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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I don't hate all politicians. I hate the whole liberal ideal and anyone who subscribes to it. I ain't apologizing for that. I especially hate the finger pointing and clinging to meaningless sound bytes, as if Obama/Biden are going to be any different than those they're running against. That stings. Why don't you spend some more time breaking down why you didn't win the only battle in the game that actually mattered? Oh, and tell that to my safety. You know, the guy that scored the difference making TD yesterday.
  2. Why would the governor of a state spend a whole lot of time on International Policy? You up for a job on MSNBC?
  3. Nah, instead you'll support someone who clings to socialism and pandering. You're way better than those people. Yeah, because population is what everything is about. There are almost no challenges in Alaska that are like the rest of America because we have so few people and everything here is obviously a really simple undertaking. But Governor Palin is the ignorant one, right Pete? Got any other really bankrupt arguments filled with soundbytes for us? And throughout American history, the most complete answer to the question of "What exactly does a VP do?" is: Not a whole hell of a lot. But you keep clinging to that cheerleader thing you've got going with Obama/Biden. Because they're way different than the rest of the Washington bureaucrats.
  4. You are a parody of those you hate. Everything is the other guy's fault.
  5. Yeah, all we needed was a huge war and everyone to put the infrastructure of the country in front of themselves. But you keep giving credit to big social programs.
  6. Welcome to the average conversation with Steely Dan.
  7. Is that really the best you have? I'm pretty sure if I did a search on your PPP "body of work", we'd find that you're quite hypocritical on this point. Oh look, another Liberal telling someone else how they think. That's such a new tactic. Here's what I think: It's fun to point out how idiotic liberal politics and the constant historical failures of the ideology. Some people play golf. I bash stupid people. Doesn't matter whether it's on the internet or face-to-face. It is what it is. You know, I sit in a little room every day of my whole life waiting for validation from people just like you. Because life for me is all about the judgment of others and being the most popular, "swellest" guy ever. Really, you should keep pretending I somehow give a flying rat's ass about your opinion of me and that you have a clue about my life. And people think I'm a narcissist?
  8. I haven't strapped on the blades in a few years but I'm sure it'd come back pretty quick.
  9. So what? That's capitalism. And I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of the people "losing" their homes deserve to lose them because they bit off way more than they could chew in the first place. It was a dirty business and those who got into it deserve exactly what they get. It has nothing to do with who is in the White House, nor will it be fixed by Congress or the next person to "win" the Executive. No government on the planet can save people from themselves.
  10. I completely share your disdain for Mr. McCain. I particularly love the fact that his campaign calls him a "maverick". And this country is free in slogans only.
  11. It is my birthday - and my Paternal Grandmother's. Thanks!
  12. Ooh, another cold "joke". You are really gifted. There's a Wacka reference in each of those threads and I'm quite sure most of them aren't flattering. And I could care less whether you or any of the other hacks are keeping score. Hi pot! This is kettle! I guess you told me. So? Most of you liberals only want to whine amongst yourself so you feel really smart. Generally the backbone of jellyfish. The best part is how you all seem to think anyone who hates liberals is automatically a Republican, Neocon, or whatever new thing your masters dream up. It's just impossible for you to understand that the lemming ideology is so disgustingly unpalatable that we'd waste way more time on it than joining in when you start regurgitating your talking points. But really, go ahead and find all the positive comments I've made on the current administration and the Republican party. There's a few years of history here for you to choose from. If I'm such a "Republican" or "Righty", it shouldn't be too hard for you to make your case with something that's actually substantial. Of course, you won't do it (because you can't). Instead, you'll go back to your turtle act of showing up every once in awhile to toss a little crap and then run off like the B word you are. All the while patting yourself on the back because you think you finally stood up for something. Reading comprehension problem? I already admitted I looped you in as someone else. I'm crushed by that. Just devastated. You know, because I have a problem openly admitting I was wrong. I love how you seem to believe I give credence to yours or anyone else's "abilities". Laughable. Now run along and get with the rest of the lemmings to trumpet your tired ideology and then act all surprised when it continues to fail as it has throughout history.
  13. Yeah, you should argue about that stuff with an engineer. This is gonna be a hoot.
  14. I think Sterling Sharpe should have used "beautiful" a couple of more times to get to an even 200. Jesus Christ.
  15. Does he throw you fish when you clap on command? I've really missed your "me too" posts. Maybe we should have a poll on where you've been? Yeah, I'm not an equal opportunity hater. That crap never gets old. I can't wait for the election when I get called a fence sitter because I refuse to vote for either of the shills you blockheads jump up and down for.
  16. Ooh, you'll have to accept my apology for confusing your ridiculousness with another poster of similar brain power. Most of you run together over time. I didn't "infer" that the DNC is the ONLY anything, retard. Where the hell do you get this crap? The post you responded to was a direct slam at that dude's politics. No one else's. He should take that sh-- personally because that's exactly how it was meant. Liberals are bad. Very bad. Hard core anything is generally bad. Whether you agree with that or not means nothing to me. Oh, and the igloo jokes are much funnier now than they were 10 years ago. Your sense of humor is as refreshing as your politics. You know, it took me all of one search to find over 10 posts in succession where I blast Wacka. Here's a sample: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Now find something else to whine about - as that seems to be your main contribution here. And SnR ain't a Republican, nor is his disagreement with liberals based on belonging to a party. It's because he (correctly) thinks most of you are pinheads and is nice enough to go out of his way to consistently abuse you for it. You see, that's the beauty of you partisans. You assclowns always think the attacks are based on your affiliation, when it's really because you're utter morons who can't think for themselves.
  17. Except YOU asked the question and it was in reference to what Presidential "Scholars" said about another Democrat. Hence. If one of the partisan righty idiots had asked the same stupid question, the RNC would have been appropriate.
  18. Yeah, abortion is a really important issue facing the country.
  19. You mean like Homeland Security and NCLB? Bipartisanship combines the evil party with the stupid one. Very rare that it's a good thing.
  20. Boxing is certainly down in the U.S. I tried to watch some of it but the scoring system is too big of a problem to keep my interest.
  21. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll populate the Supreme Court with people who understand that abortion is Constitutionally supposed to be a decision left to the states, since it wasn't implicitly granted in the document.
  22. Thank you very much. You saved me a ton of typing. Knowing your !@#$ing role is as much a part of leadership as decision making.
  23. Because in today's world, it's apparently a sign of weakness to be able to do your job from anywhere on the goddamn planet. It is not, however, a sign of weakness to abandon foriegn trips and run back to your country at the first sign of any trouble. You need to be in your office, appearing Presidential. Because the office itself is really goddamn important. Unless you're Bill Clinton and you're getting blowjobs from interns in the same office. Then the office and what's supposed to go on there isn't all that big a deal. !@#$ing Liberals.
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