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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. First smart thing they've actually proposed. The savings to the taxpayer alone is going to be astronomic.
  2. You're incredibly lucky that God gave you the ability to breathe involuntarily. I was referring to your concentration on the phrase "well regulated militia" and somehow turning that into me saying the U.S. Military grants all rights. But you keep going because it's fun to watch what you're going to spin it to next. You're all for banning something that the media is demonizing. It's not based on anything real, just the Frankenstein mob mentality and your inability to think for yourself. "It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." - Samuel Adams (I don't expect you to understand the meaning) Says the guy who is afraid of a gun he can't pick out of a lineup. That's right folks. Standing up for your Constitutional Rights is now ridiculous.
  3. Sounded? Voices in your head? Regardless, once again your ability to only concentrate on the minutia belies the bigger picture. So because you didn't see a weapon, the ban worked. Well I guess assault weapons should be legal because over 2,000,000 of them in America will never be used in an illegal manner. You're a !@#$ing idiot. That's what you're bringing to the table? I'll pretend I understand what that means. The only way it'd ever be stupid is if you quickly agreed with it. We've never been there. Actually, I believe you're a coward. That's a totally different topic. Gun ownership in and of itself doesn't factor in at all. You could own a million guns and I'd still think you're a coward. I believe that free men and people who value liberty should defend it from stupid people like you and those you align yourself with. Finally, something you can talk about with some actual experience.
  4. Sorry brother. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Those are the breaks that come with big, bureaucratic governments. If you're a partisan you have to face the reality that about half of the time the power you're willing to cede is going to go to people who totally suck. It's way easier being me and realizing pretty much everyone sucks, so totally limit their ability to do so.
  5. You didn't "take it from me", hypocrite. You inferred something I didn't say based on a phrase you don't know the meaning of. Now whine some more about me saying you want to ban guns. You know next to nothing about guns but feel perfectly fine saying people who own "lots of guns" are cowardly and that a hunting rifle should be banned. I own "lots of guns". I own 10 different shotguns alone. Each one has a specific purpose. Trap/skeet/fowl/game/etc. I also own "lots of pistols" in "lots of different calibers" for much the same reason. Your opinion on sanity is completely irrational GIVEN YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE SUBJECT. It's nice that you have an opinion on "guns they feel are bad for society as a whole" when it's more than likely you couldn't discern between weapons if your life depended on it. Because rifles are scarier than handguns?
  6. The last "ban" was based on: Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following: * Folding stock * pistol grip * Bayonet mount * Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one * Grenade launcher (more precisely, a muzzle device which enables the launching or firing of rifle grenades) Keep in mind that Grenades/Grenade launchers are illegal - but if your weapon had the lugs for it and a dreaded flash suppressor - illegal. Semi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following: * Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip * Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, handgrip, or suppressor * Barrel shroud that can be used as a hand-hold * Unloaded weight of 50 oz (1.4 kg) or more * A semi-automatic version of an automatic firearm Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following: * Folding or telescoping stock * Pistol grip * Fixed capacity of more than 5 rounds * Detachable magazine
  7. Ah, so I forgot the quotes around "assault weapon". Do you want a point for that? It'll be your first in the entire thread. THIS is your proof? Because you don't and you're simply not man enough to face it but will instead keep talking in circles hoping I'll get tired of slapping the crap out of you. Virtually everything you've stated in this thread is based on complete ignorance of the subject. It's like arguing with a epileptic lobotomized woman going through menopause. Wipe off the drool, Madge. Is there anything you actually know something about? I do love the "all my friends" agree with me thing - as if that somehow strengthens your "point". FACT: You're OK with banning a hunting rifle because it's similar to an "assault rifle". It was that simple. FACT: You've openly stated that people who own guns are cowards. FACT: You've called a ban a "MILD RESTRICTION". It's not exactly a leap.
  8. That statement reminds me of a time, not so long ago. A liberal poster on this board who was pro-gun control PM'd me because someone in the immediate family was in a relationship with someone who was engaged in criminal activity. The poster was concerned for the family's safety because they'd found something in their home and reported it to the police - who confiscated it. I was asked my opinion on should be done "gun wise" to protect the family. Laws, training, make/model of firearm and ammunition. It's amazing how quickly people's opinions change when reality may come knocking at the door. I guess that person became a "coward" too.
  9. You keep concentrating on the "well-regulated militia" part (and completely misinterpreting what that is). The 2nd Amendment is an INDIVIDUAL right (sincerely Heller vs DC). Always has been - just like all the other amendments in the Bill of Rights. Which means 20000 covers many more. This isn't that hard. I believe that history repeats itself and that human beings are money/power grubbing bastards and that free men must be eternally vigilant to remain that way. Every right infringed upon today will eventually be completely gone. Frog boiling theory. FOAD No, I didn't. Your ignorance of the Constitution and the Second Amendment are pathetically attempting to take words from my keyboard. I'm not paranoid about anything. And "BANNING" is not a "MILD RESTRICTION". Jesus Christ, buy a !@#$ing dictionary you retard. Except I didn't say any such thing. Don't let that get in the way though.
