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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Forgive me. I didn't realize the BILLS were simply decent QB play away from the Super Bowl. I probably watched a completely different last decade than you did. Yeah, because if the BILLS brought in Ben Rothelishamburger all of the sudden Jauron and Fewell would make good gameday decisions and the Front Office would stop dicking around and start picking physical offensive linemen who're actually in the position they're used to playing. Damn that Trent Edwards. You're right, the signs aren't good. Mostly because this organization is in the iron grip of the loser's mentality and is the antithesis of how you build a successful, well, anything. You simply don't keep making the same mistakes over and over again and expect to somehow find lightening in a bottle with a single player.
  2. I love when people compare our players to those on teams who're built with the QB being the final piece rather than the expected cornerstone. Was Trent a first round pick who was coddled like Rivers, Rogers, or Manning? Has he ever had the protection Ben had his first two seasons in the league of a top running game paired with a top defense? Rivers held a clipboard for 2 full seasons and Rogers for 3. Manning's third year in the league was nearly as rough as his first. Trent's been starting on a bad football team with a poor offensive line ever since he got here and it's not getting any better. We'll be lucky if we haven't already ruined the guy. You're right that no QB left Buffalo and went on to anything. It's pretty rare for QBs to get pounded relentlessly, never have team success and then move on somewhere else with the required confidence to get it done in this league. The BILLS are currently a place QBs go to die and you can thank a decade of front office stupidity with a side of Ralph's refusal to pay for a proven NFL Head Coach.
  3. I think you read too much into it. I don't think T.O. can turn the franchise around but he could make a serious difference in the passing game and if that happens the running game follows.
  4. If you were a veteran QB and saw the situation in Buffalo, would you be eager to sign? Kerry Collins is a serviceable QB in a place like Tennessee where he's not asked to win games. That wouldn't be the situation here and there just aren't many guys in the latter stages of their careers who want to take an ass beating while being booed for things that obviously aren't their fault. When Ralph hires a competent coach like Jeff Fisher, he'll stop getting results like the ones Dick Jauron is capable of.
  5. Just operationally. They left most of the bureaucrats in place.
  6. If the BILLS win I will drive Derrick to your house and set up a camera to film him blowing you because there's no way in hell anyone would believe a non-gay dude would give oral to another dude over a football game.
  7. I find it difficult to evaluate any QB in the "system" that the BILLS are running with the OLine of the last decade. It's just a recipe for disaster. My only hope is that T.O. can provide a real threat that will roll coverage and open up new options.
  8. You sure showed me. Well, you showed me that Allen Wilson knows Rhodes' contract details. What you didn't prove was your point. The fact of the matter is if it was just about money then Copeland Bryan would be a BILL and Chris Kelsey wouldn't. That isn't the case. Dominic Rhodes didn't show any more than Xavier Omon (in fact, he actually showed a little less). If you can't beat out a younger, cheaper player on a new team then you're very likely going to be gone. Rhodes was NEVER the key to a successful season and when you factor in his poor performance both carrying and blocking with his contract number, it was a very easy decision. The fact that you are whining about him being cut for money shows what a pollyanna you are. I'm one of the first to criticize Ralph and his cheap ways (especially where coaching is concerned) but Dominic Rhodes career as a BILL ended way more because he sucked than any other reason.
  9. It really isn't. But you're a partisan shill, so it's not a surprise that you'd trumpet that as some kind of win.
  10. Which certainly explains the decision to keep Denney and Kelsey. Retardia knows no consistency.
  11. The BILLS don't have a talent problem. Any decent NFL staff could contend with the current roster. It's too bad Ralph is too cheap to pay for coaches and we end up with the Mularkey's, Williams', and Jauron's of the world. I don't know if the guy can play in the NFL and neither do any of you. I do know that every season there is someone cut who was a preseason probowler and I don't recall a single one of them going on to do crap in the NFL. Now back to the pitchforks...
  12. He's a running back and a veteran one at that. Any other position I'd agree but not a veteran RB. Regardless, no team would bring him in as anything more than a third at this point. Give what I've seen this preseason I'd seriously doubt any team wants him.
  13. That was exactly what I thought when I saw it. Belichick is certainly hedging his bets on that one. Smart dude.
  14. We'd have to have players people actually want.
  15. I certainly hope that's the case because I'd much rather see him whiff on blocks for only a couple of games than an entire season. I love the fact that some people are actually hoping we bring back this guy considering that to do so not ONE other NFL team would have to want him.
  16. Perhaps the coaches based their evaluations on what they saw for the last 3 months instead of meaningless preseason games and production against what was largely a bunch of guys who'll never play in the NFL. But I'm all about the mob mentality so it's probably because they're really stupid and we're really smart.
  17. The ship started to sink when Ralph fired Polian. It's been resting comfortably on the bottom for some time now.
  18. Rhodes was terrible in the preseason and veteran running backs are the quickest to lose their skills. Chambers was never anything more than a journeyman. I won't be surprised at all if he never gets another sniff.
  19. Pretty arrogant given the lack of recent success in the post season compared to the Red Sox. I'll believe the current group of Yankees can beat the Red Sox when it matters when they actually do it. For the life of me I don't understand anyone talking that kind of trash, especially a BILLS fan. I don't know where Macungie is but the rivers apparently run deep with vinegar and water.
  20. Especially when you can leverage bipartisan stupidity to the fullest extent.
  21. Greed will eventually kill the golden goose and "smart" people like Jerry Jones will be the ones to thank for it.
  22. Let's give him the Preseason MVP Award.
  23. Yeah. Can't be that it doesn't affect most people in their day to day lives or that the media largely ignores things that are obviously wrong with decidedly liberal legislation. Nah. It's got to be that the law is swell. It's nice to know that your stupidity isn't limited solely to PPP.
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