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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Me too. I'm not wicked pissed about Byrd - we need a real safety to pair with Whitner and it IS a glaring weakness, especially on third downs. BUT...I was really hoping for Unger. Not because I've ever seen him play or really know anything about him but it'd have been nice to have the team screw up trying to do the right thing for a change.
  2. Except he's projected to be a safety - a position we spent most of last season filling with a converted WR. But why let that get in the way of a nice estrogen filled rant? I mean, you've heard of Everette Brown. So if we'd picked him you'd be happy. You wouldn't really know dick about him, but it's all about your happiness...
  3. I bet the people who sit around you will be happy to hear this. I mean, if you're this big of a doucherocket over a pick in the draft, you must be a complete ass clown on Sundays.
  4. It makes me hate the pick slightly less. It's just tough to be happy when there were very good O/D Linemen still there for the taking. 3 seasons from now this could be a great pick - we really need a physical presence in the middle. Really haven't had it since Leonard Smith left (Lawyer could have been that guy but really wasn't).
  5. I'm sure they project him as a safety but it seems awfully early to pick him. Here's to hoping he's a player and that passing on more highly rated guys (a continuing theme) doesn't come back to bite us for another decade.
  6. I don't see Rey falling much further. Certainly he can't be available at 42, right?
  7. This is a good/great pick. It's the one we should have made with Mangold instead of McCargo.
  8. Yeah, I deal in absolutes most of the time. Of course there are no "rural parts of California". I guess I didn't live there for 5 years. New York is a dying state. California isn't. Anything that gives big companies another advantage in a place like New York is an all but guaranteed killer of a small business segment because they're barely holding on there as it is.
  9. California is different than New York because of population concentration. I think there is validity to killing off the mom and pop places Upstate.
  10. I agree with that completely. Evans is a homerun hitter - he's never going to be a guy who can do what Boldin does without a serious threat opposite of him. Boldin's toughness/size is the critical difference.
  11. The best part is your explanations are incredibly dumbed down but conner's estrogen level is so high he still can't process the information.
  12. I'm not dismissing Boldin's talent - I'd love to have the guy and would gladly give up the 2 to get him because he's a proven player. That doesn't mean he exists on an island (pretty much the way it's been for Evans his entire career). In Boldin's rookie year, the team was 4-12 and outscored 452-225. Think they played from behind a lot and the passing stats got a little skewed because Blake/McCown were throwing against prevent?
  13. Not only did Congress refuse, apparently the mass media refuses to report on it. Let's keep debating the nuances, partisans.
  14. You mean because the BILLS offense outside Evans is close to comparable to the Cardinals right? I mean Josh Reed is obviously equivalent to Larry Fitzgerald and Trent Edwards is the second coming of Warner.
  15. I'm sure you had to look that up. Right?
  16. The only thing more disturbing than Larry King is the fact that you're somehow in tune with what was on his show.
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