  10. You mean because that's a significant problem, right? Happens every day in a school near you. And the answer is yes. Any magazine fed semi-automatic weapon is capable. I have a perfectly legal semi-automatic shotgun that can fire 12 rounds in less than 2 seconds and many, many more if I wanted to make something with an even higher capacity (not illegal). It's more close quarters firepower than any assault weapon on the planet. It's a gun I use to trap shoot. Because of ignorant people like you, someday there will be legislation to ban it. These things are done incrementally for a reason. Because when that ban doesn't work, there will be another one. Just like there was in Britain, Australia, and Canada. Really? Name some. Since you made the statement, it shouldn't be too difficult to come up with a whole bunch of them. I'm not squirming at all and I don't have to prove to anyone who is lucid that you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're doing a fine job. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat the same thing, it's never going to be true. You mean like in Vietnam? You don't have to overtly say it. You're willingly going a long on something you're completely ignorant about. That's awesome. Just awesome.
  11. Nah, just 67% of the solution. I'm sure most people are gonna love their "tax cut" - especially when the bill comes due. Remember everyone: Increasing spending exponentially while cutting taxes is only fiscally irresponsible when Republicans do it.
  12. Without the 2nd, there is no 1st. Period. You can play the "militia" garbage but Heller has spoken. Really? So there are 20,000+ laws currently on the books regulating Free Speech? It is you who has no idea what you're talking about but that's a continuing theme. Most absurd thing ever written on PPP. The only ones who're truly paranoid are those who continue to fear inanimate objects in the hands of free men.
  13. Of course I compared them, you blockhead. They're pretty much exactly the same weapon except one of them looks menacing and people think it should be banned. The other one is apparently OK because it just looks like a hunting rifle, even though it shoots essentially the same bullet. Jesus Christ, they should legalize "cop killers" just to see if anything can get into your skull. Actually, I'll be able to continue to buy them legally. As I stated earlier, the "ban" wasn't a ban at all and this one won't be either. The weapons were all still available, only they looked slightly different. But the ignorant (like you) have the misguided idea that something else was going on, which is pretty much how it works and why the freedom continues to be eroded. Bans don't work. Never have, never will. They don't keep drugs out of schools. They don't keep guns out of the hands of criminals. They wouldn't keep abortions from happening. They make weak minded people feel like they're accomplishing something because they simply can't face reality. There are no facts to distort, though you wouldn't be able to weed through and pick them out anyway. There's no answer to someone who doesn't have a clue. If I looked like anything other than a lunatic to someone like you, I'd question my own sanity. Is the military unnecessary? Quite probably but that'll never happen now that we've basically forced everyone in the world into thinking otherwise. And if you don't think America could be defended with 200,000,000+ individually owned weapons, you don't know much about history. Especially American history. You can give me a millennium because your "question" has been answered throughout history, a subject you're obviously quite ignorant of. The fact that YOU don't like the answer or come up with an argument other than "Steely Dan can't think of a reason people should own a gun, so that's good enough" is pathetic - like virtually every take you have on virtually every subject. You're a coward and the implication that you're perfectly OK with banning things you have nary a clue about proves that. You can put lipstick on that pig all day long but it's still a pig. Now go back to watching the talking babysitter for further instructions.
  14. I wasn't assuming anything, which is why I used "likely" - because so many similar stories exist right now. Like I'm going to miss a chance to smack the bureaucracy. Please. And I've been called worse by more important people. Bring it on, bastard.
  15. Only if you want more power for the faceless entity, silly.
  16. Why the hell would you want to? BB.com is like the Special Ed room after a day of Jolt and Pop Rocks.
  17. STFU, rookie and sing me your fight song.
  18. I wouldn't expect you to be honest if it were. And you, of all people, know I'm not a dumbass. Someone with your gift for the written word can do much better than a 5-word, inappropriately punctuated sentence. But it's nice to know I can still piss you off at my leisure.
  19. So not wanting to give up my money to a faceless bureaucracy in Washington for whatever "Program of the Day" that's in vogue is now "hoarding my money" or "spending it all on myself"? How very honest.
  20. Too bad it's likely that the big government you love so much is the reason you parted with that money.
  21. You have yet to bring up a salient point worth discussing. It's much the same way you "discuss" music. You're a typical coward who hides behind "worst case scenario" B.S. that's neither honest nor relevant. Then you overtly pretend to be it's intelligent when you know you don't have a leg to stand on. The cool part is you're the first to point it out when someone with an opposing political view does the same thing. One more thing: You need to look up the definition of taunt. You obviously have no idea what it means.
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