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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The saddest part of this reply is you actually think it's witty.
  2. I'm not a "conservative" either - unless you're talking fiscal. How many "conservatives" do you know who think abortion, drugs, and gay marriage should all be legal and that it's perfectly acceptable (and absolutely necessary) to keep religion out of government? I'm a "Constitutionalist". With a few exceptions, Republicans aren't fiscal conservatives in any way and frankly I'm tired of all of you partisan dipshits pretending there's much difference between the two parties. If you want to find out about the Permanent Fund Dividend, do your own research. When you're done, if you think it's not one of the smartest "programs" you've ever seen then you're pretty much an idiot.
  3. You're wasting your time trying to make a liberal understand a program that actually benefits the people and not politicians and their bagmen. Debbie just can't get the concept of not giving politicians carte blanche to do whatever they want and instead taking a resource that belongs to the people and actually using to benefit ONLY the people. Now head over to the thread where Obama has decided that supply side economics ala Ronald Reagan are the best way to get out of the current recession. Remember, it was a bad thing when Reagan/GWB proposed tax cuts/spending increases but is now brilliant because a Dummycrat is planning to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING.
  4. No, he really didn't. In the playoff game in Buffalo, Boselli manhandled Bruce pretty much the entire game and virtually all of it was by his lonesome.
  5. Hey Bruce, Tony Boselli called. Said you're still his B word.
  6. You're a genuine parody, Annie. It's about time to create another username.
  7. Be more specific. I'm not sure anyone is "loafing off the government dime" except politicians and their compadres.
  8. I don't listen to talk radio, Annie, er...Elliot...er... It's called facts. For partisans, they seem to be virtually impossible to face. So far "Change We Need" is "More of the Same with Different Suitors Getting Their Share". But follow along blindly, since you obviously can't help yourself.
  9. Welcome to payback for the Executive basically ignoring the Constitution. Congrats, Liberals. You're not even in charge of 2 branches yet and you're already showing your true colors.
  10. You mean because the government needs more of our money, right?
  11. Because the "plan" came out today and it's another turd sandwich in a long line of them. It's called reading and analyzing. It's no different than the absolute garbage offered by the Republicans. I'm sorry the truth hurts your blind political following. That's pretty much expected and the reason the average American gets poorer while a small segment gets significantly richer. Isn't it about time for another disappearing act? You know in that "wanna be Bohemian but we know the truth" kinda way? In any event, I'll let you know when I have a modicum of respect for your world "view".
  12. Where's the howling over Obama's plan to cut taxes while raising spending? You know, exactly the same thing the hated George W. Bush did that you people couldn't help spew over. But this is somehow "change". Right. My favorite interview of the day was some liberal lemming on MSNBC talking about how the government will "invest" in alternative technologies and that will be the silver bullet that "saves" America. When pressed for facts she stated "I trust our government because I'm a patriot". Sheer genius. Meanwhile, the New York Times reported that Senator Clinton helped a company get huge government contracts after they contributed to the Clinton "Foundation". Once again, the silence is deafening.
  13. Ralph has more than enough money to run his franchise competently if he would spend it on staff instead of guys like Derrick Dockery. The Pittsburgh Steelers run like a friggin' Swiss Watch and I'm totally guessing but I doubt their revenues look much different. It's not about how much money you have, it's how you spend it. Ralph has pretty much always been cheap with the front office/coaching staff and it's no coincidence that for the vast majority of his tenure the team has been mediocre or worse. Thanks for the complement, though. You should post more - and you know I don't say that very often.
  14. Buffalo BILLS: Remember when you thought the worst thing we could possibly do is lose another Super Bowl?
  15. Chris Ellis could be the next Bruce Smith for all we know. We do know that our current coach didn't give Freddie J. a chance until one of "his guys" got hurt. That particular guy was quite obviously done as an NFL player but that didn't stop our ever loyal HC from wasting a ton of snaps on him in games that counted. Coach Jauron seems like a great guy and he's probably pretty intelligent. But he's a terrible gameday coach and that's not up for debate. Every coach gets dealt sh-- sandwiches EVERY season. The difference between good coaches and bad ones is how much they're willing to eat.
  16. The issue isn't switching coaches. The BILLS have to change coaches every few years because Ralph Wilson is a complete buffoon and pretty much always has been. Think the Ebenezer Scrooge version of an almost completely unsuccessful Jerry Jones. He's gotten what he's paid for, staff wise and it'd be his undoing in just about every other market in the NFL.
  17. The difference is Jeff Fisher has always been a good game coach. Dick Jauron has NEVER been a good game coach. Quite the opposite. The mistakes we watched this season are consistent with his entire body of work.
  18. I'm pretty sure he only did that because there are so few towns who would actually pay through the nose for such mediocrity. WNY is famous for that stuff. One only has to look at the re-election rate of politicians during the death knell to understand what I mean. A place too dangerous for most mortals.
  19. If your dad is like Ralph Wilson, then he's a doddering nincompoop who basically lucked into a ton of money. Go ahead and respect that. I'll choose to live in reality.
  20. I'm a "real" fan but the BILLS won't get another direct dime of my money until there are significant changes. Granted, I generally only get to one game a year so "ticket-wise" that's not a big deal but I do spend a ton on merchandise and that's pretty much over. There are so many good coaches available right now that it's beyond ludicrous that Ralph won't eat a little money to go get one of them, instead keeping another incredibly mediocre decision maker in a division that currently has 2 organizations that are at the very top of the NFL in staff talent. The biggest place an owner can improve the onfield product is the football staff. Wayne Huizenga finally figured it out this offseason. Ralph has NEVER gotten it, lucking into Polian and then firing him for silly reasons. He's literally made the same mistake over and over again, so today's decision was totally expected by this "real" fan.
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