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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You're finally correct about something. It's just too bad that you're actually one of them.
  2. It doesn't have anything to do with whether they can find out "where" our military bases are, you unbelievable simpleton.
  3. The "truth" is whatever group "feels" victimized for at any given time or clings to as "proof". Using that "lahjik" everyone's a victim. Oh, poor you. I'm quite sure "God" wouldn't appreciate you using a bully pulpit to talk down at people, but if you're like the majority of "believers", then you're a hypocrite anyway. I'm sorry that you're not allowed to preach at kids in schools and whatever else your sect of zealots currently believes in but is being "persecuted" for. Now run off and talk to your imaginary friend about Natural Law.
  4. It's just as good as "they didn't get a quote directly from Biden, only credible sources who were there so the article is total B.S.". I guess I can't be asked to quote any lines from Mr. Obama's speech at ND, even though I watched it. You know, because perhaps he won't be around for a quote. Tell me safety rules like seatbelts and bike helmets haven't allowed the tards to reproduce at staggering rates. "Idiocracy" here we come.
  5. Considering our understanding of genetics is incredibly rudimentary, your post is utter nonsense. But thanks for letting us know not to bother responding on that particular subject. Now get back to pretending the science of Global Warming is compelling, you friggin' hypocrite.
  6. So an unconfirmed article in the BBC is now the standard? I'll take that under advisement.
  7. I've spent time in Florida. Some things are better, some are worse. Whoopie.
  8. I liked Eddie Murphy's act a lot better when Richard Pryor was doing it.
  9. I've lived all over the country and the "quality" of government services is pretty much the same. If you're lucky enough to get the one person in the office who cares about their job, then you'll have a good experience, the other 99% of the time... New York States' "services" are just as poor as everywhere else, they simply cost more and have the added "benefit" of driving away virtually every business.
  10. It's far more complicated than that. The "military" doesn't provide services for less than contracted companies in most instances, especially if there is any measure of training/experience required. The biggest reason to have "soldiers" is because they can't quit when the job is no longer to their liking without significant consequences. We spend "so much of our taxes" on armed forces because Congress is incredibly corrupt and will not allow anything to be killed off/changed without significant financial detente. Welcome to why big government doesn't provide the service you're borrowing from your grandchildren's grandchildren to pay for.
  11. If it's a bathroom, there's a GFCI outlet in there somewhere...
  12. It's easy to take them for granted when it's as generic as "we spent $3.5 BILLION on health care" last year. That's pretty much what the corrupt politicians depend on you regurgitating. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/450689.html Articles like the above are the problem. Should ANYONE be getting a six figure retirement for public service? Compare that to the average 20 year enlisted military person, who's likely bringing home in the neighborhood of $20K.
  13. WalMart generally hires people who will one day be replaced by robots. Taking stuff out of boxes and putting them on shelves or running items across a scanner aren't jobs ANYONE should expect to be paid much to do.
  14. How many people are forced to work there? What are the skill sets of those employees? If you don't want to be a ditch digger...
  15. It makes me laugh. I bought a Cobalt for my son - the only thing they really cared about was how I was going to fill out the survey when it was over. Yeah, because I owe you jackasses something.
  16. It really wouldn't have mattered. Germany, France, and Russia were going to make it an issue on the world stage because of how much money they stood to lose once a war started. Politically, Iraq was a total loser from the beginning. I'll agree that the Administration made it even worse than it would have been because they were buffoons but that should have been expected.
  17. Yeah, I'm sure that a guy bringing in about $50,000,000 a year in income won't at all enjoy saving $4,500,000.00 a year.
  18. I got nothin'? Your own link showed the only significant difference between the two states is Real Estate costs. That totally blows your "everything in Florida is way more expensive" bull sh-- totally out the window. Yeah, Real Estate is more expensive. Generally, that means there are more jobs, more opportunity, more reasons to be in that particular place. And I'm sorry that you and the rest of the lemmings can't face the fact that large entities are corrupt and will never provide the safety nets you dream about. It's called ideology for a reason, you poodle-headed freak. Look, two things you're actually an expert in. Stick with commenting on them.
  19. I was hoping they'd blame Global Warming...
  20. I don't feel sorry for people who make smart decisions. I applaud them.
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