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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. They’re just throwing **** at the wall to try to keep any hope of flipping Congress. Make no mistake, the Dems KNOW they !@#$ed this up royally. They had a plan and thought with enough noise the Republicans would cave, because that’s what they do. Perhaps the greatest effect Trump has had on the Republicans is his willingness to fight to the death over pretty much everything. They’re following his lead.
  2. Imagine if this was truly a democracy.
  3. There are also three possible prostitutes. Jesus Christ people are !@#$ing stupid.
  4. Kavanaugh has no baggage. If you want to say “considering the average liberal partisan has no basis in reality...”
  5. I've never heard Senator Collins speak before. I wasn't at all impressed with her delivery but that was one of the most thoughtful, organized speech I've ever seen from a U.S. Senator. Everyone who was a part of this !@#$ing charade should be ashamed of themselves. I will 100% be voting against anyone who votes "No" against this confirmation.** **I would have anyway because I don't vote for Democrats or Republicans...but if I did...I'd be voting against them just for being any part of this historically embarrassing process.
  6. Actually, they should. The Constitution isn’t that hard to interpret.
  7. Individual players don't lose games. Teams do. While Flutie played terribly, the Bears lost that game because Walter Payton's 4th quarter fumble deep in Redskin territory as the Bears were going in for the go ahead score. The Redskins went over 80 yards to expand their lead. The '85 Bears never give up that score. I don't think anyone was beating the Giants that season, regardless.
  8. Why not just say “I know nothing about hockey?” Maybe you’re just pretending the last 3 seasons didn’t happen? The effort was fine, but they looked like a bunch a guys who haven’t played much together because...get this...THEY HAVEN'T PLAYED MUCH TOGETHER. Boston is a very good team who got wrecked last night and came out as a pissed off veteran team should have. Once again, the schedule makers screw the Sabres. Everyone needs to understand this isn’t a sprint and it’s going to take some time for all these new players and combos to gel.. If you didn’t see improvement over the last 3 seasons, that’s your problem.
  9. We are so !@#$ed when these idiots inevitably get control.
  10. “As” don’t matter much. I fully expect a couple of other guys to wear them this season.
  11. I understand what you’re saying and I agree with it wholeheartedly but “nature abhors a vacuum”. So there has to be stiff consequences to those who knowingly falsely accuse someone of thes crimes. The stigma associated with them is life altering. Keep in mind the burden of proof will be on the government and no DA is going to want to get Kavanaughed. I expect charges/ prosecutions will be rare, because they should be.
  12. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/14/432080520/fact-check-was-planned-parenthood-started-to-control-the-black-population “In reading her papers, it is clear Sanger had bought into the movement. She once wrote that "consequences of breeding from stock lacking human vitality always will give us social problems and perpetuate institutions of charity and crime." Friggin’ NPR.
  13. http://www.protectingblacklife.org/pp_targets/index.html
  14. That's a fair question. One of the reasons I left the military was money but it wasn't even close to the most important reason. I've always been the guy who "knew" what he wanted at the moment the choice was supposed to be made. A decent amount of that was growing up with very little money and yet having a pretty happy childhood. I've also always been a pretty big "details" guy who reads a lot. So, for example, I wouldn't have wanted to play for the Islanders even if they offered me 51% of the franchise. Pragmatism and all that.
  15. I agree with that. I wasn't so much talking about mistaken identity - that falls under "Stojan Happens" but there have been enough reported cases of someone losing decades of their lives over some petty BS that there needs to be a clear line with harsh penalties to minimize that from being a thing.
  16. I can tell you that I've been much happier in jobs that paid less but had better climates (management who actually cared about people, coworkers who leaned forward, etc.). These guys make STUPID amounts of money, far beyond anything I've ever made/will made. I would leave a decent amount on the table to play on a better team, for a better organization, in a better town.
  17. Let me know the next time a sexual assault victim shows up to report her problem to the FBI...because it'll be the first time that's ever happened, CHAD. Sexual assault is an abhorrent crime and those who are rightfully convicted of it deserve the death penalty (I'm looking specifically at you, Catholic priests). Lawmakers need to seriously examine the laws and penalties of these crimes. That being said, ANY false accusation that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt needs to be met with VERY harsh penalties as well. Checks and balances, folks. It's what our society is supposed to be based upon. We should definitely keep giving them taxpayer money.
  18. Since he's a dude wearing skinny jeans, he may have just farted. You get what you deserve, poofter.
  19. He only played three seasons with a salary cap and he spent his most lucrative years with the Red Wings, who were basically the Yankees of the NHL at that time. Let's just say I don't think he ever left money on the table. I would consider all my options but if I was in a good organization with a lot of talent, it wouldn't be hard to convince me to leave money on the table to work/live in a better situation. Losing sucks.
  20. What's more amazing is how many people don't see this for what it is.
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