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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Now you're trying to take words from people's keyboards. The fact is the stock market is PART of the ECONOMY. The two are not mutually exclusive of each other but the market by itself is not the economy. No one was saying "!@#$ the market". Not the point at all.
  2. Yeah, we all know how effective government regulation is at reducing cost.
  3. Yeah. Hardy showed his strengths as a possession receiver last year and what team doesn't use a 6'5" guy in the slot? Learn something about football.
  4. How about because you don't have to be a "far left liberal" to understand just how !@#$ed up the Republican party is. You just have to be able to see reality. I don't watch the Daily Show every day. I watch it once in awhile. Whenever I've watched it, I've found it to be pretty funny. Some of it fails but most of it doesn't. If you don't find it funny, it says a lot more about you than it does about the show.
  5. Somehow I doubt anyone is receiving "true" facts. In my experience, that's rarely how it works.
  6. Me too. Every one of them is better than the person they replaced (going back to the days of Michaels being on MNF - dude is way too full of himself). It's going to be cool to listen to two really smart football guys and the understated Tirico.
  7. It's really something given the depth of information to go through.
  8. I don't think it actually costs them much to make South Park. I remember an interview with Matt where they talked about how fast they were able to make episodes (sometimes 2 to 3 weeks) and he said something to the effect of: It's not like it's a costly show or we waste money on animation. The 2 of them probably do 70% of the voices. Anyone who doesn't think the Daily Show is consistently funny is probably a partisan douchebag who can't face reality. I haven't had time to watch it much lately but it was ridiculously funny during the entire campaign year.
  9. I wasn't directing ire at you - just the process as it seems to be. I've yet to be in any decent sized city and not see a crapload of flyers stapled up all over the place - they don't seem to care about defacing property when it's for a garage sale, a garage band, a lost pet, or some other such thing but heaven forbid we make fun of a politician in such a manner. Well, except this country was actually founded on the freedom to do exactly that. America is losing the things that actually make it special.
  10. Welcome to another reason not to pay for everyone's health care...
  11. You mean because medical science hasn't found a cure for cranial rectosis?
  12. Which obviously means we need to curb freedom of speech and "find" crimes when there aren't any.
  13. A lot of people in show business change their names so ass hats like you don't stalk them in their private lives. Not exactly a secret. I love it when partisan morons call someone a "no talent hack" when it's based strictly on politics. Stewart is quite talented. The fact that you don't appreciate it says more about you than about him.
  14. I did. For 12 years. Managed to eat healthy pretty much every day. Because it was IMPORTANT to ME.
  15. KTFABD's politics aside, why not try refuting the points? Let me guess...Because you can't? I know it's hard for you apologists to admit that the idiots you follow screwed things up royally but that's reality. Now you can complain about the current administration but it falls on deaf ears because of what happened when your guy was in charge. Welcome to reality. Republicans suck. Democrats suck. The people who blindly follow each suck even more. In case you were wondering, that's you.
  16. I'm sure there are plenty of horror stories but military people tend to not complain overtly about things. The media has to go look for them (like the dude who lost both his legs because the military doctor cut an artery while removing his gall bladder). It's not so much primary care as it is specialists. I get your point but for the most part the best specialists won't take TriCare. It is what it is.
  17. I gave you a whole bunch of things in the first post. All of which are do-able. Your response is "how about something based in reality?" I don't pretend to know what your fuggin' reality is but mine is pretty straight forward. If that's too hard for you to handle, you should probably go back to your Hollywood pals and their "solutions". Because you say so? Forgive me for my uproarious laughter. Way to miss the whole point. Typical. Yeah, it's so good that Congress took away private employers ability to pay for the supplement to it in an attempt to get people who have EARNED the benefit to stop using it. Problems: 1. Most good doctors won't accept it and the number of people who're eligible are growing at a rate that outpaces new offices. 2. Paperwork is an absolute nightmare. We have all the same BS that the civilian providers deal with, plus the government crap. Try getting a referral authorization. Then try getting it paid for in anything that resembles a timely manner. 3. Reimbursement is ridiculously slow. Beyond ridiculous, really. 4. The reimbursement rates are artificially low. Many times that means you don't get to see a quality doctor. I'm not saying the same things don't exist in the civilian world. TriCare has many of the same problems with the added "benefit" of the Washington bureaucracy. It's not "good" by any stretch of the imagination. I don't think the Private Sector is significantly better, though I though Kaiser Permanente (via Champus Prime) was excellent when we were in California (that could have changed in the 15 years since we left.
  18. As opposed to your "pie in the sky" optimism when the left is involved? The difference is I'm consistent no matter who has the reigns. Like what? The electorate is blindly stupid and the elected care about nothing but power and spending. Neither is going to solve much of anything. Somehow I doubt that giving the government a whole lot more money to spend is going to drive down the price of anything. Is education cheaper now? How about the military? We already KNOW they won't be using economies of scale to drive down the cost of prescription drugs, which are a significant portion of the expense of health care now, so where is all the savings going to come from? Please say administration. Please. Overall, you're full of crap. I have TriCare. You don't. Who do you think is more qualified to make a judgment? Medicare is friggin' broke. BROKE. And it only covers a tiny percentage of people but collects tons of cash from EVERY taxpayer. But that's your idea of a rampaging success. Do yourself a favor and try common sense instead of idealism.
  19. Yeah, that's how I'd have taken it too. If my own fecal material was my only source of nutrition. How about the government actually looks at their history with medical care starting in about 1973? Then they could realize that starting this "plan" by telling big pharma they wouldn't be looking for economies of scale is not the right step? Or how about addressing the simple things like why it's OK to charge someone for procedures they don't need? Or why care "givers" are allowed to charge significant markups on tests because people actually have insurance? Or why it's not the law to tell people in advance what something costs and letting them decide whether to go down the street to a place that will charge them less - LIKE VIRTUALLY EVERY OTHER BUSINESS IN THIS COUNTRY? You keep trumpeting on about how Medicare/TriCare/the VA are successes. Close your dress. Your transparency is showing.
  20. You're right. I didn't get the memo. Just like I didn't get the same memo from the Bush Administration when they were shoveling a similar load about Iraq. And the one that the Clinton Administration was throwing about Social Security, which the Dummycrats denied was a problem when they were no longer in charge of the Executive.
  21. You're so full of crap it's actually at the point of being sad.
  22. Like you don't see it. C'mon Dennis, Ann Couter is a fuggin' vampire but there is no difference in tactics between the political parties. It's sad how much time everyone spends arguing around the fringe and ignoring the big sh-- sandwich virtually every level of government is cramming down our throats.
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