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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Who the !@#$ knows where it goes? You know, someday I hope you get "rich" so you'll start to care more about what happens to tax payer money.
  2. Oh Eric, however will I live my life without your validation? Ooh, irony. This board is a product of freedom. It's moderated very little by choice. I'd apologize but that'd leave the illusion that your opinion somehow matters.
  3. Establishment? We don't have one of those. I pinned it, mostly because I hate polls, a little because I loath the self-professed intellectual that RCow claimed to be, and a little as a message. Don't know. Don't care. Because the board crashed. Official reason? Way to put this place on a pedestal. Now whine a little more about how the place is degraded. Your hypocrisy is boundless, Mr "I could care less". Can't wait to see what group of words your cerebellum jumbles together next.
  4. Remember: Only the right fear mongers. Friggin' Murtha. Frankly I'm sick of the racism angle, from all sides. There is no element of this society that doesn't suffer from rampant racism. Blacks are racist against other blacks - all the way down to shade, with the lighter shades being treated the worst. It's awfully hard to give credence to the whining when far too many people of color are just as guilty as the redneck white trash they complain so vehemently about.
  5. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. As usual.
  6. I didn't imply anything of the sort. Your reading comprehension put some pretty interesting words in you head that weren't there. I love the always bankrupt "lowest contributer (sic) of federal tax revenue" argument. I'm sorry, should everyone receive back the exact amount they put in? What exactly would be the need for a federal government if that was the case? And color me stunned that a state with a really small population, long tenured politicians, and a group of people who the federal government has been using as their "welfare experiment" would be pulling in a disproportionate share of federal tax dollars. As a liberal, you should be wicked happy that all of those Natives are getting free health care, job assistance, family counseling, etc on you dime. Or is central control of such things unpalatable to you in this instance for some inexplicable reason? Which is, and always has been, my argument. But you're a hypocritical liberal who somehow thinks because of my residence that I have some kind of say in a matter that your politics are 100% behind. What exactly are my "multitudes" of opinions? I do love the "don't care" thing now that you've been exposed as absolutely incorrect. Of course you don't care.
  7. I wasn't referring to you, Riddler. Narcissist much?
  8. Thanks for telling me how it works in a state you've never actually set foot in. Once again, you're incredibly full of sh--.
  9. Which is why I have a lunkhead from each party going after me in back-to-back posts...
  10. Safe room? Someone watches too much television. Who exactly is "they"? Or is this just another of those really smart tactics that you liberals use because you know deep down what a group of mindless losers you really are. Keep hiding behind your sloganeering and false sense of superiority. Meanwhile those you worship will continue driving the country off the proverbial cliff.
  11. I wasn't acting as a moderator, so you're either confused, stupid, or unable to frame any valid retort so you have to go after a meaningless title. Big surprise you're an avid follower of the most corrupt party in American history. There isn't a way to enlighten someone who's so dim.
  12. Strip Monopoly obviously. Got to check out the wife's Marvin Gardens?
  13. Yeah, there's nothing better than a 120 pound woman as your battle buddy.
  14. There's little difference between your brand of paranoia and theirs.
  15. What you mean like the rest of you lobotomized followers? Idiots like you would've been running for the King's skirt when the going got tough. No get out there and worship your pariah like a good little minion.
  16. Go ahead and find a single post of mine that supports "medical assistance programs, family support payments, and "other programs". Since you apparently don't know how to use the search feature: And: And: So thanks for explaining how things work in my state. I was very confused before you interjected.
  17. Never pick against a team coming off their bye week - unless it's the Patriots on the road against the Chargers.
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