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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You mean like "we have to believe the scientists, because they have a consensus", even though they don't? They have a Frankenstein mob and lotsa money. Yeah, "Global Warming" can pretty much be summed up to that - it's pretty much that big a crock. Your response is pretty much expected given you likely haven't read a single "real" piece of data or scientific paper on the subject. It has nothing to do with a crystal ball. It has to do with being able to separate the wheat from the chaff. You can't do it, so you immediately discredit it with things like "pick a stock" and "lottery numbers". "Global Warming" started out as junk science and it has morphed into religion fed into by people like you who refuse to spend even a second looking at it objectively but are instead "convinced" like a crow is by a piece of aluminum foil.
  2. What a gigantic crock of Pavlovian crap. There are so many holes in "anthropogenic global warming" that the "scientists" won't even entertain real debate on it. The difference between you and I is I'm actually making an informed decision on it. It started as a lie based on the now (in)famous "Hockey Stick Graph" and people like you have allowed it to perpetuate into what is basically law because a lie repeated often enough with money behind it becomes exactly that. "Global Warming" is nothing more than "Urban Heating" + "Increased Solar Activity". Period. One doesn't have to be a "climate scientist" to figure this stuff out. It's not complicated to understand that we don't understand 1% of what is actually going on nor have anywhere near the accurate data required, therefore we cannot make predictions that hold any water. "Global Warming" (which is so stupid they needed a new buzzphrase. Personally I'm glad they settled on "Climate Change" because that's ALWAYS been the case) is the "Nuclear Winter" and "Salem Witch Trials" of our generation. And science will one day look back on this ridiculousness and prove it to be exactly what it is. And you'll be incredibly wrong, just like the "Flat Earthers". Really? Who brought up the fact that I only think this way because of my political ideals? Incompetence isn't conspiratorial.
  3. While Ralph is not the best owner/manager in the world and certainly isn't my favorite person, I'd venture to guess he's done more good in the world than everyone who shares any DNA with you combined.
  4. Yeah, homosexuality is increasing because of social causes. Not as nature's response to overpopulation. Remember when you made the "decision" on the type of woman you were attracted to? Yeah, didn't think so. The rest of your blather is nothing more than drilled response. Incarceration is "up" because as our society "advances" it continues to remove personal freedom. The U.S. Tax Code alone is over thirteen THOUSAND pages. But we can pretend that people deciding they no longer want to live together is the reason more people are in jail because it fits the zealot zeitgeist. Now get back to worshiping the all powerful invisible being because it's easier than facing the really tough questions of existence. GOD SAID SO! BTW, queers got married in Iowa this morning. Oh, the horror.
  5. It has nothing to do with my political ideal and much more to do with my natural skepticism. We're being sold the typical bill of goods for a variety of reasons, the largest of which is collectively humans are sheep. Actually, I'm quite sure I'm far more of an authority on it than you are and I'm not wrong. The "science" isn't compelling and it's not particularly good. I'm sure that's the same argument the "Earth is Flat" society used. It was really stupid then, too. Ah, so only your "informed" regurgitation is worthy of being sent out to the masses? Noted. Look, if "Global Warming" gets human beings to slow down polluting fresh water (an actual serious environmental problem), then it'll actually be worth something. Until then, it serves the purpose of making certain people rich and the masses into the panic ridden twits they continue to be.
  6. Shut up! Those arguments are only hypocritical on stuff we don't like. Global Warming is an invention of the "scientists" on the UN payroll. It's not even remotely science. That is not to say that we don't need to be better stewards of the environment, either. That much is abundantly clear.
  7. He certainly has ball skills and the reports on him are "a sure tackler" - neither of which are Ko Simpson's strengths.
  8. I had such high hopes for Milloy. I don't follow college football much but it's tough to argue with this first day because the potential is certainly there.
  9. I liked Kurt but he seemed to tattoo our guys more than the opponents. I don't think he was much of a ball hawk (as this guy is projected to be) but at least he was a guy who made opposing WRs think about going over the middle. Simpson looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane.
  10. I'm still waiting for Scott to take the proper angle toward ANY ball.
  11. How many games did James Hardy start last season? Or Josh Reed, Chris Kelsey, Roscoe Parrish, etc in their rookie seasons? Second round draft choices aren't guarantees.
  12. He's not a backup - It's probably better than 50/50 if he begins the season healthy that he's one of the starting safeties.
  13. How much confidence would you have in Butler? Levitra (yeah, I know) has played Guard and BOTH tackle positions in college. He's going to be an important guy even if he doesn't crack the starting lineup.
  14. BYRD IS NOT A CB. He'll play safety in the NFL. You know, one of the glaring weaknesses on our team?
  15. I think he's going to be like Mawae - play guard for a season or 2 until he gets the calls down then move over. That's probably wise given that we have a young QB.
  16. Let's see: 1. Drafted a pass rusher - which is something this team sucks at. Doesn't matter if he can't play every down. If he can help on 3rd downs, he'll be worth it. 2. Drafted a starting OLineman. An interior one at that. I was so amazed I almost passed out. 3. Drafted what is likely to be one of the starting safeties on opening day. That's not a bad first day haul, really. We'll know for sure in a couple of seasons.
  17. Great. How's he going to do on Sundays? Because that's the only question that matters - and no one knows the answer... The draft is a crapshoot. Always has been.
  18. I remember the excitement here at TBD when we got such great value for Kelsey - who was projected as a late first rounder. Now STFU.
  19. I love Orakpo - especially the film of him spending the afternoon on his ass against Pettigrew. I don't know much about Maybin and neither does anyone posting on this board. I hope he turns out to be awesome.
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