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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It's dissenting, not decanting. I just need to say that. It's really sad that people won't face reality and continue these stupid games because it's truly at the expense of our quality of life.
  2. My limitations are set by society. It's kinda like the old "High School Yearbook Retrospective" that PJ O'Rourke did for National Lampoon so many years ago. There were only 12 distinct HS personalities. Except politics has about half that many and realistically is dominated by 2 (see if you can figure that out without illustrations).n You are what you are, unique just like everyone else who shares your ridiculous opinions. There's little reason to waste the keystrokes on a dude like you. I've been around this block so many times I've lost count but your act is neither fresh nor intellectual, which obviously contributes to the caliber of the responses I've deemed appropriate. So go ahead and shove whatever response you're planning straight up the poop shoot so your politics has some more company.
  3. I'll let you know when I care about your opinion on anything. And I also don't care that no one was "calling for anyone to be arrested". But thanks for your typical reactionary blather. Keep pretending you're somehow different than those you despise. The only tool in your box is condescension and you're not particularly adept with it.
  4. Yeah, because this country wasn't founded by people who shouted at politicians. Now get back to defending the Professor's right to yell at cops, you fuggin' hypocrite P.o.S.
  5. You mean because Republican politicians aren't arrogant? Really? And IF Sarah Palin becomes the favorite to win the Presidency at some point, she'll just have to open her mouth to turn that around...
  6. Nope. Doesn't matter to me. Wasn't too long ago that the right was burying the left for pretty much the same reasons. But you keep patting yourself and the pathetic group you slurp for and then act surprised when the worm turns the other direction. Nope. That's the problem with you partisan whackjobs. You've had so much practice swallowing your party's choad that you can't imagine anyone who disagrees with you as being anything but from the other side. My politics are far too complicated to be addressed by the idiots on either side of the current "aisle". But I'm sure you can find plenty of right wingers (your definition) who're "anti-war", anti-military/industrial complex, pro choice, for the legalization of drugs, and agnostic. Somehow I doubt you even have a lawn.
  7. I'll believe the average American "deserves" health care right about the time the average American starts taking even decent care of themselves. You know who "deserves" health care? Injured war veterans. Instead we give them the VA.
  8. It doesn't benefit anyone. It's an incredibly expensive program that this country can't afford but I'm sure your masters appreciate your regurgitation.
  9. Yeah. Obama being a socialist somehow vindicates the entire GWB legacy.
  10. At least they start later. I'm still not quite over Dan Hampton's rambling narrative from "oh so many" years ago.
  11. He was giving a comparison of reality versus perception.
  12. I've never used it but if you're out of shape it might be a little ambitious to start back with that.
  13. I didn't keep COBRA because I had a choice. That doesn't mean everyone has the same options and there aren't many options out there to cover families during bridge time, especially if anyone in the family has a pre-existing condition. I never said anything about health care being for everyday doctor visits. You'll forgive me for questioning your "all knowingness". When people post things like "I only pay... and I have a blanket policy that is...for a lifetime", as if those things are meaningful...
  14. Also: We have a bunch of extra game tickets if anyone is interested.
  15. Yeah, let's encourage people to get deeper into debt. That way they can be just like the government. Nothing better than incentives.
  16. Yeah, that'll work well. Ask the Soviets.
  17. I knew I'd have to explain bipartisan political fear mongering because your ability to understand causal relationships has always been unbelievably small. You mean because I'm super afraid of people with Arabic names? Yeah, that's me. I'm not "up in arms" about anything the mass media "reports" because they are relentless in their ability to tell half truths in an attempt to create "news". It's no different than the idiot on sports talk today who said Ben Rothlishamburger "owes" the media an explanation and if he continues his current course the media will "make him pay".
  18. Really? So when the last time I got laid off and my Cobra was $1200 per month, that's pretty affordable? Most people don't seem to understand that their companies eat the lion's share of the cost of health care. You seem to be one of them.
  19. You mean because things like the "Patriot Act" weren't totally bipartisan? Feed the media beast, tards.
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