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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'm "from" New York. I have absolutely no control over how anyone votes. Jesus Christ, you actually thought that sounded intelligent before you hit "add reply"? The cool thing is the Republicans thought the same thing not too long ago. This is just another example of why you're a lemming. Keep hoping for change while being part of the status quo.
  2. No, Kerry was simply a worse candidate. Not that anyone thought that was even possible.
  3. Yeah, because the economic situation today isn't at all tied to the falsehood that was "the Clinton Economy". I wish you retards could understand that Al Gore kept talking about a lockbox for a reason. That reason was THERE WAS NO SURPLUS. Stealing money from Social Security while reaping record capital gain profits based on a speculative technology bubble IS NOT SOUND FISCAL POLICY. No back to drinking the Koolaid, you fuggin' lemming.
  4. Yeah, didn't think you'd be able to face it. Liberals have always had a tough time with that particular thing. Ah, the ol' "we couldn't beat the brilliant fat man" argument. With all of the intellectual brainpower that the Dums claim to possess? This election should have been a blowout and there wasn't a campaign strategy that was going to overcome everything that Senator McCain was facing. The fact that it wasn't "Reagan/Mondale" level should be quite worrisome to the party "leading" the least popular Congress in U.S. history. There ain't much you libs can't make excuses for. Can't wait to see what you'll come up with 4 years from now.
  5. Reality. You mean because only a great candidate could beat the freight train that is GWB?
  6. So much for equal protection and freedom.
  7. The facts: 1. Gore lost an election that should have been a landslide in his favor. 2. McCain is a 74 year old "it's my turn" candidate, ala Bob Dole. 3. The Republican Party of 2004-2008 may be the least liked political apparatus in the history of this country. And virtually all of you lemmings deserve to be bashed. Congratulations on voting for a candidate that spent $600 MILLION dollars to win a job making $400K. Then be really surprised when his fiscal policy blows up in his face.
  8. What does that have to do with anything? GWB graduated from an Ivy League School. Education has never equaled intelligence. EVER.
  9. It isn't even the worst campaign in the last decade. Al Gore ring a bell, liberaltard?
  10. I didn't say "OC holds up the surge", did I? The only thing that has been "fully committed" in Iraq is the U.S. taxpayer.
  11. Don't worry, someone will buy the leftover mess and take care of that kind of stuff.
  12. No less surprising than your "thoughts" on the subject.
  13. The same way Bill Clinton did virtually every time he opened his mouth? Dude, seriously. There's a reason "actions not words" is a phrase that exists. When President Obama increases the size of government and rips away even more individual freedom, you'll be lapping it up like mother's milk. Only politicians are allowed to create bigger problems trying to solve problems they've already created.
  14. I love the fact that Republicans hold up the Surge as some kind of grand success. Glad it only took 5 years to pull your heads out of your asses and put enough boots on the ground with enough ROE to get something done. That's some effective management there. There has to be a reason that so many of you hold on to the tired idea that your party (Republican or Dem) doesn't suck. Though that's not nearly as bad as the continued aggrandizing of every minor success while ignoring the blatant overall failure of the entire system. Enjoy your moment in the sun Dummycrats - but realize that it has virtually nothing to do with your own platform/leadership. You're ripe for the very same kind of ass whipping in the not too distant future, especially if the proposals already being discussed actually see the light of day.
  15. So? The "conservatives" were the leaders in using 9/11 to grow the government and rape freedom, completely contrary to everything they supposedly stood for. Congrats "conservatives", your complete inability to lead has made you irrelevant for probably a decade (minimum). So much for the "mandate" you supposedly enjoyed.
  16. They're just as concerned about it as the Republitards were when John Kerry wouldn't release his. He won't release his college grades or thesis? This is actually an issue?
  17. In hiding? Hardly. I've been too busy with other things to gleefully bash all you idiots. I don't have anyone on my ignore list. Why would I? That would imply things that could never possibly happen.
  18. The law has changed to a vote of the people. That happened after then Governor Murkowski appointed his daughter to his Senatorial seat.
  19. It takes a special person to argue with a police officer.
  20. If by "fiscally moderate" you mean "willing to cut taxes while increasing spending at rates far above inflation". I'm so tired of all this crap and the fact that so many are so willing to keep buying it.
  21. There's at least 25% bloat in the DoD. It's probably closer to 50%. The problem will be the same thing it always is: Combat readiness will suffer while the bureaucrats keep their jobs.
  22. Which is mostly due to overbearing government but I'm sure they'll solve it. Just like they solved the non-existant problem of home ownership by basically tanking the entire !@#$ing global economy. Keep dreaming because ignoring reality is too painful.
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