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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Depends. Was his daughter being a !@#$? Sometimes the best thing that can happen to your kids is having someone else tell them when they're being a retard. Two of the biggest problems we have in this society is the "new" belief that only parents should be allowed to hurt their kid's feelings and that you MUST come to your kid's defense in every situation. Ralph screwed up royally and he's been paying for it ever since.
  2. "Protection and Recreation" are pretty broad definitions. What more clarification would you need?
  3. He got released because he can't play.
  4. In fairness to Ty, they don't usually give out TVs that big.
  5. To me that's the sensible thing to do - within reason. For example, a buddy of mine had a brother who got 7 years for shooting a guy who was beating the sh-- out of him. The reason? An unregistered firearm. So it's perfectly acceptable to for someone to beat you within an inch of your life because you didn't cross every bureaucratic "T" and dot every "I". That's the stuff I have problem with. Idiots who shoot innocent people standing around in a mall? Death by bunga-bunga. Yepper.
  6. There could have been but anytime guns are involved the media is going to blow it up. When we used to open the Army Range at Ft. Richardson, we'd have 4 or 5 guys with anywhere from 4 to 10 guns each and commensurate ammunition. I can only imagine what the media would've reported had they managed to pull us over before entering "safe" territory. We had enough gear to take over a small city.
  7. Automatic "assault weapons" are illegal unless you possess a Class 3 Federal Firearm License (mostly collectors). Chances are, his AK-47 was semi-automatic, which are legal in most states. A semi-automatic AK-47 isn't much different than a Winchester .308 rifle - it just looks more menacing. Well, and it's heinously inaccurate. But I digress.
  8. Uh, because he was driving with a suspended license. "Sensabaugh was arrested in his hometown of Kingsport, Tennessee for driving his Bentley on a suspended license."
  9. Maybe he just lost his job and needs some cash. (glass half full) But really he's probably just a !@#$ing douchebag.
  10. You don't have "thoughts". You have emotion, ignorance, and sound bytes. You're right that there's little point in continuing - but it has nothing to do with your reasoning.
  11. So your solution to some jackass committing a crime is to penalize everyone else in society? Do you smack your kids when the neighbor kids do something wrong? You have the misguided idea that I give a crap about why you think I should be allowed to own a gun. You continue to use the "why do you need...to hunt". Hunting is ONE purpose for owning a gun (or actually many guns, depending on where/when/what you actually hunt). Make sure you let your elected officials know how disappointed you are that they aren't using the tools at their disposal to keep scum and vermin off the streets as long as possible - because that's probably the biggest problem. So you're not able to see the connection between complete prohibition and criminal's ability to exploit same for ridiculous profit? Really? You don't actually understand the idea that making guns illegal will make violent criminals even more violent as there will literally be zero resistance because law abiding citizens will be completely unable to defend themselves? Really? There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. England and Australia's gun violence has risen since they banned everything and they have a much easier time keeping weapons out BECAUSE THEY ARE ISLANDS. You honestly believe that the Latin Kings or MS13 are going to have a problem getting guns into America? I love how people like to pretend that gun violence actually touches their lives because they hear about it in the media all the time. The vast majority of people in this country who are "victims" of gun violence are usually involved in drugs or gang activity. But we can pretend there's really a problem because it makes you feel better. We'll also ignore the Justice Department's own statistics that law-abiding Americans prevent between 1 and 3 times as many crimes with their firearms as are committed in total. I see you know as little about the evolution of the Constitution as you do about guns. But you're on a roll. So you have a problem with law enforcement, prosecution, and the court system? That's not what it sounds like to me. I'll let you know the very second I care about your incredibly uninformed opinion on my "position".
  12. He likely "faced no weapons charges" because he wasn't doing anything wrong in regards to that subject. Contrary to popular belief in the media, it's not illegal to possess or transport numerous guns.
  13. Not to us. You'd have had to get out the paddles had they overturned that call because my !@#$ing heart would have stopped.
  14. When did "having a college education" ever equate to being intelligent? Being "educated" has little to do with being "intelligent". Jesus Christ, George W. Bush graduated from an Ivy League school. That alone should be proof enough that your little "hypothesis" has no validity. Buy a dictionary.
  15. Holy crap, I'm starting to think you have the ability to learn.
  16. Don't worry. The politicians from both parties will continue to "save" us from their 50 years of bad decisions by printing more money we don't have, taking it from people who don't have it to give to people who don't deserve it. And the best part is the vast majority will continue to argue that the other party is actually the problem.
  17. They don't? How many times in your life have you ever been threatened by a legally owned firearm? I'm going to be the answer is zero. What exactly is "nearly automatic"? Is that some new invention I've never heard of? Or is that some term you use because you don't actually know much about guns? You mean because there aren't already 20,000 gun laws on the books to cover virtually every situation? How has the Prohibition of drugs worked out? Have you and the others been able to keep drugs out of the hands of children? Or will you simply continue to live in "Ideologyland" where you make everyone else less safe because you have an unreasonable fear of inanimate objects? How about because it's a Constitutional right placed in the sacred document by men who used their own weapons to create this country? Or is the concept of protecting yourself/property really that difficult a concept? Are there any other rights in the Constitution that you'd like to give up because you're basically a "fraidy cat"?
  18. The reason the goal didn't count is because it was against Toronto.
  19. Judge Rules School District Must Pick Up Bus Tab for Disabled Student - WHO DOESN'T LIVE IN THE DISTRICT Welcome to the reason there should be no such thing as a lifetime appointment.
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