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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. If I were you I'd hit the weights. Get your testosterone level above your estrogen.
  2. A. So do the Keith Olbermann's/MSNBCs/whatever talking head idiot liberal you're currently parroting. B. How is that different than what you're doing? C. Mostly by the people who read Salon.
  3. Holy bankrupt arguments, Batman.
  4. I'd have to go back and look at film but I don't remember Whitner being in coverage on Tight Ends very often. As far as "playing small", the guy played at least half of last season with one arm virtually dislocated from the shoulder socket. I'm gonna go ahead and forgive him for that. As far as his athletic ability and football instincts go: I'm quite sure there would be a whole bunch of teams with much better defenses than ours who would love to have Donte Whitner and would actually put him in a position to succeed, instead of using him to cover weaknesses in the Front Seven - which the BILLS have been doing for 3 seasons now. But go ahead and keep regurgitating the standard talk radio garbage. We both know what you know. If Troy Polamalu played in Buffalo everyone would be whining that he's always out of position and needs to cut his hair.
  5. If Donte Whitner was a better player, the coaching staff would be better coaches.
  6. When have you ever seen them stand next to each other? The arguments against Whitner are laughable and at this point more of the "if we repeat it often enough, eventually it'll be true" mentality. The BILLS have ton of problems on the defensive side of the football and have for years. Whitner isn't one of them and hasn't been.
  7. Back peddle, back peddle, back peddle. Step away from the keyboard while you still have a modicum of respect on this board.
  8. Outrage? It's more like pity. Pity that people like you think that your attitude is going to change anything. It just continues a very bad cycle.
  9. It is for college students. I'd say that about 1% of people that age can be trusted, though your statement on good credit is certainly true.
  10. DON'T GET A CREDIT CARD! One of the biggest mistakes college students make is charging up a bunch of money and end up deeply in debt buying crap they don't need. Credit is way too easy to get and it's a great way to screw up your life before it gets started.
  11. Way to showcase your typical defensiveness. I'll take "I have no idea" as a "there's no way."
  12. Read Sal Maiorana's book "The Game of My Life". You'll find that the BILLS were MUCH worse than that as far as training goes - into the 1980s
  13. Do you think you could have stayed in that kind of condition for an entire career? I don't mean that accusingly, but stuff like that is a total lifestyle change and I think most people would have a hard time maintaining that level. There was a woman Army Major who wanted to prove that women could make it in Special Forces back when I was in. She prepared for a long time and barely made the minimum requirement (men's minimum - there was no female requirement at the time). She wrote a lengthy article about why SF should remain a "men's only club". She underwent a complete attitude adjustment/eye opening lifestyle change in a matter of weeks.
  14. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination". That is one that pisses me off to no end. It implies that only white people can discriminate. We actually had a discussion about it at one of those military social actions exercises and you wouldn't believe how many people subscribe to the concept.
  15. I love the fact that the court was split along political lines again. Nice work liberals - way to stick to your bankrupt principles.
  16. You've got about as much in common with them as I do with Bishop Hedd.
  17. You're not kidding. If I ever see Dan Hampton in person, I'm going to kick him in the shins for rambling so long in that heat. I think I spent $20 for water that day and the majority of it I poured over my head.
  18. The question remains whether spending more money we don't have makes as much sense as cutting the crap out of taxes and actually inviting businesses back to areas with incentives instead. I'm sorry, no one is going to convince me that high speed rail is going to be successful in the U.S. because it has been in places like Japan (which is smaller than California but has over 3 times as many people) or France (about 3/4ths the size of Texas with a population of over 60,000,000). The number that's being shopped is between $12,000,000.00 and $58,000,000.00 per MILE. I'll venture a guess that the number is going to be at least double that and quite likely SIGNIFICANTLY more. That means a rail between Rochester and Buffalo will cost taxpayers between $720,000,000.00 and $4 BILLION for one length of track. You'll forgive me if I think that's ridiculous given the state of infrastructure. That money would be much better spent on developing a real electrical infrastructure in this country - NUCLEAR POWER ANYONE?
  19. You're as big a part of the problem as those you rant against. Try turning that eye toward your own masters for a change.
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