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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Really? Why don't you explain the current stance on gay marriage then.
  2. Poor, poor Steely. Being called out for giving yet another opinion based on nothing more than the incessant need to spew written diarrhea in virtually every thread. Go ahead and ignore the fact that you don't know what you're talking about and that people like you are the reason I have to go to local government meetings and spent countless hours of my time explaining to undereducated "officials" who constantly try to pass laws to help ease the fear mongering. It's all about my need to insult you. You're such a victim and I'm such a bully.
  3. That's a much nicer way of putting it - very diplomatic. You can tell I'm a dumb soldier and not a politician.
  4. You'll be the first to know when I find anything you say remotely credible, though I'm surprised it took you 2 days to come up with that lame crap. Whatsa matta? Couldn't find a google link to help validate your uneducated fear mongering?
  5. I can't think of a single case when a strip search should be performed by a school official. ONLY police officers. And "Zero Tolerance" is absolutely pathetic. [/irony]
  6. Except I'm not on the right. If you're going to campaign on "Change" then EVERYTHING you do shouldn't be the same scripted crap that is always done. And everything that is disagreed with isn't "outrage". I'm not at all "outraged" by the fact that "politics as usual" is going on. I completely expected it. I also expect apologists like you to keep up your pathetic work, which is what your masters count on.
  7. I wouldn't say it's anything like killing a PP. Playing 10 on 11 is pretty much only a hindrance to your offense and it's pretty rare to lose a two goal lead in kickball. Now that the U.S. has actually won a game against a world class opponent, kickball is sure to take off here.
  8. Yeah, we should go back to Prohibition. That worked really well.
  9. And why exactly is that? Hint: It has nothing to do with people using it as a drug. Actually, he's trying to get you to engage your brain for a change.
  10. The story out of Iran today is that the "sniper" may have mistaken Neda for the sister of a terrorist. As if that somehow makes killing an innocent person OK.
  11. Why do people insist on giving opinions on things they have zero experience with? You don't "think"? Truer words have never been spoken. To answer STL: The answer lies in what YOUR lifestyle is. You really need to figure it out for yourself. I don't recommend rescues or mutts to first time dog owners because most of the time you won't know what you're getting. As someone who has spent the last 18 years rescuing dogs, it is not something to be gotten into lightly. I will say that Organized rescue has gotten significantly better in the last decade and maybe your local will be able to get you the right dog. If you're looking for a puppy, go to a reputable breeder of the dog type you like and explain what you are looking for. The AKC or the National Group of the breed can help you find one. A good breeder will ask you all the right questions (temperment/exercise/show vs pet vs athlete/etc) and match you up with a puppy that'll fit your lifestyle. If they don't do that, go somewhere else.
  12. You truly have NO IDEA what you're talking about but that's not surprising as I doubt you've ever been to any of the places where the "Infastructure" is now supposedly "on par". Not that that's where federal money has been going in the state of Alaska or most other places anyway. Now I understand why you spend so much time thinking about apologizing for something. You ought to start with how your synapses fire.
  13. The funniest part of all of this is to you it actually makes some sense. Here's a newsflash, Sparky: I pay taxes. Lots of them. So do all Alaskans. The fact that there is an imbalance on the amount of taxpayer dollars that come back to the state is an extremely complicated mess that has to do with politics. Because you are a liberal and tend to vote for one of the two parties who created the mess, YOU are actually to blame for it. Your "rationale" on this is nothing more than your simple mind oversimplify someone else's pathetic idea in a vain attempt to deflect REAL criticism of another of your ridiculous opinions. Back to the topic, tardo.
  14. So the Fish spent TWO first day picks on DB? They preparing for the Jauron era?
  15. The only thing less acute than your political acumen is your ability to insult others. "I know you are but what am I" was pathetic on the playground of Pre-K.
  16. Let me try to help you understand the difference. First, I'm not angry at "the government". I'm not angry at all. I'm also not "anti-government". I'm anti-"big, intrusive, UnConstitutional" government. I'm also talking about government TODAY - not 140 YEARS ago. There's a big difference, though anyone who has read your posts for more than a day would certainly understand why you would have such a hard time figuring out the difference. I'm not at all angry about UnConstitutional laws like slavery or suffrage BECAUSE THEY ARE NO LONGER IN AFFECT - slavery has been abolished so long that there are NO PEOPLE alive who were any part of it. I prefer to spend my energy on "NOW" and the "FUTURE" and wish our politicians and the rest of you retards had the ability to do the same instead of finding ridiculous minutia to argue about. And your "welfare" state argument is still just as ridiculous as it has always been. If you want your state government to get back as much money as it puts in, then you should be calling for CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT because that would mean that the Fed wouldn't be collecting anywhere near the money they get in the first place. But that's another tremendously difficult concept that you'll seemingly never understand.
  17. People who were never enslaved but need to be angry about something.
  18. Freedom isn't always the most palatable thing. That doesn't mean we should be paying to put people in jail for having sex for money. Prostitution is NEVER going to go away and it's NEVER going to be looked at as a job you'd want your kids to grow up and do. But legalizing it will probably remove 90% of the associated crime and save the rest of us a ton of money. I think your "argument" is typical fear mongering. The people who are likely to be driven to that life are still going to and people who aren't won't.
  19. Note to Doug Flutie fans: The fact that Doug Flutie was a better QB than Rob Johnson in NO WAY means he was a good NFL QB. I don't know why that is so hard to understand.
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