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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Except, you utterly clueless !@#$ing moron, you just stated that a common hunting rifle should be illegal. The fact that you don't know that a Winchester .308 IS a COMMON HUNTING RIFLE. But you should keep typing and adding smilies. You're right. I can't figure out how to respond to you because I don't speak dumbass. The fact that you think that is the issue shows how little you know about both history and Jefferson. Because the Founding Fathers never wanted a standing military. They were afraid of what it would mean to the country and the world because they'd seen what the British Empire was capable of. Ask yourself why the Germans never invaded Switzerland in WWII, despite their lack of a standing military. Try and come up with a real answer, instead of "dee da dee, I like the taste of poop." Now that I've said that, the real answer is "who cares?" The Second Amendment wasn't put into the Constitution solely for the purpose of "protecting the country". Franklin said it best: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." You and the rest of the liberals who willingly give up their right to defend their homes, selves, and country for the perception of safety are cowards.
  2. This post made more priceless only by the fact that it followed your last one.
  3. Somehow I doubt Thomas "The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Patriotism are the virtues of the vicious." would be thinking of the issue as a problem with the citizenry. "I learn with great concern that [one] portion of our frontier so interesting, so important, and so exposed, should be so entirely unprovided with common fire-arms. I did not suppose any part of the United States so destitute of what is considered as among the first necessaries of a farm-house." - Thomas Jefferson "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherentin the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." - Thomas Jefferson
  4. It has nothing to do with your numbers. It's your inability to look at anything above the surface level. It's not your fault, it's systemic.
  5. I don't have to talk to the people who were willing to pick up their own rifles and fight for their freedom. Losers like you would still be worshiping the Queen Mother and pretending people can actually be born with royal blood. And there you have it, a liberal just admitted that hunting rifles should also be illegal. Welcome to the next step in the process. How about you tell me why they shouldn't, since my right is Constitutionally protected? I don't feel the need to argue the legality further.
  6. The best part is you think you're helping your point.
  7. I never said the problems were caused exclusively by debt. Read the sentence again. But thanks for telling me I don't know what's going on, even though I've been stating on this board for a very long time that this situation was coming. Are these the same economists that completely missed this situation over the past 17 years? You'll forgive me for not giving a flying crap about their opinion.
  8. I don't support either - but don't let that stop you. The more the government has been involved in daily life, the more the gap has widened. In 1973, the government decided to get seriously involved in health care. How's that worked out for you?
  9. Obviously retarded, but you won't let that stop you if history is any gauge.
  10. I don't have all the answers. I simply know that a fresh layer of sh-- ain't making this sandwich taste any better. You people keep doing the same thing over and over but expect a different result. The solutions are worse than the problem. You let me know the very second that you're able to spend your way out of a problem caused by debt.
  11. Nice to know that in the few days I've been gone that your ability to process information is still lower than a worm's ass.
  12. Been that way since television became such a big part of American life. Too late, brother. Too late.
  13. There's a reasonable, well thought out counter point.
  14. To all of the dickheads who "support" this proposal: YOU HAVE ZERO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. There is no such thing as an "Assault Weapon". The original "Assault Weapons Ban" was likely the first time in American history that something was "banned" for having a safety feature. Apparently "Barrel Shrouds", "Bayonet Lugs", "Pistol Grips", and "Flash Suppressors" make semi-automatic weapons more dangerous than the versions that won't be banned. Ooh. Scary. Care to guess what the industry did? They worked around it. All the ban did was make the existing guns more profitable and the new ones slightly different in the looks department. Nice work, sheeple. There is virtually no functioning difference between an Ak-47 and a Winchester .308 semi-automatic hunting rifle. Check that. A person who owns a Winchester .308 hunting rifle is far more likely to hit the target they are shooting at because their gun is significantly more accurate. "Assault weapons" account for less than 1% of all weapons in America (U.S Department of Justice Survey) They are used in less than 2% of all crimes. Since the original ban sun-setted, there has been no distinguishable increase in crime. You go ahead and let me know the next time one of you is confronted by a legally owned semi-automatic assault weapon. You know, since they're obviously so dangerous. And for those of you who actually believe in the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, weapons like the AR-15 would be EXACTLY the kind that the Founding Fathers would expect an American to own. But I'd like to thank the new Administration for all but ensuring that their time in charge is going to be short because they're obviously too stupid to remember 1994 and 2000, when their gun stances cost them dearly.
  15. I freakin' loved that show. The outtakes on the DVD are hilarious. They asked him why there was no female nudity on the show. His response? "Female nudity is not funny". I loved his neighbor, who was the only one in the whole show who could actually act.
  16. It's just continuation of the inevitable fall. People keep voting for the same ideas wrapped up in slightly different packaging and pretending that it's change.
  17. The next person I "ban" for arguing with me will be the first. But you're right, I could ban him and I'd actually get kudos from moderators on the other board for doing so. But unlike you, I don't care at all if people publicly disagree with me or type posts about their views on my life. That would be a validation that you jackasses in no way deserve.
  18. Coming from a guy who recently admitted that he posts under various user names on multiple message boards? Wake up and smell what you're shoveling, hero. Any mirrors in your world, Gene? You ought to turn that "insightful" eye back toward yourself instead of projecting. You know exactly what I'm talking about but you're nowhere man enough to deal with it.
  19. Louis CK is brilliant - which should be obvious given the fact that he scraps his entire show at the end of every tour and starts from scratch.
  20. Ooh, a cutting blow - especially given the respect I have for you. Ain't it about time to change your username again, troll?
  21. I wasn't acting as a moderator, though it's not surprising that you'd be unable to tell the difference. I'm willing to guess that the closest you've ever come to a conversation with a scientist was working with your high school lab partner. "Scientists are happy to be proven wrong". Perhaps the least intelligent thing ever posted on this message board.
  22. Wall Street understands that the government trying to spend its way outta a problem that they spent their way into probably isn't the wisest choice. Change We Need.
  23. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Pretty much the only time I look at any of that stuff is when a moderator from one of the other boards mentions that one of you retards went off the reservation. Your particular case was called to attention because you used your calling card of not being able to keep your mouth shut BY BRINGING ME INTO IT. That's right people, ol' Nozzlenut decided the best defense of her using a different user name was to compare DC Tom to me. Sheer genius. Nozzlenut: Braying Very original. Like your act. Now tell everyone your husband is the reason you could never run for office.
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