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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I would venture to guess that the 40% who don't pay income tax pay a far higher percentage of their "income" in taxes than rich people do. There are far bigger injustices to B word about.
  2. I'll be looking out my windows expecting to see the 4 Horsemen.
  3. Photo from Bruschi's Retirement Announcement Obviously no longer being allowed to use HGH has had an effect. !@#$ off, cheater.
  4. I would have been very happy had the BILLS traded down, selected Oher, Wood, Clint Sintim, and Levitre. That would have been really sweet.
  5. Doubtful because none of them would have the apparatus in place that the incumbents have been cultivating for decades.
  6. You know it's funny, you always whine about how things are shades of gray and then when something is explained in exactly that manner, you come back with "Make up your mind. Nice fence sitting." I've stated NUMEROUS times that medical prices in this country are unacceptable and no consumer should be forced to pay any bill that isn't CLEARLY stated in ADVANCE of any treatment. Your beloved big government has set up this system starting with the HMO Act of 1973 and have could fix it at a whim but REFUSE to. I have no idea what the markup is on your "friend's" particular piece of plastic was (I'm sure it was probably quite high) but that doesn't change the basic principles that are in effect in both the market (amputees) or the way the business is currently legally done. Should it have been $8K or whatever? Clearly not - but hospitals shouldn't be forced to treat people in emergency rooms for free, either - especially people who aren't in need of emergency care. Will that ever change? Somehow I doubt it, so get used to paying a premium. I'm sure doctors/hospitals would be willing to charge a whole lot less the very second that trial lawyers and the Democrats in their hip pockets are willing to even talk about Tort Reform. I'm sure you're a champion of that. As far as your name calling goes, I've been called worse by people I actually have some respect for. Feel free to take your best shot, Eric - it'll be as meaningless to me as the rest of your drivel.
  7. Which of course completely ignores reality but it's always awesome when one of you liberal douchebags try and use principles of supply side economics to run the government. I guess your deficits will be way more palatable to future taxpayers than the ones you whined so vociferously when Mr. Reagan was in office.
  8. I never said the prices were acceptable and I doubt you have anything you could sell me that I'd be remotely interested in. Doesn't change the facts. Ridiculous but expected. Clueless as always.
  9. Charlie Rangel is a lying hypocrite scumbag? How shocking.
  10. Actually, the word is ignorant and the person is you. The fact of the matter is it costs a lot to develop these things and they have a very finite consumer base. Add to that the fact that GOVERNMENT mandates care to people who can't afford to pay and you have hospitals and doctors who make up the money elsewhere - especially with people who have good insurance and a CONTINUING need. You and the rest of the liberals continue to patch the tire while ignoring the fact that the car is completely totaled.
  11. Perhaps because people are more concerned about when College Football is going to finally have a playoff? You know, something the media beats us over the head with constantly? I seriously doubt that the average American knows much at all about the realities of Title IX. We're a culture based on ignorance. Cowardice? Somehow I doubt it.
  12. A toe injury ended Jack Lambert's career. Foot problems are nothing to be scoffed at when you're talking about someone performing at the highest levels of sports.
  13. That's because you're an idiot. The fact of the matter is if the rest of the team had played to their potential that day that game would have been an absolute blowout. You switch coaches on the sidelines and that game makes the AFC Championship game look like a closely contested contest. Scott Norwood missed a kick 18 years ago. Apparently your douchebagness lasts forever. Get over yourself.
  14. Zombies need brains, which explains why Dwight will survive.
  15. Pretty ironic response from someone who thinks the government giving away money it doesn't have now won't have serious repercussions in the future.
  16. Actually, it's you who is missing the big picture - but that's par for the course. Thanks for repeating the current tard mantra of "priming the economic engine", though.
  17. Don't worry. I have no doubt you'll still be a partisan parrot union apologist long after your dirt nap starts. It is what it is.
  18. I wouldn't want a guy with a toe injury practicing with other players either. Imagine the tard fest if Whitner, Schobel, or Kelsey accidentally stepped on his foot. They're doing us all a favor.
  19. She was comparing Reed to the other people he's facing for induction THIS year. I can guarantee that Lori has forgotten more about football than you'll ever know. Now STFU new guy and sing us your fight song.
  20. There isn't a single state that is well run fiscally. That is fact.
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