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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. There's no doubt the American system is a mess but I don't think what the Canadians are doing fits either. There is so amazingly much wrong with both that it's not even worth arguing either.
  2. No, it's an indictment of how pathetic partisan politics truly are today. The fact that this decision (and DC versus Heller) weren't 9-0 should be a wakeup call to every citizen. Unfortunately instead it has just re-enforced your idiocy. Congrats.
  3. I've found it to be quite the opposite. There's nothing worse than a bunch of big aggressive guys getting loaded after combat. Bad things man.
  4. You should have them come out and measure the loss on that run. Perhaps there is a distance issue.
  5. Romo looked like a pretty good leader when he was bringing his team back on a certain Monday Night in Buffalo. Guys without leadership skills don't overcome his first quarter performance in that game.
  6. You can set Window Washer to run every night while you're sleeping... I get what you're saying and I'm certainly not excusing Microsoft for the bloated assware but it's not any different than doing preventative maintenance on your car. You either do it or you deal with the consequences.
  7. I don't know what the answer is to the situation but I know that I've had government health care for most of my adult life and to say it's expensive yet substandard is extremely kind. There have been times that my family and I have received excellent care but that has not been the norm.
  8. I actually get what Pete's talking about. The apparent lack of preparation on Governor Palin's part for the campaign's most important moments was measurable. As I said earlier, the woman who has been running around the since her addition to the Republican Presidential ticket is not the same savvy person who was elected to lead the state of Alaska. Doesn't come anywhere close, really.
  9. If you mean Metallica's award, then I'm sure they do.
  10. You don't need to wipe your machine. It's likely you need something like Window Washer to clean out all the slack files and the like. This is especially true if you've been using Internet Explorer as your web browser.
  11. I'd agree with you if it didn't seem like she absolutely lost her mind somewhere between Ted Stevens IAP and the first campaign stop. The Sarah Palin of today is not the Sarah Palin that won the governorship of Alaska.
  12. Yeah, you really do. But keep regurgitating the "checks and balances" thing - it's almost as credible as when the idiots who worship the other party were doing it over the previous 8 years. People like you are the reason the frog boiling theory exists.
  13. I've had PCs for as long as they've been around. I've not had more than a handful of problems ever. While I hate Windows Vista with every fiber of my being, I've not had any real problems with it. It's a clunky piece of crap but it keeps alive the Microsoft streak of "every other OS we release will totally piss you off". Macs definitely rock when it comes to video editing/etc but I don't do any of that so I'd never spend the extra coin. If you buy a PC, make sure you buy good virus/malware/spyware protection, a good cleaner program like Window Washer, turn off automatic updates (do them manually) and stay away from Internet Explorer. If you do those things and aren't an abject moron, it's quite likely you won't have any of the nightmare issues that "supposedly" plague Windows PCs.
  14. Because criminals don't care about gun laws? Welcome to reality.
  15. You're right. We should continue to spend astronomical amounts of money on weapons we'll never use. Big win for the taxpayer there.
  16. Given what they did with the power they had, one has to be ecstatic that they didn't get a filibuster proof majority. That would have been catastrophic.
  17. I want to know why his probation was "extended" when he did the same thing he was convicted of. How does that not warrant time?
  18. Little reason to let facts get in the way here at the rodeo, Tim.
  19. I love the use of the word "progressive" - as if giving over all power and decision making to government is a new thing.
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