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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The media sucks. Check. The Democrats suck. Check. The Republicans suck. Check. People who continue to follow both of these parties suck. Check.
  2. Except it isn't. The world is simply a more complicated than it was back then and just because America doesn't directly rule anyone doesn't mean we don't exert significant influence all over the globe. If you think otherwise you're either a fool or are lying to yourself. Do your own research. Heaven forbid anyone go outside their own comfort zone.
  3. Yeah, it's just as simple as "because the U.S. supports Israel". There's little reason to have a discussion when it's apparently so easy for you to ignore history or how rank and file people view things from their little part of the world, especially given the way their media/educational systems work. In this instance you seem to be unable to look at things from the outside despite a plethora of sources that the average Middle Easterner doesn't enjoy. You regurgitate the same tired crap as gospel but pretend you're somehow different and you have access to things they can't even dream of. And it has nothing to do with "vitriol I think should be directed" at anyone. I simply understand that people who are oppressed or perceive themselves to be oppressed will on occasion react strongly against SOMEONE. Our ancestors did it and ended up founding this nation.
  4. What exactly isn't clear? Our foreign policy (especially in the Middle East) has been crap for a very long time. If you don't know why, that's your friggin' problem. I'm not a history teacher. Because our foreign policy has been crap, there have been craptastic things that have happened to us as a direct result. Hence the term "Blow Back". This stuff is very easy to understand.
  5. Actually the spotlight allowed the cop to easily read his "End of the World" sandwich board so he was more readily recognized as the neighborhood nutjob.
  6. It actually goes back to before the Shah but thanks for your permission. I was totally waiting for that. Now you have my permission to go back and be afraid of people who live in caves and hate your freedom.
  7. Except you don't have the right to act as you please. I also don't think it's OK to be arrested but there are simply better ways to deal with the situation than the Professor did. Period. I don't have indignation for it because it's systemic and really too small for me to care about. People haven't cared about their own rights or policing their own neighborhoods for a long time. This is what you end up with when indifference becomes the norm. Perhaps that's a little hypocritical but I can live with that. I never said it was but if you're dumb enough to scream at a guy with a gun and a badge, you're taking a chance on getting shot in the head or arrested. It is what it is. Smart people understand that and act accordingly. That guy has a boss who I get to elect. Also, if you use the term "do you know who I am?" that's grounds for a donkey punch. I'm just sayin'. It's just sad.
  8. Oh, I'm sure. Heaven forbid anyone who claims to be "conservative" actually looks at things from that viewpoint instead of simply regurgitating the party line that got us to this point in the first place.
  9. How about the ascension of the current Iranian regime? How exactly did they end up in power?
  10. No she's not. She's eminently qualified, just like she was to carpet bag in New York. We get what we deserve.
  11. I'd think it was awesome if it happened to Newt. I don't have any indignation. I expect people who mouth off to cops to get taken in. Is it right? No. Is it pretty standard? In my experience it is. Good luck changing that and keeping Treating people disrespectfully should be your right? You think this is a good solution? You're way off base here. There were plenty of avenues for the good professor to voice his displeasure that would have been far more productive without him ending up humiliated. He chose to basically dive into the dumpster instead of taking the high road. I think it's really sad that educator couldn't control himself well enough to "teach" this officer what he thought was so wrong instead of escalating the confrontation. The President did pretty much the same thing. "I don't have all the facts but let me go ahead and open my mouth any way." Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.
  12. That's not how it's been reported, though given the ridiculous media in this country that wouldn't be a surprise.
  13. Given that Gates' house got broken into in the last month or so, his thought should have been for his own friggin' safety. But he's a Harvard Professor and they're well known for being regular societal victims. I'm sure glad that guy's a teacher. Kids need way more role models who're willing to fly off the handle over virtually nothing.
  14. Both of which are products of a continuing theme - the U.S. foreign policy that basically has us acting like Gladys Kravitz with the A-Bomb. Reaping what we sow, all around the globe. If "Blowback" isn't a big part of every official point paper in U.S. diplomacy, someone ain't doing their job.
  15. Not to mention the fact that the radio recordings apparently pick up Gates screaming in the background.
  16. What's the definition of "lawful request"? The link says nothing about a "badge". (Also bored).
  17. I've seen them do it on "Law and Order" so it's probably legal.
  18. That's federal though, correct? I'm pretty sure most states require you to produce identification if requested by law enforcement.
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