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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I've often said the best thing that ever happened to the Buffalo Bills was when Jim Kelly went to the USFL and got to develop without anyone bitching at him for every little thing.
  2. I guess that depends on your definition of "long term commitments". Who is advocating that? Leadership comes in many forms and delegation is certainly one tool we rarely seem to use. One of the reasons the Euros won't handle **** in their own yard is because we ALWAYS do. That's one way of looking at it. Of course I'd rather have that money spent on U.S. soil than German/English/Japanese/Korean.
  3. That I wouldn't dispute. Outside of the Polian era, the BILLS draft strategy has been mostly head scratching.
  4. Most interceptions are the result of poor throws based on pressure. Which should make it obvious to just about everyone why the BILLS have struggled in that particular facet of the game. He was beaten out by Scott? You have no idea what you're talking about. Whitner was moved to FS when Ko Simpson got hurt because putting Scott at SS with Whitner at Free was better than having Whitner out there with the undersized Jim Leonard. That was to combat Antonio Gates and the BILLS had success so they stuck with it. If Byrd ends up starting at free safety, you can guarantee that Scott is heading back to the bench. Which certainly explains why he was used as the slot guy his rookie season. Except the Ravens already said they would have picked Whitner if he were available. I don't know what the hell our "cap strategy" is but Whitner is pretty far down the list of guys who don't play to their number. If the BILLS could consistently pressure the QB we could probably get a better read on Whitner but this reactionary BS by people who obviously need a scapegoat for their lack of football acumen is really old.
  5. I was listening to John Feinstein (someone I have a ton of respect for) the other day and he was talking about how Art Monk wouldn't talk to the media during his playing days. When Monk went into Canton, he made himself available to the media but most of them wouldn't have anything to do with him. If Feinstein can be that petty... This is the childishness we end up with. T.O. is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. I don't care if he talks to Jerry Sullivan or anyone else.
  6. Except the collection of excessive taxes and the power gained from it is the foundation of what you're bitching about. Now head back to your bad whiskey for some more answers to things you apparently don't understand.
  7. Why are you making it about me? I've never alluded to anything along the lines of your commitment. Pathetic. Realizing your folly? The only statement in that quote that was correct is "it was a poor decision". Because it was. Afghanistan had nothing to do with oil and I never said it did. You're simply deflecting. Probably not because it now seems as though you've gotten it. Semantics. You spend an awful lot of time concentrating on minutia and missing the real issues. Of course, that's pretty much what politicians count on.
  8. Uh, what? Yeah, nothing better than spending trillions of dollars we don't have protecting the stuff of our economic competitors. NATO's been utterly brilliant. I've never sat in any strategic meeting and thought it was a bad thing that others didn't know exactly what I was thinking. Honoring a single commitment isn't the same thing as hamstringing yourself because you shook hands one time or a hundred. Every situation should be judged on it's own merit rather than entered into blindly. Sins of the past don't have to be repeated... It hasn't. Hence the original point.
  9. Bull. There are plenty of very good football players who weren't/aren't stopwatch fast but were/are football fast. Crabtree may not be a burner in the truest sense but that dude is definitely football fast.
  10. Who said anything of the sort? You're basically advocating my position and apparently don't know it. My take on Washington's statement is that of adaptability based on what is best. That doesn't seem to be at all different from what you're alluding to. Nice try, though.
  11. You mean because your side is so awesome? Sorry, they both suck royally and there are few differences to really discern them.
  12. We could have drafted him...
  13. Safety quality isn't the reason we don't play tight coverage (though Scott is at times woeful). It's all about pass rush.
  14. Neither was Jerry Rice. 40 times are probably the most overrated stat in player evaluation.
  15. It's funny to watch him stereotype people while pretending that ACORN isn't a Democrat organization.
  16. So you're going to blame a Congresswoman for this act because she openly questioned the government (which is pretty much her job)? Here's a newsflash: Everyone says stuff and virtually everything can be twisted to fit some stupid agenda. The original post in this thread is extremely hypocritical given what you were apparently trying to prove.
  17. You'd have made a great juror in the Duke rape case.
  18. Yeah, a simple barb. And I didn't accuse you of being irresponsible. Not being responsible for anything isn't the same as being irresponsible. Somehow I doubt that you make any decisions in this representative republic for anything but your daily life. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it. Then there isn't a single responsible nation on this planet. Many do some of the things you alluded to, some do more but most do what is in their best interest in the short term regardless of the long term implications (which seem to be mostly disregarded) Public image isn't the same thing as being hurt politically. And you're right that it's hopeless to continue the conversation on this subject because you're pretty much wrong. That's the fallacy of it. You're right that they aren't keeping the oil for themselves but you're wrong that it wasn't all about economics. War is almost always about economics and this one was no different. Yeah, it is a fact. He said it. That's fact. He meant it. Also fact. I don't know why that's so hard. It kind of is an absolute. Every situation should be judged on its own merit, regardless of past alliances. Do what is best for your citizens first, last, and always. