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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. My take on it is the same as it always has been. Foreign politicians do whatever works for their situation. I'm sure you were one of the rest of the sheep who threw the "Bush Bad" when France was whining like a B word over Iraq (solely because they knew an invasion was going to cost them a ton of Saddam's coin).** This is no different - except that your guy is in the cross hairs this time. So now it's "Shut up Frenchie". **This is in no way saying the Invasion of Iraq was the correct move. It is simply a commentary on why France was whining about it and it was totally about money, no matter what other reasons they gave.
  2. Shouldn't the Jets be holding their training camp in the state they actually play in? I'm sure Secaucus would love the business.
  3. Brought to you by the same people who gave us "Sluggalo". Love the new era.
  4. I stopped eating pasta so I could have a wicked cool sink. Duh. I have a Pasta Pot. I just leave the hot water on the stove until after dinner. It cools enough to pour down the disposal. The added benefit is you can quickly make more pasta because you didn't pour the water down the sink.
  5. So your answer is to use key regular position players to play a part time role on special teams instead of a proven, very dangerous special teamer? You know, one who regularly helps give an offensively challenged team better field position? That's like saying it would have been smart to cut Tasker because he couldn't be a regular contributor on offense. Yeah, you'd be a great addition to the BILLS front office. You could save Ralph a bunch of money he doesn't need while continuing the trend of not winning.
  6. You don't have "time"? That's the lamest response you've ever posted and that's quite an accomplishment. You're nothing more than a !@#$ing myna bird who repeats whatever he hears with the zeal of a two year old who's been promised a trip to Chucky Cheese. You've got plenty of time. What you're missing is ability.
  7. They tell you not to pour boiling water in the sink. I've never done it but the installers were very sincere about it.
  8. You know, I've never met anyone who had the cabbage to waste on that thing. Looks like Lance Armstrong's torture device.
  9. Right. Because trading a proven player for a 4th round draft choice is brilliant strategy. Care to list the last decade of BILLS' 4th rounders? Only Terrance McGee has contributed more than Parrish. The BILLS aren't in a financial bind. They don't need to trade Parrish and giving up one of the true difference makers on the roster is just the kind of stupidity that has kept this team irrelevant. Unless Parrish is a problem in the locker room he's worth far more as just a punt returner than a friggin' 4th round choice.
  10. They're a very entertaining team to watch and play harder than any team in the league on a nightly basis. They could be ridiculous in a couple of seasons when Johnson is healthy and experienced and the other draft choices (Eller, Pietrangelo, Junland, etc) starting working their way into the lineup. That's implying that Mason is the real deal and one of the multitudes of netminders in the system actually pans out. There isn't anyone on the planet who'd have picked the Blues to make the playoffs after seeing Legacy would lose "it", Brewer/Johnson/Kariya miss most or all of the season, and the team losing nearly 500 man games to injury. Now they're the team no one wants to play.
  11. We have a corian sink with corian countertops. It's fine. Our sink is white and we use SoftScrub to clean it. Looks pretty much the same as the day we put it in. This is the second house we've had "solid surface" countertops/sinks. We've never had any problems with them. In my experience there isn't any difference between any of the solid surfaces. It's all about what you like the look of/are willing to pay for. The sales pitches are pretty much just that.
  12. Way to fan the flames with stupidity. Quick, everyone complain about the media.
  13. That would have been my first response to him when he started his sh--. Followed by "when you sell one/one hundreth the number of albums Tom Petty has sold, you can compare yourself to him, you pompous !@#$ing assclown."
  14. I think the first thing to change is how much press they give to these douche bags. Stop making them famous and I bet the numbers drop precipitously. And I didn't think you were advocating disarmament (just FYI).
  15. Really? How many of these weirdos ever attack a police station? They choose places like schools because they with virtually absolute certainty that they'll be able to execute people at their whim. There are always going to be people who commit mayhem. If we removed guns from society, these idiots would drive their cars into crowds, knife kids on a playground, or pull a Murrah. I'd love to find a way to stop it completely but the gene pool would need a whole lot more chlorine than is currently available. It's kinda like wishing we could stop spending a half a trillion a year on the military and instead put that money into making the average guy's life a little better. It's a nice idea but it ain't close to reality.
  16. Dale Hellestrae played 15 years in the NFL and won 3 SB Rings. Derrick Burroughs was on the verge of greatness until his injury. Chris Burkett led the NFL in YPC in 1986 with 22.9 on 34 receptions. Hal Garner was a very good Special Teams player for the BILLS for 6 seasons until his back finally gave out. Ron Pitts played 4 seasons in the league and had 7 interceptions. Traynowicz was in the league 5 seasons and played a ton of Special Teams for the BILLS. Who knows how his career would have turned out had Kent Hull not been signed. Jimmy Teal didn't play much or do anything but stuck around the league 5 seasons. Add to that one of the 3 best DEs who ever played this game, a HoF receiver, and the best backup QB of his era and you have a pretty impressive class.
  17. You're getting the response you deserve. You asked an incredibly stupid question with the typical narrow, uninformed view . It's no different than the response I'd give to someone who thinks all there is to Buffalo is snow. Anyone who has "lived" in either area knows there's a hell of a lot more to each than the stereotypes. I doubt my heating bill is much higher than anyone who lives in the Northeast (I've never paid $1600 a YEAR to heat my house, much less a month), our winters are neither six months long, nor do they have "45 minutes" of daylight. The average person isn't going to experience any more crime in Anchorage than any other U.S. city its size, and I'm married. Shame on you. And if you think that an insult from you has any effect, you're quite mistaken. Dickhead? However will I recover?
  18. Wow, you have Alaska totally pegged. I'm really glad we never have to worry about you visiting. !@#$ing uneducated Neanderthals.
  19. Given your condition on a "drunken bus trip", it's not much of a stretch to believe it wasn't your first go around at the rodeo. Add to that the stories you told then and the "life experiences" you allude to, it's not exactly a stretch. You're a parody of the dude you try to pull off. No one is buying. Not even you.
  20. I sat next to you on a bus, you friggin' heathen. Of course, it's likely you were too drunk to actually remember it. Can the superiority complex, you just can't pull it off.
  21. If you'd ever actually seen the guy, you'd get what a hoot him calling other people "unwashed" actually is.
  22. A variety of reasons, including: 1. Much of the state is basically a third world country. The villages are significantly more dangerous than the cities as they don't have/want real law enforcement. Remoteness + alcohol = violent crime, especially towards the women. I'd venture to guess that the reported crimes barely touch the tip of the iceberg on what really goes on away from cites you can access by road. 2. A whole lot of criminals from the Lower 48 end up here because they know they have a better chance of staying out of jail as long as they stay off the radar. 3. The Alaska "Natives" have a ridiculous contribution to the totals, for a variety of reasons. Cultural differences, the ridiculous rate of alcoholism, etc. 4. Substance abuse. One stat that the police recite with regularity is that after 10:00 PM in Anchorage, 13 of 14 motorists are under the influence of alcohol. Substance abuse is the biggest factor in crime here. Thanks for asking the question, even though you had an ulterior motive.
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