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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Good. You are capable of learning. So which person currently incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay has actually flown or intended to fly a plane into a skyscraper? You don't actually know, nor does anyone else because our government isn't telling anyone. They're simply taking people into custody and not letting them out. But when your gang of thieves was in charge, you trusted that they wouldn't take people into custody who don't deserve it Is your thought process the same now that Nancy Pelosi could be the one signing the order? Now I'm a liberal. That's just awesome. You're a friggin' idiot.
  2. Finally, something you're actually qualified to discuss. Feel free to continue.
  3. Me? Insult? "Most"..."Should not be"... So which ones should be? Terrorism is a tool. You don't stamp it out by snatching people up, moving them thousands of miles, penning them up, then interrogating them for years on end. In fact, you create more of them because they leave people behind who care about them or their nationality and don't see the big picture. If some foreign power grabbed your brother and took him off to an island somewhere, waterboarded him, then kept him incarcerated for years, what would be your reaction? Most Americans would appeal to our government to rattle their saber and eventually get something done. But that's because THIS IS AMERICA and we do things a certain way. Well so do other people. Their traditions are a little less evolved. I think the vast majority of people who think "torture" and "incarcerating people without due process" are OK don't have the life or world experience to make those decisions.
  4. You completely misunderstood what I typed - sh-- happens. What I meant was "Why should I think you wouldn't think Randi Rhodes isn't a blowhard?" But thanks for letting me know... The "lefty superior" thing was a joke. I guess I could have included a cute little face to make that more obvious. Of course, that wouldn't have set you off. I'm glad you are able to take the majority of the lefty leadership that you "can't stand" as individuals. Actually, I totally comprehend why people think differently than I do. Much of that is because so many are intellectually inferior. It is what it is. I do like the "miserable whiner" label. Mostly because it has so little basis in truth. Maybe I should go off hypocritically when you try and label me? I wouldn't say "everything he says is meant to be a joke..." but that is how he makes his money.
  5. Look at you, chipping away another layer on your way to "Magnificent Mouthbreather". That the best you got, Sparky?
  6. Why would I think any other way? Rush is a shill. He knows it but he likes the much bigger paychecks that come with it. No different than Michael Savage, who is a completely created character. I'm more amazed than anyone can stomach any of it and then run out and vote for their "candidates".
  7. Really? An NFL player said that the biggest difference between teams is coaching?
  8. I doubt it. But we can pretend because it makes you feel all lefty superior.
  9. To "turn on each other"? Once again, your inability to see reality has reared its head.
  10. Ignorance is bliss. Regurgitating what the talk box tells them is as refreshing for them as an ice cold Coke on a mid-August afternoon.
  11. How exactly is that? By replying to your childish post? I guess your intellect is as pedestrian as your grasp on politics.
  12. Guess you missed the part of the Declaration of Independence that said "ALL men are created equal". Not just American citizens. There are a whole bunch of legal issues that have been used to justify the prison. None of them pass sensible muster when measured against history. Terrorism will always be a tool and going against common decency and our own laws is as un-American as any act could be. You're not going to create fewer terrorists by denying people due process.
  13. Ooh, that's a crushing blow to my delicate psyche. And you'll just have to forgive me for not having much faith in ANY government to decide exactly who the "enemy" is in such a conflict. I don't need to "see" you "state" anything. You're a friggin' parrot and if you ever had a thought of your own, it likely died a very lonely death. I'll let you know the very second your insults have an effect.
  14. Uh, it's easy and you can make a lot of money without ever doing anything.
  15. Yeah, it's always a good idea to give a faceless bureaucracy the ability to pick and choose who gets killed. That's likely to never be abused. There is virtually nothing in history to cite on this matter. Now parrot to everyone how you're a "Conservative".
  16. The amazing thing about this post is you actually think someone will believe it.
  17. Nah. You've got an excellent vocabulary and I'm sure that you're more than capable of tying your shoes.
  18. The fact that the economy is in the shitter has pretty much nothing to do with who controlled the Executive or the Congress in the short term. But keep trying to point those fingers anyway. That's the stupidity the two party system counts on.
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