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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Take the job, prove your worth and the money will take care of itself if the company is any good. That's always been my experience. I'd never pass up a job in a good company with good people over "a little" money. And that's magnified in this economy.
  2. I haven't had any experience with Lenovo but when it was IBM there was little doubt they had the highest quality in the industry and it really wasn't close. The biggest problem was their price was a minimum 33% over Dell and the lead times were absolutely ridiculous (everything that fit our corporate requirements took at least 45 days to show up). They were absolutely bullet proof and some of the "added" proprietary software did really cool stuff. But we ended up standardizing with Dell across the board because it was much cheaper and easier to manage one vendor and at the time their customer service for our spending level was outstanding. The lead times/price really killed their bid.
  3. I especially liked how he accused me of doing something that he's obviously guilty of. Must have been raised Catholic.
  4. Research is hard - which is why pretty much everyone just regurgitates what the talk box tells them. Now get out there and worship the latest flavor of the month.
  5. He's talking about Debbie (blzrule). She tried posting under "Nozzlenut" a few times, for whatever twisted reason. Of course, we can read IP addresses so we exposed her pretty quickly.
  6. You mean because the President of the United States doesn't have topcover at all times, right?
  7. So the President of the United States is actually going to have to "find someone"? Do you have any idea how unbelievably ridiculous you sound? It's quite obvious that the vast majority of you has never been in command of a damn thing in your life, least of all been involved in managing any kind of crisis.
  8. I'd venture to guess that I've read more about "Global Warming" (now "Climate Change") than anyone on this board. I think it's a complete load of hooey, from stem to stern. That doesn't mean I think we do a good job of stewarding the environment nor does it mean that we should make serious changes. But I do think we need to be very careful in how we tread and that Al Gore and anyone who thinks he knows a damn thing need to be repeatedly Roshamboed.
  10. I'm not a libertarian. I'm a !@#$ing independent. Jesus Christ, would you people stop trying to pidgeon hole me? There is a gigantic difference between the government sharing information within itself and disclosing it to entities that aren't authorized access. Do you really need that explained? Or would you like to be in charge of one of the intelligence agencies, because with that mindset you're obviously qualified. Just don't be surprised when the witch hunt begins because you didn't tell someone something they needed to know to prevent some catastrophe. If you call that a defense, you're making Perry Fewell look like Rex Ryan.
  11. Nice reading comprehension, Debbie. There is now a lawyer involved. The system DIDN'T work. It rarely does. You've either got very lofty standards (sarcasm) or are a complete moron if you can surmise that something works when you get a bill for something you weren't ever involved in. They weren't "non-custodial" parents. They didn't even know these people during the time frame the government is trying to charge them (a fact you must have missed, despite the fact that I capitalized the entire sentence). I'm not using the story as anything. Though I'm more glad now that I posted it because it's made you look even more ridiculous than usual. Who knew that was even possible. Go ahead and expound on this. I'd love to hear some more of your twisted lahjik.
  12. They feel he's more of the "Change We Need". Because you can put lipstick on a partisan pig.
  13. That "advice" would be more likely to be considered if the person giving it had the sense to use it on occasion.
  14. Bush apologist. Far right crackpot. Time has passed you by. All hail the new liberal agenda.
  15. Please explain to me exactly how this is "commerce". One party had NOTHING to do with any money that ever exchanged hands but is now being handed a bill. That's doesn't fit any definition of "commerce" that I've ever been privy to. Sounds more like extortion to me. Know in advance? The time frame they're trying to collect from is years AGO. The money paid out by SSA went to different people with different Social Security numbers. It's an amazingly stupid issue that will likely require lawyers to fix. The only thing the SSA should have to do is query the IRS for who claimed the kids on their tax return (I'm assuming their own paperwork is goofed up somehow) - but why should the government talk amongst themselves when they can put an innocent citizen in the crosshairs...
  16. Blindly attack? There isn't anything blind about it. No argument there. Specifically? The fact that it's exactly the same bill of goods that's been sold to us for 30+ years. Why are you limiting it to 8 years? It's been going on for many times that number. Either you're ignorant or incredibly dishonest. Which is it? Are you going to tell me that what's going on now isn't a result of continuing policy failures instituted by Carter, Reagan, GHWB, and Bill Clinton? Really? We're going to keep doing the same thing and pretend that this time it'll be different. I'm not even going to try to understand WTF you're talking about on your "proposed" cuts/changes. I don't watch television news or listen to the radio and I certainly don't need your blessing to post the inevitable hypocrisy that the next administration is going to bring. But you go ahead and start the apologies for them but understand that it's pretty much going to be a full time job.
  17. It's incredibly frustrating to watch the same things go on and on.
  18. You're looking at it from solely a football standpoint. WNY is taxed like a third world country and it has basically become on because of it. KC is growing and home to 10 Fortune 100 companies, plus Hallmark, which would be a Fortune 500 company but is privately owned. It is both a transportation and communications hub.
  19. If Republicans had any brains, THEY'D be Conservatives.
  20. Actually, Simon doesn't think that your "argument" wasn't pointed at him because you used HIS WORDS. This comprehension stuff is hard.
  21. I'm hoping for dumb blind luck to strike twice. Like it did when Ralph hired Polian. Because outside of that, his legacy in the NFL makes mediocrity look like a gigantic step to take.
  22. I don't blame WNY for not ponying up another dime for anything. They've paid more than their share and continue to do so everyday.
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