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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The same way the government makes sure illegal drugs don't "get into the wrong hands"? Chipping away another layer of stupidity, one post at a time.
  2. Yeah, God forbid you people face your own hypocrisy. Quick, tell everyone how you love the sinner but hate the sin - all the while treating the "sinner" as a lesser person because they're different.
  3. Except government is being run EXACTLY like a large business. It's just too bad that so many of you can't see it. Quick, whine about tax payer money being spent to prop up corporations while your masters are awarding TRILLIONS of dollars we don't have to people who helped them get elected.
  4. It's called history, Eric. You've been a moron pretty much your entire existence here. Playing nice for a short period of time or two doesn't change that. The fact that the vast majority of humanity is comprised of morons is on display daily on this board. I don't think "Scott" gives a flying crap, nor should he. Everyone who spends any time on ANY politics board that is open to the general public is going to look remarkably similar to PPP. It is what it is and you pretending to be on good behavior and above the fray is just another "side" of your personal ridiculousness. And thanks for telling me I'm a "bright guy". I've been searching for validation from people like you my entire life. You want to stop being called a moron? Stop posting like one.
  5. It's so nice to see someone who exists here only to cause problems pretend she's somehow above the fray. Quick liberal mouthbreathers, join hands with Nozzle and sing about how you've all been wronged at PPP. It never gets old.
  6. People like free money. Liberals should understand that better than anyone.
  7. Yeah, it's a trick. You call me a name, then pretend to be a victim. Now you're playing the "this board would be way better if you were nicer", which is another giant crock. Politics is nasty business. Always has been, always will be. If you don't like the tone of the board, find another place to spew your drivel.
  8. My favorite TSW thread of all time was another Ed classic: "The Telephone Pole". Sadly, it got nuked. It had it all - and then some.
  9. Ah, so you didn't respond to one of my posts with "you guys are stumps"? Or is that meant to be extra-flattering "Riddler Speak"? Get over yourself. It's PPP, either thicken the skin or hit the road.
  10. You think that sucks, you should be subjected to your own posts...
  11. I wonder if any other historical figures tried to do similar things with entire classes of people? Perhaps I'll try to steer you smart. I guess the whole "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" needs to be caveated with "as long as Eric and the rest of the mouthbreathers agree". I don't have to read the ToS. You called me a stump. It's no surprise to me that you can't take what you dish out - it's just a continuation of your overwhelming hypocrisy. Now run along, there are gay people who YOU need to steer straight.
  12. Yeah, my ability to point out your stupidity has never been more acute.
  13. Nah, he probably figures that the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights actually means something.
  14. You mean because homosexuals are more predisposed to be pedophiles than heterosexuals? Any other fearmongering you'd like to throw out there? Marriage = word. You = coward.
  15. Stick with the "I don't want my kids to be harmed by seeing two people of the same sex holding hands" argument. That's the best one.
  16. Your ignorance if history is unparalleled. Now get back to denying people rights based on costs, you cowardly hypocrite.
  17. Man, that's a great argument. I liked it just as much when they were using it to keep interracial marriage illegal.
  18. I'm a huge fan of picking up sucky players who're cut by sucky teams.
  19. Let me know when Peters plays more than half a season at the elite level.
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