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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. So? People get killed. Life is dangerous. Not a gun control issue.
  2. Welcome to the United States, where each state is supposed to be allowed to decide things. The Federal Government chooses not to enforce federal laws uniformly. Has nothing to do with whether they exist or not. Care to guess why that is? There are already mandatory sentencing guidelines and too much regulation. The problem will always be the government's ability to regulate the laws it passes, which is why far more care should be taken on every bill, regardless of subject. These things have real consequences. The reality is, the government passes most laws with the idea that they'll use them at their convenience at some point. Get used to it because it's not changing. Not a gun issue, nor do I support being forced into another government "education" program that has virtually no benefit but instead punishes the 99.9% of gun owners and hunters that don't engage in those behaviors. Good luck legislating stupidity out of existence.
  3. Like "Change We Need"? Go drink some more of that Kool-Aid. Hypocrite. The reality is you and the rest of the partisan lemmings are more than willing to sell America off for whatever perception of security is being sold to you at the moment. Doesn't matter what the issue is. Doesn't matter that at the heart of virtually every problem plaguing this country is some entrenched government bureaucracy that has done more harm than good. Doesn't matter that your current candidate of choice isn't actually advocating change, just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic for a different view of the iceberg. But pretend it's you who has something intelligent to say. That's always a hoot.
  4. There isn't a single thing in this society that is more regulated than guns. Why is it that when "Gun Control" is the subject, there's always stupid retorts like "drinking and shooting" and "cattle drives"? Neither of these things have anything to do with the actual issue. Go check out Washington DC's response to the Heller decision and get back to me on what the !@#$ I'm actually referring to. Prepare to be disappointed.
  5. So you mean adding 2 more judges who think that "shall not be infringed" means a complete ban on gun possession is OK is far more important than a woman's right to choose? Yeah, abortion is way more important than the Bill of Rights.
  6. The same way they've been systematically dismantling it for the last 100 years or so. Ignorance is bliss.
  7. More of a dick but you know, consistency is a big reason to love me. His favorability is going up mostly because John McCain is playing himself on the campaign trail. I think it's great people "tend to like him". He's really telegenic and has a nice smile, plus he's well spoken when he has a teleprompter and doesn't have to think for himself. That'll make it seem much less painful when he and his gang of thieves are screwing them good while shredding the Constitution. But your man love for the guy is quaint. I can't wait to read the next couple of years of your posts defending all of his bull sh--.
  8. Thanks for proving my point on the rhetoric. When did the Constitution and gun control become social issues? Let me go ahead and guarantee right now that President Obama and the Congressional Democrats will offer NO meaningful gun legislation during his tenure. They've learned their lesson. They'll whine a lot but they'll do nothing - it's their mantra. Mr. Obama's "clinging to their bibles and guns" comment is probably the largest reason he's not enjoying a double digit lead everywhere. And the abortion "debate" is completely bankrupt fear mongering. Neither party will EVER touch it legislatively or from the Executive because they're not stupid. As far as health care goes, advocating central control is pretty much the cornerstone both sides are offering. It may not be what's at the forefront but it is the endgame, if you're smart enough to see the trend. Taxes: Both of them suck and pretty much for the same reason. Stem cell research: Check out all the work the Dems have done on it since they took over Congress. Yeah, I'm sure it's because of Parliamentary issues. But keep buying into the "100% correct/100% wrong" politics that are ruining this country.
  9. Maybe he was tried in the Rhode Island version of Chicktavegas.
  10. Is there no level you're not willing to stoop to? Jesus, in this Microwave society the best thing Obama has going for him is he doesn't have a record and there's not a whole lot of reasons to hate him.
  11. Mostly because you choose to ignore the data and believe the rhetoric. Back to the original topic: Yeah, I want another intellectual in the Oval Office. You know, like Jimmy Carter. That dude was wicked smart. You people are awesome.
  12. Your "argument" reminds me of the 'tards saying Lee Evans shouldn't get paid because he doesn't put up Larry Fitzgerald's stats in a situation that clearly isn't equal. I don't have to make a "cogent" argument. While I'm not a fan of absolutes, I also believe absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Fed has that power and is quite corrupt. Points to you though for going to the 30000 foot view and ignoring the fundamentals. Quite a lot. But I'd say that's to be expected when you're generally socialists looking for security that truly can't be provided. You mean because people generally won't use goods and services without someone controlling the money flow? Very rich. Ah, the ever bankrupt "educational system" argument. Sorry, not playing that game. I guess that fits with the too simplistic "the economy hasn't sucked as much over the past 100 years as it did the previous 100" that you're hanging your hat on.
  13. I thought it was gonna be some kinda helmet/mouthguard/assisted breathing apparatus. I'm very disappointed.
  14. Sure he has. A buncha farmers had worse recessions when there was no infrastructure to speak of. He wins.
  15. So you decide to use a comparison that's completely without merit based on virtually every conceivable factor? Nice copout. Most of Europe is panicking because they made the gigantic mistake of attempting to trying to have their cake and eat it too. I remember having this conversation with Olivier when he was pushing for the EU and Euro. Yeah, it means that virtually everything else has evolved - mostly the technology that led to significant infrastructure improvements that made it easier to get food, goods, and services to markets more efficiently. Go ahead and give more than a bee's dick of credit to the central bank for that. You want to see a real recession? Turn off the power around the globe for a week.
  16. How the hell can you compare the U.S. before the Fed and get any kind of accurate picture? That's completely asinine. You mean because it hasn't? Tell that to all the people who just watched their retirement accounts lose 40% in value overnight because the Fed left WAY too much money on the street for almost a decade.
  17. Well, there's an effective argument.
  18. Way to completely miss the point. The "Clinton economy" was a fraud and the current situation is the direct result of it, a fact that is made funnier by the former President constantly lauding himself for same. You're speaking my language.
  19. kitty. Guess how easy it is to carry your fortune when it's in tritium...
  20. Welcome to the real result of the Clinton "economy".
  21. Yeah, let's pretend that Lee Evans wouldn't have ridiculous numbers if he played in Arizona's offense with a guy like Warner and LFitz wouldn't suffer playing for Steve Fairchild. I'm not saying that LFitz isn't great or even better than Lee Evans but Jesus Christ, be happy that we spent a first round pick on a guy who's pretty damn good despite rarely being put in a position to succeed. Who cares how much he makes? His signing isn't going to keep us from signing anyone else, we're WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY below the cap.
  22. If you were watching Kimbo Slice, you weren't watching MMA. That "event" is about 5 levels below UFC. Like "A" baseball compared to the major leagues.
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