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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. EJ didn't show as much football sense in his career as JA has shown in his pair of starts.
  2. We traded Kelvin Sheppard for that guy.
  3. https://nhl.nbcsports.com/2018/09/24/meet-gritty-the-flyers-horrifyingly-delightful-new-mascot/ So.... the Flyers new mascot is a guy named Gritty - a mischievous bully who is unwelcoming to opposing fans. Only in philly, I swear. Didn't take Scotty Hartnell long to find a new gig.
  4. Never underestimate the stupidity that Hugh brings to the table.
  5. No matter how good she looks, some dude, somewhere, is tired of her ****.
  6. I don't care what career path you've chosen, this holds true: 10% of the people are very, very good at it. 10% are really, really bad at it. 80% are mediocre and just doing enough not to get noticed. It's really sad when thing like this happen but it shouldn't be surprising.
  7. I've never been divorced but my parents split when I was young. The only advice I'll give here is NEVER...EVER talk negatively about your ex-wife to your child. At this moment it seems as though the two of you are getting along but that may change at some point. Even if it does...DO NOT SINK TO THAT LEVEL. There's nothing positive to be gained from it.
  8. Not sure it matters either way. The cumulative scores of the games I'm talking about were 81-31. That's 50 points different and the games weren't actually even that close. The BILLS weren't in either game for even a drive. The worst part was the Jets were coming off 3 straight losses going into that game and spiraling downward quickly. They stacked the box and just dared TT to throw the ball. The result was a 34-6 lead late in the fourth. TT followed up that performance with an even bigger turd against the Saints. The only TD in the Saints game was on the last drive, when Peterman was in at QB because Taylor had FIFTY SIX YARDS PASSING. FIFTY SIX. In an NFL game. In 2017.
  9. Right? Football games have swung on plays like that. Has the NFL given an explanation of that one? Have the BILLS even asked?
  10. Last season we lost to the Saints by 37 a week after getting pummeled by the Jets. The BILLS trailed the Jets 34-6 with less than 7 minutes to go in the fourth quarter before scoring a couple of meaningless TDs against the Jets' 4th stringers. So you're pretty much dead wrong about that.
  11. Because the Browns literally have double the turnover differential of any team in the NFL. TT is who we thought he was.
  12. Technology has changed quite a bit in 10 years but your point is certainly valid. That being said, it's very easy to put together a very impressive home theater for less than $5k today.
  13. That Red Wing blood has to run deep because there's no other reason why you wouldn't stay in Tampa. Better weather, easier recruiting, lower taxes, etc.
  14. It was actually a kickoff return.
  15. I said it back when we won the lottery but it's worth repeating: winning this draft lottery was far more important than winning the McDavid lottery. Dahlin is a generational defenseman and they simply don't exist at a young age. I would take Eichel & Dahlin over any young forward/defenseman combo in the NHL.
  16. He was a lacrosse coach, not a Catholic priest.
  17. Is there a reason this is necessary? Is it not ok to just celebrate something that's pretty great without trying to piss on it?
  18. I lost one of my guys a couple of months ago. He was 11 going on 12 and really healthy. One morning he jumped out of bed to start his day and he never got up. I called him a couple of times and he didn't respond, which wasn't like him at all. When I went to see what was up, he had the most panicked look on his face I've ever seen on a living thing. I picked him up and put him back on the bed, then laid with him until our vet opened. I loaded him into my wife's SUV and he went through the front door pretty much the second my vet got to the office. It didn't matter because he wasn't going to get through whatever happened. That was a very hard day because he was literally running and playing in our yard just hours before, seemingly without a care in the world. I've buried 7 dogs in my adult life and it doesn't get easier. Each one is a terrific soul and such an incredible source of joy because they never have a bad day. My wife and contemplated not replacing him in our pack because we already have 2 others (male and female) but after so many weeks of feeling like crap I couldn't help myself and started looking at puppies. Nala was born 5 weeks ago and will be joining us in mid-October. I hope Diesel is looking down on us with approval because my heart actually doesn't feel as heavy as it did and she's not even here yet.
  19. That is heart breaking. How the NHL and NHLPA abandon these guys is absolutely mortifying.
  20. I'm not sure what's worse: The NFL protecting Ray Lewis or a writer acting like him and his ilk are some kind of moral compass. The mass media has ruined far more lives than the "voice" they've supposedly given the "voiceless". If I was ever in a situation where something bad happened and I wasn't anything more than a bystander, the very last thing I'd ever do is talk to anyone in the media. I'm not saying Ray Lewis is innocent - I have no idea what happened that night and I haven't read much about it. But I've seen enough bad journalism in my life to not trust much of what's actually published.
  21. Good for you, brother...and good for the new member of your family. Dog people are the best people and it's not even close.
  22. Skill wise he's more likely to be a heavier, more physical version of Niedermayer.
  23. Dogs live short, awesome lives. When they die, it is incredibly painful but it reminds us to live. One thing to consider during this time: You are grieving but in one of your local shelters there is a great dog facing a clock that’s ticking. There is nothing that helps your heart heal faster than honoring your dog’s legacy by saving another. Sorry for your loss.
  24. Again, not true. EJ couldn't repeat his throwing motion from down to down, much less over a game. He had a pretty big hitch in his delivery and a tendency to push the football. His foot placement led to his constant overthrows, which was a regular occurrence at FSU. He also consistently struggled to hit any moving target and couldn't anticipate open windows, even in college.
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