brain power you're blessed with. I'm not losing any sleep over it.
  19. Because she could have. You give the lion's share of credit to the Executive for a single policy that had minimal (if any) short term effect on the economy. That's not anywhere near reality, not that I'd expect you to have a modicum of understanding on the subject. I mean, why break what's obviously a long streak?
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