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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The American people can't trust anyone inside the beltway and it's been that way for a very long time.
  2. To those of you saying "the Chiefs won't trade Tony Gonzalez"...THEY ACTUALLY WANTED HERM EDWARDS.
  3. Why don't you ask Joe "I wouldn't have let that air if I was in charge" Biden? God, you people are !@#$ing stupid.
  4. Is it just me or should those be our uniforms forever? Especially when directly compared to the abortions in the background? Great picture.
  5. I'm not voting for either which means I'm not part of the problem. I'm not riding any fence and your argument is as bankrupt as this country. I chose America a long time ago. You chose England. Try and figure it out. No, I won't. And lower taxes mean dick when spending continues to be grow exponentially. But you keep on pretending you have a !@#$ing clue what you're talking about when all you do is regurgitate the points your masters shovel at you. You're lapping up sh-- and pretending it's mother's milk.
  6. Ah, so the Democrats engage in dirty politics? They're just so different than the Republicans.
  7. So you basically admit that the leading mouthpiece for the Democrats for a decade and a half is the equivalent of Chris Hitchens? It's as if your stupidity knows no boundaries. Please tell us again how only the Republicans are corrupt.
  8. Pretty doubtful given the parliamentary rules of the Congress. Mr. Obama is no Lincoln, judging from his inability to speak extemporaneously. He comes across as a more polished puppet than the current "soothsayer". If he wasn't so telegenic, he'd have been toast a long time ago.
  9. I just don't see any difference, though I doubt Obama can get anything he's campaigning on passed even with a Democratic Congress.
  10. That's exactly where this country needs to go. The definition of change isn't doing the same crap over and over again.
  11. Oh, they'll always take the guaranteed vote - they count on it.
  12. These two statements are oxymoronic. Look it up. You are a strong backer of perhaps the most corrupt party in this country's history. The only reason they trump the Democrats on this issue is because they are far more organized and therefore more able to stay on message. Look, I get the ideal of the Republican party and I can even get behind some of it. But they don't come anywhere near practicing what they preach. Quite the opposite, especially fiscally. But you keep pretending that you know WTF you're talking about when all you do is regurgitate the same tired talking points being fed to you by Rush/Fox/etc. You're part of the problem, "friend".
  13. Another expected retort. You see, special boy, this is exactly what your party expects you to do because obviously anyone who isn't a Republican has to be a Democrat. And you're right. I'm totally out of ideas. Ideas on how to get the average partisan idiot to truthfully look at the current situation and understand that BOTH political parties are selling away the freedoms that our ancestors fought so hard to get. But you go ahead and laud yourself for being such an independent thinker, you !@#$ing sheep. It's too bad you're not nearly smart enough to know it.
  14. Hey dickhead, I'm not a democrat and I'm certainly not your friend. I'm also not at all surprised that would be your response because your masters have conditioned you well. But you go ahead and pass whatever the Republicans gave you to smoke, because your brain is completely fried.
  15. Yesterday there were plenty of the same head scratching coaching mistakes we've continually bitched about. Except we won, so no one cares.
  16. The country was going into this recession regardless of who was in power. It was inevitable after the lie that was "The Clinton Economy". I think this administration actually staved it off for a bit by cranking up the military industrial complex but the housing market fall was happening regardless. And I never said the Democratic party had exclusive rights to big government. The Republicans are even more disgusting on the subject because it's completely contrary to their stated platform. At least with the Dummies you know exactly what you're getting.
  17. Yeah, the ever lucid "Steve Fairchild was a terrible coordinator who sucked at using the strengths of his personnel but I'll defer to his judgement on personnel as the basis of my argument." That makes about as much sense as Fairchild using Roscoe on endzone fade patterns. Which he actually did. Do me a favor and try. I'd like to see your head explode.
  18. Kinda hard to "play like a real #2" when you've not been given the opportunities. I don't care how you wrote it, your deductive reasoning is completely flawed. And it ain't just on this particular subject. I'm totally sober and I'm pretty sure I don't require your permission to do anything.
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