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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Jim has both sets of genitals? I'm not going to ask how you knew that.
  2. The Patriots almost completely changed out their defense this off season and their most important player is coming off a serious injury. They weren't going to look great in this game but the did what they almost always do - they found a way. Every season people want to bury this team. It's a little early.
  3. Jimmy Carter needs to speak publicly way more often.
  4. Are you !@#$ing kidding or are you really that stupid?
  5. Halliburton! C'mon liberal apologists. Speak the !@#$ up. Hypocrites.
  6. That post is so sensible that Vegas put the over/under on Smilies you're going to get in the response at 3.5.
  7. Oh look, another thing you're wrong about. The list gets a bit longer. Get over yourself dude. You're comic relief, not a threat to message board peace.
  8. Maybe a few more government giveaways will make it stop.
  9. Unlike the socialist Republicans and their big government programs and wars that are ruining the country/world. Them you worship.
  10. Levitre started calling the timeout as soon as Edwards was sacked. That was actually a pretty smart play.
  11. The officials were horrible but it was hardly one sided.
  12. What else can you do? The defense was exhausted and the couple of times they tried to blitz Brady ate them up and they didn't get a sniff. The forced them to use 3 minutes on that drive. Unfortunately for them the safety decided to give up the center of the field and that allowed Watson to get behind Ellison. At some point SOMEONE has to make a play. That's why the Patriots win the close ones and the BILLS don't. Tonight it wasn't the coaching, though you could make the argument (and I have) that the decision to have Bell play LT was an enormous blunder.
  13. Both teams had breaks and both teams had dropped passes. Happens every game. The Pats also had yet another game without a single friggin' offensive holding penalty. It'd be amazing if it wasn't such a joke. They didn't play soft. They forced the Patriots to earn every yard and take 3 minutes off the clock in their 2 minute drill. It's too bad the safeties made the play they did on the TD (and not just because the retards on this board are blaming Ellison). They're either too aggressive or too conservative. They'd have been brilliant if they held on for winning on the road against a team most people have in the AFC Championship game. Unfortunately they lost, so they suck.
  14. I'll never get the "need" people have to blame one person when a team loses. It's stupid and pointless.
  15. Strong arms don't keep people from breaking bones. There isn't a person in this world who could have taken the hit he took when he broke his arm the first time. Ridiculous.
  16. Except it's not logical at all when you're winning the damn game with 5 minutes to go by 2 scores. There isn't a single person on this board who wouldn't have taken the BILLS needing a FG to win this game with 50 seconds to go and 2 time outs and that's exactly what we had despite the killer turnover.
  17. The guy that hit him was pretty much the last guy.
  18. 13 points in 55 minutes. They had the game plan that gave them the best chance to win. If you want to blame anything, blame the decision not to replace Turk this offseason and give AVP more time. Blame the idea of moving Langston Walker to LT, only to fire him and put a green ass rookie in his place, with 2 other green ass rookies starting in the interior. But the gameplan tonight was excellent - it simply needed to be executed slightly better (especially by the receivers, who dropped far too many catch able balls). The BILLS have a culture of losing and I've said over and over that Jauron won't change it but the gameplan tonight was NOT the problem.
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