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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Yeah, everything is only the fault of the previous administration. How very honest. Now sit in your easy chair, flip on MSNBC and let Olbermann and Matthews tell you what to think.
  2. Really? New England is coming off a very disappointing season where they lost their star QB in the first quarter of the first game and didn't make the playoffs. They're playing at home and are going to try and send a message to the football world in prime time that they are back and as good as ever. Buffalo was probably the worst 5-1 team in NFL history. 4 of the five wins were over teams that combined to win 16 games all season. As soon as they faced any adversity, they folded like the mentally fragile team they've been for nearly a decade. This season the test isn't the seventh game of the season, it's the first - against a team they've beaten exactly ONCE in sixteen tries. Knowing all these things, you don't think this game is tone setting? Preseason is meaningless when you're a successful, veteran team with a strong mindset. The BILLS are not that in any way, shape, form, or fashion. What we saw, yet again, is more of the same poor preparation and execution - a continuing theme of the last 3 seasons. They can make all the excuses they want but this preseason is simply further proof that this team has not and is not evolving. Good teams don't fire offensive coordinators the week before the season opener. They don't cut guys running with the ones 6 days before the first game. Bad teams do. You need to look up the definition of misguided because it clearly doesn't mean what you think. I'd love for the BILLS to prove me wrong but I've been a fan for 35 years and this is the same sh-- cake Ralph has been serving for most of his tenure. Enjoy your half full glass of warm piss.
  3. The fact of the matter is the Patriots don't win with talent alone and never have. They are superbly coached and prepared and they are as tough as nails mentally. The BILLS have been pretty much the opposite for a very long time.
  4. Bobby Shaw was a WR, not an offensive lineman who was supposed to play the most important position on the line. Most people with even modest football acumen KNEW that Langston Walker COULD NOT play Left Tackle in the National Football League but that didn't stop the "braintrust" at OBD from wasting a ton of very precious snaps this offseason trying to force that fat ass square peg into a thimble sized round hole. Offensive line has been a problem in Buffalo for over a decade and this is simply another example of how utterly clueless the leadership (non-playing) of this "organization" is. They could very easily have spent the entire offseason developing Bell for the spot but instead wasted that precious time. It would have seemed ridiculous but there is at least a chance that Bell could become a player but there was NO WAY IN HELL the cement footed Walker was ever going to be able to handle that job. Even the friggin' Raiders understood that. Read that sentence again. The Schonert situation is even dumber. He didn't become a control freak 4 days ago and any manager worth a crap recognizes mistakes and rectifies them at the time they will do the least amount of damage, not the most. Dick Jauron is not a rookie head coach and given that EVERYONE in the world knows this season is it for him without serious production, it stands to reason that if there was ANY doubts where Schonert was concerned that he should have been replaced BEFORE the draft, not a week before the first (and tone setting) game of the season. Of course, Jauron could have gone to Ralph and tried and got shot down because of cash. I'd totally believe that given Ralph's track record where coaching is concerned. My feeling on the subject is Ralph is agonizing over the ridiculous decision to extend DJ early last season - the latest ridiculous organizational management decision in what is an amazing history of ineptitude.
  5. $2 million is not "a little less". It's 2 MILLION DOLLARS. Richard Seymour helped the Patriots win 3 Super Bowls. They just traded him to the worst run franchise in the league a week before the season starts. Welcome to the reason players are selfish.
  6. I would have supported them too. In January.
  7. Which certainly explains the DHS and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, right? Jesus, can any of you people think for yourselves?
  8. They haven't given us a single reason over Jauron's tenure to give them the benefit of the doubt. If this was their first year, I might pause for a second but this is year FOUR. This organization is a disaster and it's too bad the players and fans suffer.
  9. Too bad they didn't do it over the off season so they could have used the OTAs, mini-camps, training camp, and preseason to build cohesion. You know, like real NFL teams do. It's a total joke that this team has fired its OC and LT less than a week before the first NFL game of the season.
  10. I don't think you're going to have to hope. I expect New England to use this as a statement game and for our very mentally fragile team to fold quickly. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.
  11. Why would you trade a draft choice for a player you can have for free if you wait a day or two? Why would you trade a draft choice for a player when the first regular season game is TWO days away and EVERY team in the NFL has set their lineup (well, except the Buffalo Bills)?
  12. It's funny how you look at my consistency as a negative but are "opptomistic" about the upcoming season despite 10 years of mediocrity and a team that has fired its OC and starting LT less than 10 days before a game against a team they've been ONCE in the last SIXTEEN tries.
  13. Ever heard the phrase "There's one born every minute?" Guess why that exists. I've been following this team for over 35 years. With a couple of very short exceptions, this is one of the most poorly run franchises in pro sports. There's little to be "opptomistic" about when you've seen this show before. About 27 times. There are too many of you who only remember the late 80s/early 90s.
  14. Who are you? Advantage: Me Until this moment, I had no idea of my true power. And you obviously have no idea what verbose means. Advantage: draw. No, but I'm sure that nightmare you're having about your time in county is having a large effect on your life. Advantage: Your prison husband. Actually, I'm positive the BILLS are going to suck. Advantage: Push Except the sun is up over 14 hours a day right now, you climatological challenged douche. Advantage: Al Gore 10 years without a playoff berth means AD knows mediocrity. Advantage: Ralph Wilson because I actually clapped for the crypt keeper in Canton.
  15. It wouldn't matter with this staff/ownership. We could trade straight across with the Patriots and within 3 years Belichick would be back on top and we'd be picking DBs at the top of the first round.
  16. Ralph's been in control virtually all of his ownership tenure. It's not a coincidence that the team has sucked most of the time.
  17. It was all over in my mind, so I can't say he should feel any differently. It was a move destined for failure. Langston isn't Ogden but he was a pretty good RT. Leave it to the BILLS to take a pretty good RT and move him to a different position instead of finding a true LT. The friggin' Cardinals went to the SB with castoff Mike Gandy playing LT.
  18. Can you blame him? The guy knows what he's capable of and the BILLS, like all organizations who're clueless, all but guaranteed his failure. It was doomed from the beginning and looks that much dumber now that Oher is playing so well in Baltimore.
  19. There are coaches out there RIGHT now that would win with this roster. Period.
  20. I saw about all of Hardy I needed to against the Rams when he couldn't use his body to shield Ty Hill in the endzone. THREE times. Hardy is as raw as it comes and adding his injury to that would lead me to believe it was a pretty smart decision to leave him nailed to the bench. I'm not defending Schonert at all but I don't think your example holds much water.
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