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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. They should keep him the rest of the year. Getting to the top of the draft is the only thing that matters at this point.
  2. We show concern by NEVER voting for liberals and relentlessly exposing how stupid they are...
  3. Ooh John. Having a record sure can bite your pompous ass.
  4. Be nice to him. You have no idea the level of effort he's put in to remain this stupid.
  5. The best part is when he said "disrupting rallies". You could blow up a Biden "Rally" by sending in a toddler with a lit sparkler.
  6. That quote has to be adapted to the modern moron. You have to understand - back then people actually read books and talked to smarter people regularly. These clowns watch television and hang with like-minded simpletons on social media. They've never once even examined an opposing view. "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"
  7. One of the Congress Critters actually put forth legislation to put conditions on possible bailouts, including mandating pension reform and balanced budgets. Let's play a game: Question 1: Guess which party's Congress Critter drafted this legislation? Question 2: Guess what percentage chance this legislation has of ever seeing a vote?
  8. I know, it's a lot easier to try humor when your stupidity is pointed out so obviously. Point still stands.
  9. We don't trust the police but we do trust the District Attorney's office to correctly charge and prosecute the crimes BROUGHT TO US BY THE POLICE. Ladies and gentlemen...liberal intellect.
  10. Good luck with all those social programs and homeless folks, Comrade Gruesome. Because you're going to be left with pretty much zero real business within a decade. (Except maybe a Winchell's and Togo's on each corner)
  11. Looks like we found the front runner for the Dem ticket in 2024.
  12. I paid for a gutter helmet system. That's where I am in life when it comes to heights.
  13. I can do "normal" roller coasters, like what you're talking about. This one was just basically "let's go really fast towards the sky and then stop really quick once we're really high." Not fun. Not fun at all.
  14. I'm with ya. I went on one of those "straight up in the air" type rollercoasters. Let's just say..."we're never doing that again," and leave it at that.
  15. Can't we just have the infected link arms across the parts without the wall?
  16. It doesn't matter. The left is going to continue to attribute racism to everyone who doesn't just genuflect to their politics.
  17. But what about our FEELINGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  18. I wonder why the picture is taken from that angle? /sarcasm Joe's going to win because all of his supporters are staying home. Pay no attention to the fact there are more media present than "supporters" at EVERY SINGLE EVENT.
  19. Good. The more the merrier.
  20. Joe's racist supporters are just as smart as white kids.
  21. I'll let you know the second I care about your opinion on anything. You're literally sitting over there acting like the Fed would allow the entire world to drop into economic chaos because...."TRUMP." Yet you're somehow reasonable? Sure.
  22. You gotta love the liberal mindset. "The Fed is making sure the entire economic world doesn't collapse on itself because liberal policies across the globe are killing everything..." and somehow this proves there is no Deep State. Like...it's literally that simple.
  23. You're just pivoting because you refuse to face the hypocrisy of your own bull#### politics. It's ok, we're used to it.
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