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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. A union guy who thinks things are too expensive and should be subsidized by the taxpayer? How shockingly ironic.
  2. You'll have to forgive him for having a life beyond making you look foolish on TBD. I'm sure he's sorry he hasn't been able to fulfill your need for constant attention.
  3. Name some. Make sure they are safeties. Like Taylor? Probably not. Their games are different. Like Reed? Probably not. Reed has ball skills that few in this game have ever possessed. Like Polamalu? Yeah, I could see that. Of course we have to keep in mind that Whitner has played FS for all of one season in his life.
  4. How many plays would any player make when the team is completely unable to put pressure on the QB under any circumstance? There isn't a Safety in the National Football League who plays on an island and it's no secret that the best ones don't play on teams that don't have a single impact pass rusher. Virtually ALL turnovers and big plays on defense are the result of pressure or disruption on the opposite side of the line of scrimmage. The BILLS get virtually no penetration whatsoever when they rush 4. NONE. The fact that the BILLS get almost no interceptions in the center of the field is not a coincidence. Whitner is known for playing his position while most of the guys around him are getting blown the !@#$ up. And our fan base blames him for circumstances that are obviously (to football people) beyond his control.
  5. No they don't. You're just looking at it through BILLS colored glasses.
  6. The Ravens are going to make A LOT of teams look awful this season. That team is loaded. I'd bet even money that ANY Dlineman they cut would be better than what we currently have.
  7. For the last few seasons it's been a combination of not being physical on the offensive line (especially the interior) and at WR plus giving WAY too much respect to the opposition. The BILLS have all but slurped up the Patriots' spit for the last 5 years to the point where it's embarrassing. You don't thank people for kicking your ass and then ask for more. With the Patriots and Steelers it's been their offense kicking the crap out of our defense so badly early in games that our offense has to become one dimensional to try to get the team back in the game. When that happens it's going to get embarrassing in a hurry, especially when your QB is JP Losman.
  8. I think it's acceptable for groups to bully people in the public eye, just as I think it's acceptable for people who agree with Beck to let those companies know that they don't agree with their stance. I don't know the story and I don't care much but if I did, I'd send an email to each of those companies and let them know how I felt about them caving if it was unwarranted.
  9. Don't worry, they'll tard up the regular season just fine as well. It's just part of what constitutes a "great" football fan in this era.
  10. Perhaps if the BILLS had players in other positions they wouldn't have to use Whitner the way they do and he might make a few more plays. This team has a lot of problems but Whitner certainly isn't one of them.
  11. If the Jets are physical, the Ravens are colossal. That is how you build a football team.
  12. I'm not sure I'd be able to keep it to hating just that war (I know that wasn't your meaning). War is so fuggin' horrible that words haven't been invented to describe it. It's kind of unfortunate that it seems so sterile now because people seem to be more immune to the harsh reality of it.
  13. No PC company manufactures their own laptop batteries. No matter what company's laptop you buy, there's a good chance your laptop battery was made by Sony. That's just FYI.
  14. Uh, welcome to what happens when the Dummycrats are in power? Do you not remember Cindy Sheehan, the "Bush was AWOL" crap, the "Privatizing our Social Security" arguments, etc? This is all exactly the same crap we were being fed by the mass media during the previous administration, only the tards happen to be from the other side. The Republicans and Democrats count on their tard base, even more so when they're out of power because it gets them headlines and headlines eventually mean turnout.
  15. Who are you kidding? Are you actually dumb enough to think only Republicans reach out to mental defectives? [/irony]
  16. Who gives a crap? There's plenty of talk around football that most of the guys who played with Favre can't stand him. Popularity in a locker room means dick as long as the guy can play.
  17. Private insurers need to cut costs while government mandates care for people who can't pay and makes basically payola deals with other private entities. Jesus Christ, try understanding even the simplest of the problems, ya !@#$ing parrot.
  18. What exactly would you like me to elaborate on? The fact that you're a moron? We've covered that pretty much ad nauseum. Fire away, douchehamster. I can't wait to hear what's rattling around in that gourd on your shoulders.
  19. Pretty simple really - you use before tax dollars on an HSA. We all know how much the Dems love tax dollars, though the figures I read show the uber rich get by far the largest benefit from HSA so we can also continue some class warfare.
  20. And they'll continue to because the Administration has already agreed not to use their purchasing power to negotiate better rates. But according to Kelly this "plan" is a step in the right direction.
  21. How in the !@#$ is that the conclusion from the post you're quoting? Are you looking to get bashed or are you just really !@#$ing stupid?
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