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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Except nothing has to be 100% failing or even close to it for government to subsidize it. It's never worked that way (especially when the FSA is involved) and it never will. But thanks for coming back with an actual strawman of your own because the continuing hypocrisy masked as condescension is so very surprising.
  2. That he certainly wasn't a part of while he was in Congress. You know, the people who actually propose the budget. But let's pretend we can borrow our way out of debt. When the Republicans do it, it's economic suicide. When the liberals do it, it's the bestest plan we could possibly come up with.
  3. Has banning drugs made them more difficult to get? Here's a newsflash, Sparky: CRIMINALS DON'T CARE ABOUT LAWS. Rational gun laws don't take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. You can pass all the leftislation you want, "assault weapons" and hand guns aren't going away. They'll still be manufactured in other countries, bought by criminals, and traded all around the world because they're basically used as currency. The only thing you ignorant morons will be successful in is eliminating another thing we actually manufacture competitively in the United States.
  4. How about a guy who shows up to spend time talking about two guys who spend "hour after hour ranting and raving"? Somehow in your mind that makes you better?
  5. You mean because Fox is actually different from the drivel you watch?
  6. Oh thanks, I'm all too happy to get slack from someone who buys the argument that they're taxing tobacco to pay for health care - but I'm the one who isn't smart. You might as well change your moniker to "Bad Liberal Talking Point".
  7. Welcome to the blame game. Don't worry, I'm sure our politicians will use the capital they're gaining from the publicity to further degrade our Constitutional rights. And the minions will continue to follow blindly, applauding like the trained animals they are.
  8. How do you figure? I would venture to guess that a large number of people get more of their "news" from the talking heads than anywhere else. This board has significant proof. Limbaugh and Beck are as much media as anyone on any other network.
  9. Your ability to focus on the minutia while ignoring reality is unparalleled here. Congratulations. I'm sorry you don't agree that there will eventually be subsidies for the "poor" tobacco farmers who're being taxed out of existence and that the "stimulus" isn't all about keeping the power while paying political debts. I guess that's because you're a hypocrite. Go ahead and gouge your eyes out. From your "wisdom", you're not using them for much anyway.
  10. You obviously don't know much about BILLS' history. Marv wasn't even close to the worst GM in BILLS' history.
  11. You have to do that when you're broke. Of course, as a citizen if you did the same thing they'd start seizing your assets. I think those who have an IOU from the state, you ought to head down to the nearest State Building and start looting until you have enough stuff to sell on EBay to cover their debt. Fair is fair.
  12. NYS: Taxing their way to Prosperity, one budget at a time.
  13. - Sincerely, Walter Reed Army "Medical" Center
  14. Some other "vice" that the "masters" deem bad for the populace. And they'll be lauded by the lemmings for being so proactive.
  15. How could he? He doesn't understand any of it. Liberals actually think governments CAN spend their way out of recessions and borrow their way out of debt.
  16. Medical care is like anything else in the world - about 10% of the people are competent. It's a total crapshoot. Anyone who skis and doesn't wear a helmet is playing the lottery and the older you are the worse your odds get.
  17. You disagree with "God doesn't play a role" in HIS point of view? And people think I'm arrogant?
  18. I don't really have a take because I don't know what the $140 million was actually for. Sure seems like a lot of money under the guise of "volcano monitoring". I have the same amount of apathy for the "AIG Bonus" thing. We seem to be wasting a lot of time talking about individual rain drops in a lake of wasted cash - but that's what they want us to do.
  19. You mean because either of those things is legal in California?
  20. Decided not to comment on your hero's latest proposal, huh? Big surprise there.
  21. I guess the people in the travel industry, who depend on such things, don't much matter to you. Everything is a ripple effect, liberal shill. Try looking at the big picture once in awhile.
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