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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. If only he could ignore the Constitution. Oh wait.
  2. The question really is whether the BILLS will have to throw the ball in the second half. If they get up early, "Jauronball" becomes a big factor and that means Evans' opportunities dwindle. I think that's more likely than Evans having a huge day, though that is a possibility. It's pretty likely that Rams/Chickens game will be a shootout because neither team has proven they can stop anyone. Again, nothing is a certainty but I'd say that's the better matchup.
  3. Shutup. Only Republicans do these things. Jesus Christ, people. Wake the !@#$ up.
  4. I love the revisionist history around here. Let's all keep pretending that the offense that has been run this season resembles ANYTHING that JP Losman was commanding. We'll also conveniently ignore the fact that JP looked pretty goddamn good in the 3rd preseason game, in what was probably his first real experience with a cohesive NFL offense. But pat yourself on the back for ignoring all the goddamn bull sh-- that has plagued that side of the ball for the better part of the past decade and talk down about a guy who gave pretty much everything he had for a bad football team because you need to feel like you know the game a little. The change in the offense THIS season has more to do with Turk Schonert replacing Steve Fairchild than ANY OTHER THING. I'm not sure I've ever seen a rookie first round QB handled worse than the BILLS handled JP Losman.
  5. I think there were a variety of factors in McKelvin's selection and most have been hit on in this thread. The fact of the matter is the guy is a sick athlete and when the game slows down for him he's gonna be amazing. I remember a lot of people really bagging on McGee when he was tossed in there under fire and he's turned out to be a very good CB.
  6. That's not news, it's been happening for a very long time. It's the misguided product of the military "turning around" society'd malcontents. There was a report on the same thing on 60 minutes during the first Gulf conflict. It's really bad in the Army but since they have such a problem recruiting... I know each service has special units who only investigate gang member behavior, so they're not ignoring the problem.
  7. Pretty much. Without the income tax the military/industrial complex never gets built.
  8. Maybe the "conservatives" did but the Republicans certainly haven't.
  9. The Democrats are actually planning on doing something Constitutional? What pillar of their social program platform will be cast aside for that to happen? After all, you can't really have everything.
  10. Because McFadden is a once in a generation talent and neither of the other guys are.
  11. I'm not sure what I'm more disgusted by: the score or the fact that the losing team didn't turn the game into a Gong Show.
  12. I would have too, given the Seahawks fielded a receiving corp that wouldn't have started on a Top 10 Saturday team.
  13. Oooh, criticism followed by consternation with a side of regurgitation. You pretty much covered all of it. You're a professional internet guy. And thanks for the post count reminder. I had a feeling you were a pecker checker. A plan? Why? Am I running for office? I didn't think I was. Now get back to worshipping whichever idol you've chosen while each side runs roughshod over the Constitution - a document they'll mention only when swearing to uphold it. Because we all know doing the same things over and over again often yield different results. Democrat or Republican in the White House? Doesn't matter. In 4 years we're that much closer to the end of the road.
  14. I'm not a liberal and I don't like either thing. Abortion isn't even an issue to me. I really couldn't care less about it. When those on the right decide to take on the issue of unwanted children the same way they fund the military/industrial complex I'll believe that they actually care about abortion. Until then, they can kiss my ass, as well as the asses of the million or so kids that go to bed in government "homes" every night. That said, I really don't understand why anyone would have an abortion (outside rape/incest). That also sickens me. I don't like the death penalty because I don't like the idea of giving such a corrupt entity that much control over a process. I friggin' hate violent criminals and it pisses me off that we have to pay to house them and make people "take care" of them but the alternative is to run them through a "system" that is wholly unfair and completely rigged to the Prosecution.
  15. Sorry "Max", that holds zero value when it has to be pulled out with pliers. How exactly am I "standing on the sidelines"? I'm here. The fact that I'm telling you you're stupid means you should analyze why exactly that is. Welcome to why I think you're not smart enough to "get it". And I have little doubt the Founding Fathers would stand with me in relation to you !@#$ing partisan retards. Well, the smart ones anyway. I'll let you know when I start caring about what you or anyone else "thinks" of me. Do me a favor and hold your breath. "No-it-all"? Brilliant.
  16. Uhmmmmmmmmmm. NOPE. You gotta stay because there are so few who can argue an issue without making it a democrat vs republican jerkoff session.
  17. Ah, the ever bankrupt "you don't stand for anything" because I refuse to join into the disgusting partisan politics that are killing this country. You know what cowardice is? Statements like "some call it political cowardice" because YOU lack the dice to put your name to the statement. It takes a hell of a lot more balls to stand outside this garbage and tell everyone they're wrong, which is why so few of YOU are willing to do it. So pretend you're not part of the problem. Dumbass.
  18. Like you'd actually be able to tell. You're right, I'm a broken record. There's a reason for that but I'm quite sure you're not smart enough to figure it out.
  19. You could - because the cycle never changes. The Dummycrats go after the stupid, the young, and the poor. The Republicraps spend their time scaring white people. At the end we all lose.
  20. Ooh. Little grains of truth mixed in with a bunch of B.S. Big surprises there. When will all of you realize you're being sold a bill of goods, regardless of which side of this ridiculous debate you support?
  21. Homosexuals are important to the liberals on election day only. Of course, you already knew that.
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