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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'll believe that when the BILLS prove they can slow down a team that spreads the field. Right now the Jersey Farves are playing better than the BILLS on both sides of the ball.
  2. No, pecker checker I don't need reminding. It's called having a job with a ridiculous amount of slack time. Slack time I choose to spend here, making you look like a fool. Now tell everyone again how the Rams have no talent.
  3. For about the 30th time: INFRASTRUCTURE IS A CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED FEDERAL RESPONSIBILITY. Each state would have plenty of money for education if the Federal government were handling ONLY what they were legally responsible for instead of trying to play the pied piper and mandating things most places don't need or want and can't pay for.
  4. In my experience on this subject, this administration doesn't work any differently than the previous ones did. It's a Washington epidemic.
  5. Six of one, half dozen of the other. The only difference is who gets their turn at the trough.
  6. I'll let you know when I give a crap about your opinion, lemming.
  7. Great idea. Let's take the next step and completely remove it from communities and give the power to people like George H. B. Bush who was fascinated by a grocery store scanner. We'll even forget the bang up job they've done with virtually every other program they've had their hands in. Then when you go to the local school board, you can feign anger when they throw up their hands and say "don't look at me, I don't have any power to change anything. Call your Senator.
  8. Like I said, I haven't decided. I like "most" of the Constitution party's platform but I'm not a fan of the religious overtones because that crap always leads off course.
  9. I can stomach SNL once every 4 years. You'd think they'd learn.
  10. He looks like he's finally back from his injury. Much different than last season.
  11. The only reason you say "no one cares about it" is because you were very obviously wrong your "talentless" assertion. It took the Rams one whole bye week to put together a pretty nice performance on the road against a team that was playing pretty damn well. As far as being "addicted to the internet", how long exactly did it take you to respond to my first post of the day?
  12. You mean like "all of them"? Of course. But it's fun to pretend that what's being reported has any semblence of truth to it. The Republican party in Alaska very much resembles the Democratic machinery in places like Illinois, Massachussetts, NY, etc. Very powerful and corrupt with virtually no chance of losing their majority. Sarah Palin won the primary and the governorship of the state with virtually no party support. Most of the party leadership absolutely loaths her.
  13. You realize that you're not actually responding to me, right? Or am I actually spending that much time in your head? As far as who I'm voting for, I haven't decided. Nor am I likely to share that information with you or anyone else. You can rest assured that it won't be John McCain or Barack Obama. I guarantee that. It'll likely come down to the Constitution or Libertarian party candidates. I have my issues with each of their platforms as well but they certainly wouldn't be as bad for America as the behemoths so many of you are beholden to.
  14. Rams looked pretty talented today. All they did was go on the road and beat Washington for their first win.
  15. I'm so glad so many of you are experts in Alaska politics. I'm also really stunned by the hypocrisy of big government liberals wagging their fingers when big government uses it's power in an unjust manner.
  16. No "real" conservative would ever endorse either of these lunatics.
  17. He looked really athletic in that Under Armor commercial...
  18. Finally, something Nozzlenut is actually qualified to comment on.
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