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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. What a dominant performance by GSP. BJ needs to stay at 155.
  2. Too much is made of one game. What the BILLS accomplished is nothing short of remarkable. Where are the 2 teams that went to the Super Bowl last season? Neither of them won a single playoff game this season. What about the season before (Colts/Bears)? Again, neither won a single playoff game this season. What the BILLS did was nothing short of remarkable.
  3. No way. Let Andre play more than half of his career indoors on a passing team and see what kind of numbers he'd put up. To say nothing of playing his last 4 years in Minnesota next to Randy Moss. As if that didn't have a gigantic effect.
  4. He's probably using "Daily Kos" as his guide. It's amazing to me that anyone believes anything in print media anymore.
  5. I feel pretty smited when one group of tards pretends the other group is "more" racist. Thanks.
  6. I'm hoping they find a way to get it through. You know, in the evil and stupid "bipartisan" manner of taking care of their bankrollers at the expense of the average citizen. That'll all but ensure that our society will collapse sooner rather than later.
  7. Nothing better than going to BCPFG for information. Fewer than 2% of gun crimes are committed with guns procured at gun shows. The percentage of those guns sold by "unlicensed" dealers is microscopic. I've never seen a single statistic on the number of those 2% that were illegal transactions, since virtually all of them went through NCBICS. Wanna really to make a dent in gun crime? Figure out why 57% of guns used in crimes come from 1% of licensed gun dealers. That'd likely be money well spent. Ever wonder why the Brady people and HCI don't trumpet that statistic, instead going after something that is totally insignificant? If selling your private firearm at a gun show makes you a gun dealer, then selling your private auto makes you an auto dealer. Be prepared for "As is" sales to go away. The government will effectively use legislation and fear to keep "terrorists" and "criminals" from getting weapons with about the same success they've had keeping drugs out of schools.
  8. The NRA has more than "supported it". They've lobbied every level of government to fund it properly, basically eliminating the ridiculous and more expensive wait periods. Your original statement was "The NRA doesn't like background checks". That is patently untrue. The organization has ALWAYS supported NICS and has regularly challenged the government to use available technology to both organize and expedite the process.
  9. Yeah, the BILLS have almost no talent. Well, except that they beat SD this season.
  10. You know, that argument looks just as stupid when you use it against Rush as when the partisan righty wackos used it against Pelosi/Clinton/Reid/etc.
  11. I'm sorry my politics don't fit into convenient little boxes like the rest of you tards. I'm not surprised that you chose that tired tactic when confronted with actual hard facts. Pretty typical of you and the rest of the blowhards. Now head back to dittoheadville for your dose, so you can regurgitate more BS.
  12. Not true. Go ahead and find a single link that states it's been used since the 70s for holding prisoners. So the detention facility that was built after 2002 was used for other kinds of punishment before? How does KBR do what they do? It's like magic. The first "detention facility" on Guantanamo Bay was "built" in 1991. It was basically a tent city surrounded by barbed wire that held about 100 people. It was constructed to deal with refugees, not hard core criminals. In fact, the first group of "unlawful combatants" in the "War on Terror" were kept in what were basically dog runs. So basically I'm saying "You're totally full of sh--". I guess we can add "unable to recognize sarcasm" to the burgeoning list of stuff you suck at. I've never claimed to be tolerant and I'm certainly not a liberal. You're as good at determining people's political bent as you are with any pertinent facts on pretty much anything.
  13. You likely didn't hear anything about the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay under President Clinton because THERE WERE NO "DETAINEES" HELD THERE UNTIL 2002, you unbelievable nimrod. Thanks though for making me "defend" Bill Clinton. You're actually correct about that, though you ought to be pointing the finger at yourself because you're the one talking about doing things that are unAmerican. The Detention Facility at Gitmo sounds a lot like a political gulag in the ol' USSR. Breshnev would be proud of you, comrade.
  14. Marv bought Ralph time but the crowd never really left OBD.
  15. If? You mean all of them weren't? Oh, you don't know the answer so you're posing hypotheticals. You hear that Debbie? I'm just like you! I'm glad you're able to speak for them. Or is this an example of a conservative believing what the "liberal media" is telling them because it suits your ridiculous position?
  16. That's right Debbie, because we're not like real Americans. We're pretty much a third world country. Soon they're going to add a second channel to our televisions and we're hoping it's another version of Fox News. If a couple of airplanes took out "downtown" Anchorage, we'd probably worship the rubble as our new God. Since you're a liberal mouth breather, you ought to spend a lot more time and energy saving us from ourselves. What you're doing right now is just cruel. Which makes them no different than any other human being on the planet who faced a one time event - no matter how catastrophic it is. People bounce back. The fact that you think New Yorkers are tough shows how little you know about the world. Yeah, because you really know the guy.
  17. I'm not worried about detaining terrorists. I'm worried about detaining innocent people. If they're terrorists, charge them, try them, convict them, sentence them. That's what AMERICA does. If that's what you're basing your "process" on, then you absolutely are an idiot. I love how everything has to be completely devoid of reality. That's right, everyone who wants Guantanamo Bay closed certainly wants to offer citizenship, "full benefits that whites can't have", etc. And we all love terrorists. It's not because I've studied history and I realize how dangerous it is to give ANY government the ability to put people in prison forever without charges. That's almost never led to abuse. Try some Midol. Maybe then you'll be able to step back and actually look at the situation without the stupid goddamn rhetoric.
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