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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. HFBD to the most consistently funny MOFOs on this site.
  2. The Pats are probably like any big organization - they get thousands of requests and have some committee that meets every so often to discuss the ones they fill. Perhaps they didn't get to it in a timely fashion or maybe they met their budget on such things for the quarter, whatever. But really, it's probably that the entire organization is filled with doucherockets. Yep, that's it.
  3. When the BILLS have a team that's as good as the one that surrounded Flutie, they will win with similar mediocre QB play. Flutie was an average QB on a very good football team. Nothing more, nothing less.
  4. Or performance testing could...
  5. Give me some example of this "closure" you seem to be seeking. Surely you've thought a whole bunch about this to even offer up such a thing. So far, the people who're whining the most seem to want some money for nothing - as if that is going to end well. If that's the "closure" you're alluding to, you can forget about it because the people who'll be paying the money aren't going to forget about it for the rest of their lives and I doubt their children would either.
  6. Top 10 of all time? He's not even Top 100.
  7. Let's start us an ol' fashun (sic) witchy hunt. Settle us some scores. It's like there's no depth to your idiocy. You can't hold people who weren't alive and entities that exist in name only accountable for the sins of the past. Half of the problem in this world is people carry ridiculous grudges. Your "rationale" is completely flawed.
  8. That's relevant how, exactly? Should the current company be forced out of business because of something that happened 140 years ago. Grow up. Move on. Absolutely asinine idea/argument.
  9. That's right, when the Dear Leader is being questioned it's because the people being polled are ignorant. Considering that so far "Change We Need" has looked totally like "Sh-- We've Always Had", you should expect the numbers to keep plummeting. Perhaps America will finally wake up and realize that both Democrats and Republicans are TOTALLY full of sh--.
  10. Did they really report dude "had a good tan"? Whoa.
  11. Did they play that ballad off their first album? It was called "She Loves My rooster". Beautiful melody.
  12. To get away from the death throws of the WNY job market. Very few people from my generation were doing anything with their lives - most were working some dead end job Monday thru Friday and then partying like crazy Friday and Saturday night. I'd bet at least half of them had DUIs or some other alcohol related arrest.
  13. The first 4 years (the scholastic time) is the toughest because it's such a big adjustment. Then he'll have 4 more years when no one will really respect him because he'll be given a title based on going to school and will be in charge of men with a million times more experience. If he keeps his mouth shut and his eyes and ears open, he'll be a much better person for the experience and far, far ahead of anyone who just went to college and then off to a job for 4 years. I don't know about that. It's pretty easy to meet people outside the military and chics totally dig the uniform. The reason "military-to-military" marriages are more normal is because people around the same age who're both serving tend to understand the sacrifices and are far more mature than their civilian counterparts. When I was 21 years old I had 15 people working for me and was in charge of over $60,000,000.00 worth of equipment, just to give you a frame of reference.
  14. Ah, "educators". I guess teaching kids "how not to do things" is just as important as anything else. Dude has power trip issues, like too many people in that particular business.
  15. I wouldn't go so far to say you didn't imply it since it's obviously the subject of the thread. If it's not what you meant then I apologize for calling you retarded. Kinda.
  16. There are steps to oppression and steps that lead to the creation of terrorism. "Blow back" is a very real and apparently all too misunderstood fact. Government shouldn't fear it's citizens and citizens in turn shouldn't fear their government.
  17. Are you retarded? No seriously. Getting "endorsed" by any group isn't a choice politicians get to make. The fact that Ron Paul shares certain political ideals with unsavory people in no way means he "sometimes hangs around with shady characters". The fact that idiots like BL and Bishop GivesHedd are pointing something out virtually always means the point is completely absurd.
  18. If they're smart they won't say anything.
  19. Yeah, because open borders is pretty conducive to that line of "thinking".
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