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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Ah, so Tony Romo is the talent difference between the Cowboys beating the Rams or losing by 3 TDs? I had no idea he was that awesome. At the times the Rams beat the Washington, the 'Skins were coming off wins over Arizona, Dallas, Philadelphia, and New Orleans and their only loss was opening week at the New York Giants. But thanks for showing what a simpleton you are with that vain attempt.
  2. Why? To keep you from chasing me around like a little B word? Where's the sport in that? Whenever a sports team doesn't perform to expectations, the idiots always assume it's a "talent" or "coaching" issue. At the top levels of sport, it's RARELY a "talent" issue. More often it's a "chemistry" and "leadership" issue and almost always that's systemic, from the top of the organization to the bottom but it manifests itself most obviously on the field. Kenny Stabler said it pretty well (paraphrased): "I didn't always believe what the coaches were doing but I never let my teammates see it. As far as they knew, we were gonna execute that sucker." There is a "bee's dick" of difference in physical talent between most teams at the top of professional sports. That's why you see teams like the Rams physically beat the crap out of the Cowboys and go on the road to beat the "at the time" playoff bound Redskins, then fold their tent against teams far worse. Jim Haslett isn't a bad coach. Al Saunders CERTAINLY isn't a bad coach. Tennesee didn't lack talent when they lost to Houston. San Diego isn't suddenly devoid of talent this season, nor are the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Giants didn't have terrible talent when they started horribly last season and they didn't take a huge talent leap this offseason when they lost THREE of their best defensive linemen but somehow managed to maintain their high standard. The United States Basketball teams didn't start losing their status because they stopped being the most talented group in the world. Teams like the Rams and BILLS are losers because they think and act like losers more often than not when it matters most. Until that changes, you can bring in all the physical talent in the world and it won't change a thing.
  3. He traded away Faulk after Mannings ROOKIE year. He turned over the LT position to Tony Ugoh, a rookie, last season. Jason Peters is not a Pro Bowl player. He wasn't last year, he isn't this season. He's far more likely to come up small in big situations than not, as evidenced time and time again when the BILLS struggle in short yardage and never more obvious than on 2nd down last weekend when he didn't even get out of his stance on the most crucial play of the game. The only thing guaranteed with Peters is he'll always have the potential to be great but it's far more likely that he'll get a huge contract and go back to his terribly inconsistent play, disappointing when it means the most.
  4. Goodbye Marshall Faulk and Edge James. Sincerely, Bill Polian
  5. About the same as the BILLS did, for pretty much the same reasons.
  6. We've already proven we can lose plenty of games with him.
  7. Uh, pretty sure Jim McNally wasn't coaching the Giants OLine last season.
  8. Yep, you're still an idiot. I'll leave it to someone else to explain to you how stupid that blurb really is. He hasn't been here this entire season and the OLine has been much worse than it was last season when they at least had the excuse of having very little time together. Stop trying to find a single entity to blame for something that's quite obviously systemic. That's the ultimate tool of losers.
  9. Maybe if you're talking about what a gallon costs but in the long run (ie maintenance, life cycle, mileage, etc) diesel is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than gasoline. But you're a liberal, so it's pretty likely that you don't actually understand the impact of long versus short term.
  10. The manufacturer has said it will be competitive with what the industry currently garners, though with it being a diesel engine it'll last a whole lot longer.
  11. You mean after they replaced 80% of the starters? The only guy starting now who was starting in McNally's last season is Diehl. Seubert was a Giant but missed huge portions of his 3 seasons with McNally. Now stop trying to fit your retardia into a football discussion.
  12. We were checking that out at work the other day. Looks pretty awesome. Hard to believe no one from Detroit could come up with something so forward thinking. How 'bout we just rebadge another Crown Vic? I think the coolest part is the prisoner compartment, complete with cuff cutout and easy to fasten seat belts.
  13. You mean because if the Big 3 go bankrupt, all the sudden there won't be any more cars made in America? No one could possibly step in and meet the demand? That reorganization couldn't possibly have greater long term benefit to America than the ponzi scheme cooked up by your masters to prop up hideously bloated organizations with blood from the sweat of working citizens? It's good to know that you're still a complete idiot with no concept of the big picture.
  14. Why isn't it fun to pick on both of them, since both of them are pretty much totally in the wrong? Oh, because you're a partisan moron who is incapable of such "difficult" processes.
  15. The best OLine in the NFL happens to belong to the New York Giants. Care to guess how many of them were drafted in the first round?
  16. Another "do nothing" liberal who'll continue the ridiculous representation the State of New York so richly deserves.
  17. Yeah, I can see how you'd come up with that. You know, given the 20 examples I actually agree with. I'm going to type this slowly, try to understand: I'm not a member of any political party. I agree with many of the things that the Constitution Party and the Libertarians campaign on. That doesn't mean (unlike you and the rest of the ilk) that I support them in any way (though I have voted for some Libertarian candidates). I don't know any white supremacists, so I'm going to have to answer with "I don't know". Because you desperately need to outwardly feel like you're special. That's one of the things the "Big 2" depend on. It's cool that you actually spent time finding a website on the subject and did some drilling down. You're really superior to the people here who have a high post count. Shall I parade out a list of all the scummers who "identify" with your political beliefs, pretending all the while that's somehow a valid indictment?
  18. Sorry I'm not more fluent in "sphincter speak". I'd say I'm trying to do better but that'd be a blatant lie.
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