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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. How about your inability to answer a simple question but instead concentrating on the minutia of a simple barb? What exactly is a responsible nation? Really? How exactly did it hurt them politically on the world stage in 2003? I notice you didn't use the economic part of the equation I offered, probably because you realize how ridiculous it'd look based on a war that was pretty much about oil. Yeah, it's pretty much a fact that George Washington cautioned about long term alliances (a fact that he was correct about, which every decent leader would understand and could actually apply to any situation. It's a simple concept, really). It's so much a fact that I actually put the quote from the speech in the follow up post, yet I have no idea what a fact is? I'm not sure why you're so confused about something that's so friggin' obvious that even Gene Frenkle could understand it. But somehow I'm on the wrong end of the argument.
  2. What exactly is a "responsible nation"? And I could be way wrong, but I somehow doubt that you are all that responsible for anything. There are no such things as "friends and allies" on the national stage and "personal relationships" among politicians are about show, not substance. Every nation is generally out for themselves and the United States leads the way in that very endeavor. Our allies will "help" whenever it is either economically or politically expedient for them to do so. To think anything else is pure folly and totally ignorant of history. Are you !@#$ing retarded? Apparently. So: "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But in my opinion it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them." Washington also warned of the evils of the Two party system and was dead nutz about that as well.
  3. Most Americans don't understand the Representative Republic so it's pretty difficult to tell any of the partisans that the opposite party isn't trying to kill what's left. Too bad we're way past that and both of the parties (and the retards who follow them) are basically picking the shreds that are left on the bone.
  4. Who cares? The United States should be VERY careful about long term alliances, a fact that was driven home in George Washington's final speech as President. Are you kidding me?
  5. I'll believe I'm wrong when the playoffs are set. No offense, but 2 games in and a single win over Tampa Bay doesn't have me all flush with butterflies.
  6. By whose definition? Yours? Why the hell would I care what you "think"?
  7. That sucks but I totally expected that. I won't be surprised if he's unable to play again. That was a nasty injury.
  8. I think your relatives are right (except the Reggie Bush part - that dude is so overrated it's just stupid). I hope we're wrong but I don't like this matchup one bit.
  9. I can't believe anyone would own $400k worth of jewelry. I also no longer wonder why so many athletes end up broke because apparently most of them have little sense of money.
  10. Kelso is excellent. Dude is wicked smart.
  11. I fired down some 25 year old M&Ms out of an MRE pack back in the day. That **** was like chocolate dust.
  12. You could worship a box of sea salt for all anyone cares. Way to miss the big point. As usual. Poor victim.
  13. Look everyone, Page 1, para 1 of the Liberal assclown playbook. When confronted with facts, make it about race. Very refreshing.
  14. You realize that you're explaining that to someone who openly believes that Acorn isn't a Democrat organization, right?
  15. Common sense doesn't equal bitterness anywhere but that completely empty orb perched on your shoulders.
  16. Now if he could just learn to read his blocks.
  17. There's already more than enough money in the system for health care but let's keep pretending there isn't because it's more convenient than addressing the actual problems.
  18. That would have been hard given Threatt wasn't on that team. But Worthy, Perkins, Scott, A.C. Green, and Vlade were and most were at the peak of their skills. Just about anyone could have replaced Magic and gotten them into the Finals from the West because they only team they had to beat was the perpetually underachieving Trailblazers in the conference finals.
  19. I watched it and the whole time I was thinking: "Shut the !@#$ up Mike, while most of the world still thinks you're a good guy." He came off as a complete douchehamster.
  20. So now that you agree with him about something he's not an idiot?
  21. The best part of all of this is how hard you have to work to not face your own hypocrisy. Keep typing, Chachi.
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