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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Just keep that in mind when all the lefties whine about this board being "right wing".
  2. You know, I keep watching people repeat this over and over again. Do you know why? Or are all budget deficits automatically bad?
  3. C'mon Bill. Only the GOP uses fear mongering to keep their sheep in line. The partisans grow more disgusting by the election.
  4. He doesn't. I don't like John McCain and I'm certainly not voting for him. Mr. Obama is a Democrat and he selected another ridiculous liberal insider as his running mate. If he was really for change, just about anyone would have been a better choice than Joe Biden. And campaigning on populist giveaways is not "change", it's continuation. Nah, I'm simply pointing out the fallacious "arguments" so many of you hypocrites keep spewing. Absolutely. I'm not a fan of any of that kind of stuff and don't really understand why people (especially politicians) don't understand what equality, freedom, and freewill really are. I hate the whole religion/abortion "thing". At least once Governor Palin has gone against her "core beliefs" and vetoed legislation that would have taken rights from gay couples in Alaska. She saved the state a ton of money in legal fees because it certainly would have been challenged and overturned. What does that say? I don't really know.
  5. Has he ever sponsored or co-sponsored any bill on this issue? At any level he's served? I ask because I honestly don't know.
  6. Now I'm a moderate? Jesus, would you give it up already? What is this desperate need so many of you have to try and pidgeon hole everyone? You mean like I've done my entire life?
  7. You mean because I've been trying to? No one is "qualified" to be the Vice President of the United States. But you keep pretending that sending Washington Insiders up to continue their "work" is going to somehow "change" anything. Jesus Christ you people are dense. Spend some more time screaming about the other party and how bad they are while backing Senator "Done Nothing"/ Senator "Know Nothing". 4 years from now, regardless of which of these buffoons ends up in office, these United States will be worse off. The saddest part of it all is 40% of you will argue the opposite because that's what you've been trained to do. Now crank away at your music box, monkey. Your masters need to keep collecting the money.
  8. It's just really hard for too many people to believe that their "belonging" to a political party is enabling this sh-- to continue.
  9. What exactly is a "cop killing" pistol? No fear mongering there.
  10. The fact that you think your "Guard argument" has any basis in reality shows you have little knowledge of how any of that works. But keep pretending you know what the hell you're talking about.
  11. Really? What else haven't I done? Coming from someone with ZERO first hand knowledge of either the military or John McCain's service. Translation: My girlfriend's cousin's uncle's wife saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night! I'm not sure there's ever been a more bankrupt argument here at PPP. Good job. You keep telling yourself that.
  12. You're actually correct about that. It's too bad you can't use the same critical eye on those you support, since they do EXACTLY the same things.
  13. Why would we need to scrimmage? Did the game a few days ago not count? Or do you need a do over because you weren't ready? I guess you can remember back to that one game when the *Cows actually beat us. Congrats for that. I didn't come asking for any advice and the fact that VA did is all on him. You don't know anything that's not available to pretty much anyone who wants to spend a few minutes a day on the forums, but if you need that to feel really smart or special, it's all you. That's the problem with you Liberals. You "think" anyone who abhorrs your politics is automatically a righty/Republican. That's the big problem with the 2 party system. And I haven't ignored anything about the Republicans. I don't vote for them and don't believe in most of their "planks". The fact that I don't join you liberals in your "soundbyte regurgitations" is because they're generally very bankrupt arguments with the basis backing of liberal ideology. Why the hell would I agree with that? I have zero love for the Republican party and nearly all of their followers. I really don't give a crap what you "think" on the subject. Like your politics, your analysis is pretty much dead wrong.
  14. That based on your intensive medical background and deep insider knowledge of the situation or your politics? No get back to blaming Pataki for running NYS into the ground, as if his brand of "leadership" is any different than anyone in either party in NYS.
  15. There's always an excuse when the *Cows lose. Where's Fez with a 10 page writeup on how you really "won" but somehow didn't? That really must have stung.
  16. Which side of Iraq touches Alaska? I'm quite sure if you asked Governor Palin about the issues of Alaska with Russia/Canada, she'd know quite a bit more than any of you. And you're right, she should be completely up to speed on every issue, foriegn and domestic. You know, because there are no advisors and virtually everything is done off the cuff. That pretty much describes everyone who has ever run for the offices. But keep pretending you're smart when all you're really doing is pointing a wagging finger that you refuse to turn toward your own "candidates".
  17. ARE YOU !@#$ING KIDDING ME? A "community organizer" against an officer in the United States Navy? Jesus H. !@#$ing Christ where do you people come from? The fact that you have to ask says a lot.
  18. Yeah, as if your standard is actually that lofty. Now go vote for Senator "Do Nothing"/Senator "Know Nothing". Pretend all the while that Biden didn't call John McCain his hero, didn't vote for the war, voted against the surge, and has stepped on his dick more time than John Holmes. Just remember you're getting what you deserve.
  19. When did you start believing anything John McCain said? I'm sure Sarah Palin is devastated that she isn't the silver-tongued devil she needs to be to get your vote, as if it would be available to someone who "clings so tightly to her Bible". Riddle me this: Is there a human being on the planet that John McCain could have chosen that would've caused you to even think twice about voting for Mr. Obama? Yeah, didn't think so.
  20. Wrong. McCain has been a leader of men. I don't want anyone to misunderstand that as an endorsement because John McCain makes me ill. Welcome to the media age, where no one is allowed to say "I don't know."
  21. Who exactly "clings to their Bibles"? Alaska is likely a more challenging state to run than all but a handful out there. It has all the same issues as any lower 48 state only they're spread out basically from California to New York. But you go ahead and pretend you know what the hell you're talking about and aren't just regurgitating the same stupid soundbytes I've been hearing on the national news from !@#$ers who probably can't find us on the map. Obama has ZERO experience as an Executive but you support him completely because you're a liberal apologist. Welcome to hypocrisy.
  22. So the Chief Executive of a state that's got huge issues to deal with wasn't wasting time following international issues and said she supported the President's decision? You think maybe she was prioritizing on what was important to her job/day-to-day life? Nah. She's just unqualified for the job but two guys who've never done ANYTHING in ANY Executive Position are gonna do just swell. You know, because they've spent time in the Beltway shaking hands and kissing babies.
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