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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Every day at PPP is a bad SNL skit. Since it involves politics, that shouldn't be too difficult to understand - even for a butter bar.
  2. Translation for you, Gene: You don't know what the hell you're talking about so do everyone a favor and STFU.
  3. Wrong as usual. I don't have to "track" IP addresses. The board's software does it for us. Your IP address shows up in each of your posts and when a moderator clicks on the button, it shows all the UIDs that come from that address. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Nozzlenut. It is nice to know you're still thinking about us pulling your pants down and smacking your gigantic ass in front of everyone. But I sure wish my life could be as fulfilling as yours, as in "I need to create another username because everyone hates me and thinks everything I say is stupid" kind of way...
  4. Yeah, I know you're a troll. Thanks for announcing it to the rest of the world.
  5. And we pretty much went without a fullback, if you really think about it.
  6. You mean since you joined in 04, right Gene? It's partisan parrotdom. Whether "you" did it or not, there are plenty who share your political affinity who are guilty of exactly that.
  7. Really? Because that's not what the liberals said when Mr. Bush took office. But I'm sure you would have been just as consistent then.
  8. That's right. Only the government can possibly fill in the hole that they've dug by continuing to dig...
  9. And you're a guy who stands up against "the man".
  10. How about because they're absolutely no different than the people on the "Pro-Global Warming" side of the argument in how they prove their points? No get back to pretending the "Hockey Stick Graph" wasn't a total farce like the good little believer you are.
  11. There is a general corollary in America between higher finance and higher education and that's pretty much it, but thanks for not trying to continue down that ridiculous path.
  12. I have been watching hockey for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I have NEVER seen a goal like that disallowed unless the player was in the crease before the puck, which is no longer a rule. That "No Goal" was a complete "you're playing the Maple Leafs" call. Absolute garbage.
  13. I don't think it really matters. The government is virtually always going to step in and spend money to alleviate short term pain with the long term consequences being ignored. The historical evidence is overwhelming.
  14. Because of the downstream effects of GM's bankruptcy. They subcontract to a whole bunch of small companies that'd likely go belly up if GM closed their doors "on paper".
  15. He got released because he can't play. If he could play, the Broncos are smart enough to restructure his deal to keep him. They found out that he's not "Terrell Buckley" light as they thought he was when they initially signed him, so the cut their losses. Like the well run organization that they are. Bly sucks and the BILLS should stay away from him. He can't tackle and his fundamentals at the position are woeful. For every "big play" he makes, he misses 10 tackles or turns out when the play comes to his side. Jabari Greer is twice the corner Bly is at this point, is younger and likely cheaper.
  16. Republitards I'm sure it's really partisan to not vote for the party that I'm "firmly adherent" to. Perhaps you should look up some more words. And you're right, I don't support many laws limiting the rights of law abiding citizens. Unlike your masters, I actually understand the concept of "freedom" - I don't just pay it lip service. I find it hilarious that last week some righty hack called me a liberal and this week your retarded ass calls me a partisan. There's little reason to wonder why the Dummycrats and Republitards stay in on top with the amount of brain power they have to pander to. Now get back to defending the indefensible and pretend you have an ounce of credibility.
  17. Really? What party exactly am I "hacking" for?
  18. There's finally going to be a different kind of whacking going on at /dev/nulls house.
  19. Nice to know there are some people out there who still "get it".
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