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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Go ahead and explain "Natural Law" for the rest of us. This is my second request. Are you !@#$ing kidding me? Beliefs? Like those who worship invisible entities and pretend they can somehow be everywhere? How exactly did we heterosexuals realize our sexual "beliefs"? That's not a "better" question. It's the dumbest one you've asked so far. Marriage throughout human history isn't sacred at all. That's why it's been "arranged", "bought" (dowry), etc. And the modern American version of it is the least sacred of all. Why the hell do you zealots care what the hell they call it? Why is it that you preach about things that you absolutely refuse to practice? So in your "mind", allowing any two adults to live the way they choose automatically translates to future incestuous behavior and pedophilia? Very credible. So even though queers aren't allowed to have a piece of paper and enjoy the same rights at those who're blessed with "Natural Law" on their side, marriage and family values are already "clearly destroyed?" Why is it when dudes like you have no leg to stand on that you automatically fire the biggest dummy round in the gun? Fags marrying and having the same rights as Heterosexuals = Anarchy? Priceless. Retarded, but priceless.
  2. None of that stuff was reported with the stuff I mentioned. The report was literally: "A search of the suspect's apartment netted zip ties, duct tape, a semi-automatic weapon, and ammunition. I don't care about the guy at all and am not following the story. I'm simply making an observation on the media and how they reported these particular "details".
  3. My "objection" is totally about the reporting and has nothing to do with the fact that a "semi-automatic" weapon was mentioned. I'm not sure how anyone can "objectively" look at "evidence" being "reported" by the mass media. But thanks for proving once again, beyond reasonable doubt, that you are a moron who can only process buzzwords and not actual information.
  4. Yeah, I hate the Constitution. So do the kids at Duke who had their lives ruined by the media and were found to be the victims of heinous prosecutorial misconduct. Heaven forbid the media not sensationalize everything. On the radio yesterday they reported a search of "Craigslist Killer's" home ended up finding "duct tape, zip ties, a semi-automatic weapon, and ammunition". It's time to start putting about half of middle class adults in jail based on that bounty.
  5. I don't have on red glasses, you idiot. You're a fuggin' parrot who has little clue what he's talking about. Obama is among the most liberal politicians in this country.
  6. Casserly's OLine in Houston was one of the worst in HISTORY. That said, he's likely just repeating what his sources tell him.
  7. Which is all the more reason to give them exactly what they're asking for...
  8. I think our quota of linemen who won't help us win on Sundays is already filled. Jonas Jennings? Jesus.
  9. What straight dude would sit through a beauty pageant?
  10. Really? So why are you sexually attracted to the type of woman/man you are? Go ahead and explain it for the rest of the class. "Natural Law"? Because homosexuality doesn't exist in nature? Please tell me you're not going to pretend to understand "Nature" when you're obviously one of those Creationist idiots who ignores science when it comes to Evolution but pretends that it's on their side in this particular instance. Why are "religious figures" off limits? The reason the government has to "enforce" beliefs is because people like you deny the minority the same rights you enjoy. Now go sloganeer some more stuff about America being "Free" while you discriminate against adults who choose to live their lives in ways that aren't to your liking. A term like: "homosexual lie" and the ignorance that you perpetuate is eerily similar to the denial of rights throughout human history to every group that is different than the majority. It's funny how people of your political ideal look down on places like Iran but use exactly the same tactics... Welcome to what happens when people are denied basic decency by the ignorant majority. The pendulum tends to swing the other way just as far.
  11. No kidding. Gee Eric, I'm sorry that your kids will have to see things in the world that are untoward. I'm sure seeing a couple of gay people is going to scar them far worse than being raised by your crazy ass.
  12. John Murtha is the Democratic version of Ted Stevens. Of course, this topic has been completely ignored by the liberaltards on this board. Big surprise there.
  13. None of his suggestions are even remotely based in reality - but that's to be expected given the nature of public "education" today.
  14. Fox News isn't overwhelmingly Conservative. They're overwhelmingly Republican.
  15. Let's all keep talking about our "Free" country.
  16. There isn't anything "middle road" about President Obama. And when the economy finally recovers, it'll be in spite of the ridiculous "efforts" of the government.
  17. The BILLS problem isn't a physical talent issue. It's a mental issue coupled with piss poor game management. It'd take a hell of an argument for me to believe Bill Belichick wouldn't have had last year's team in the post season and that Dick Jauron would have had the Pats around 6-10. Until the culture changes, it doesn't matter which individual player gets drafted.
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