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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. NYS has BEEN in the pooper. The only question left is how far into the sewer it's going to sink.
  2. Actually, the #1 argument for term limits is re-election rates (NYS was over 95% last time I looked). If liberals are so bent on helping the stupid, term limits ought to be the first plank in their platform.
  3. When I went to the U.S. Census Bureau and looked at their figures, I found that the 2 states are very similar in costs in everything except Real Estate, where the average Floridian pays a significantly higher premium, and utilities, where NY residents are paying more. The Real Estate difference is to be expected, given supply/demand and the likelihood that with more people with money there will be significantly more expensive houses built and beach front also tends to skew costs. People and business are fleeing NYS and have been for decades. They move to places like Florida. Your "argument" is typical liberal blather.
  4. Actually, the problem with Iraq was attacking a sovereign nation that wasn't any kind of threat to the national security of the United States. You know, because stuff like that is expensive in ways that than the only current measurement being used (U.S. taxpayer dollars). At some point, even the warmongers are going to realize that blowback is a very real deal.
  5. Way to take one small set of data and pretend that somehow proves anything. But you're among the intellectual elite. New York is just about out of "other people's" money. What will you liberal idiots do then? Because taxing your way to prosperity ain't worked yet.
  6. No black person alive went through slavery in America. Don't let that stop the stupidity, though because the crutch is definitely helping.
  7. I have a hard time blaming Levy for Jauron given Ralph's "history" on hiring coaches. We got exactly what we were willing to pay for.
  8. That play was pretty indicative of Dockery's tenure with the BILLS. He never played to his size, especially in the run game. His pass blocking was even worse.
  9. Because Spagnolo understands that to win Championships in today's NFL you need guys who are both big AND athletic.
  10. About the same thing that happened to the Bill of Rights.
  11. I'm not at all surprised you'd miss the wisdom of "not feeding the trolls". You know, given that's pretty much been your primary role here. But full marks for the misguided attempt at condescension.
  12. Who won the easiest Gold Medal in history? RIP, coach.
  13. Butler was TERRIBLE last season. Absolutely terrible.
  14. About as stupid as you do for actually continuing to feed the beast.
  15. Finally, something you have actual expertise in.
  16. They'd still be whining and you guys would still be defending the very rationale that all but guarantees continued terrorist attacks. Life goes on. Blowback, it's what's for dinner.
  17. Which completely ignores reality. AK-47s are traded as currency throughout the world. Has been that way since their invention and it's not going to stop because liberals want to save the world from itself. If you over-regulate manufacturing in "civilized" countries, manufacturing will simply move underground and criminals will be the only ones who get guns. Guess who wins then? Ideology land exists only in your head. Stick to screwing over the queers.
  18. When Christian "fundamentalists" are able to regain a country and rule religiously, they won't act much different than other "fundamentalists". It's been proven throughout history.
  19. Way to go Britain. Nothing like validating that douche bag.
  20. That's because most people on this board don't know crap about football.
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