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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'd be happy if the assclowns on Capital Hill would change the law back to allow my employers to pay for the TriCare Supplement. Heaven forbid the government allow me to have private insurance to supplement the veteran benefit I earned.
  2. The politicians love the class warfare thing. It keeps people from concentrating on real problems and the fact that they are generally caused by the politicians.
  3. I've been following it. I'm not surprised by it - it's one of those things I've feared since Clinton left office and guys like Kerry and Gore were put forth.
  4. I haven't watched it since the beginning of the year (my schedule has been crazy) but I doubt "The Daily Show" would ever allow the sins that have been exposed thus far to go unpunished. They don't exist because they're partisan. They exist because they're funny and good at what they do. They were just really fortunate to have so much absurdity to cover over the last 8 years at the hand of the so-called "conservatives". They wouldn't be around long if it was an overtly partisan show and they know it.
  5. So Peters didn't allow more sacks than any other LT? And Pro Bowl voting isn't an absolute joke?
  6. The BILLS were VERY afraid that he wasn't going to come back from the serious injury he'd suffered the previous season, a fact that was further enhanced by the fact that Peters stayed away from the team completely during his hold out. I doubt ANY team in the NFL would have handled the situation any differently given the circumstances. The BILLS were also very unfortunate that Peters was again voted to the Pro Bowl - another fact made worse by the fact that he in no way deserved the honor. Now they're left holding the bag on a guy who pretty much sucked last season but who wants to be paid like he didn't. It's too bad they didn't draft Ryan Clady because he's already a better LT than Peters and he's nowhere near the headcase.
  7. Keith McKellar was a better TE than the Bricklayer but injuries cut his career short. He had all the tools.
  8. Russert was THE best. There wasn't even anyone near him. Anyone who shows any semblance of journalistic integrity will never see the camera because that's just not how it works anymore. We deserve better but we don't demand it - so we get what we get. It's a continuing theme across virtually every spectrum. Stewart is an ideological hack but he has more integrity than virtually anyone in the for profit media. It's going to be interesting to see how he handles the absurdity of the Dummycrats over the next few years.
  9. It was Losman's guy to pick up. Peters was responsible for air on that play. [/tards]
  10. You mean because that's not happening with it being illegal? At some point people need to do a real risk assessment and determine what they're truly willing to pay for. Paying out countless billions on vice enforcement isn't working and virtually every level of government is currently so far beyond bankrupt that they should really invent a new word for it. Drugs/Prostitution/Gambling/etc are all STILL happening and the peripheral crime that goes with it is more costly and violent than the crimes themselves. We'd be far ahead of the game by spending a fraction of the money on education and treatment instead of creating cottage industries to incarcerate people while letting violent criminals back into the population due to overcrowding. It's beyond ridiculous. People will ALWAYS pay for sex/do drugs/gamble. It is what it is. But if we take away the 1000+ points of profit margin and the cost of peripheral crime... I've never smoked pot. I've also never met someone stoned on it who wanted to commit a violent crime. Alcohol? Some of the worst behavior I've ever witnessed has been at Rich Stadium, committed by BILLS fans who were drunk out of their minds. But Anheuser Busch does the best SB commercials...
  11. DEs? Don't you mean DBs? Like the one he missed in the Jets' game because his lazy, unmotivated ass never got out of his stance? Million dollar athlete, $.10 worth of intellect. Willis McGahee with a bigger waist.
  12. I think one of the saddest statement about today's media is that John Stewart is likely the toughest interviewer our nation has to offer.
  13. Yeah, it's only 2%. 2% here and 2% there has eventually added up to a deficit of over $10,000,000,000,000.00 with the projected addition of $1,750,000,000,000.00 this year and another $1,100,000,000,000.00 next year. But go ahead and keep telling yourself that Congress has better things to do, ya moron.
  14. Yeah, it would have been awfully tough for him to veto the bill with the contingency that he'd pass it immediately without the earmarks. That would be actual leadership and "Change We Need". Instead we get more of the same accompanied by the typical liberal apology that he just needs more time to grow some gnads.
  15. Go ahead. I didn't vote for any of them. You didn't strike a nerve, I simply get tired of liberals complaining about money being spent. It's what you friggin' people vote for and then you whine about it.
  16. I guess your point is the people of Alaska voted themselves all that money, right? Because that's how the process works? There is some delicious irony to you visiting the "Taxpayers for Common Sense" website. Go ahead and let your liberal politicians know that you don't think your state got enough money or that some other state got a disproportionate amount of money the country doesn't actually have. I'm sure they'll do their best to rectify the situation when the next "Stimulus" bill comes around and we go a little closer to the abyss.
  17. Don't worry. NEXT time they put earmarks in a bill, he'll wag his finger even more sternly AND he'll furrow his brow. THAT will show them he means business.
  18. Things didn't "turn out alright under Ronald". And they're not going to "turn around" because of "Change", either.
  19. You're not missing anything. He's legendary in his own mind and the worst thing that ever happened to the BILLS was him making his first Pro Bowl (more an indictment of the LT position in the AFC than anything Peters has actually done). Peters' "career" is best summed up by the "sack/fumble/TD" in the Jets game that the brainiacs around here continue to blame on Losman. Peters never got out of his friggin' stance on that play and got absolutely wasted by a DB. That NEVER happens to a true Pro Bowler. EVER. If ANY team wanted to give us 2 first round picks for him, I'd do it in a heartbeat. His "potential" is pretty much always going to be a tease. He's a lazy, stupid football player with ridiculous talent.
  20. Perhaps U.S. foreign policy makers would be better served analyzing the blowback from their bad policies rather than continuing them and hoping they'll somehow end differently...
  21. Cutler has ridiculous talent. Last season, he was basically asked to carry his football team every week. They started something like 27 different running backs (/exaggeration), were successful offensively with their "Go To" guy in the first few games being a rookie second round draft choice, and their defense was beyond terrible. He's a kid. He's like Jim Kelly was with the Houston Gamblers - just learning the game. If he continues to develop, he has Hall of Fame written all over him.
  22. Translation: Our spouses fly on taxpayer dime on military aircraft but politician's dime when they go commercial... Now get back to grilling the automaker CEOs about wasting money they don't have. You know, because they can't just spend money they don't have on "the full faith and credit of the United States."
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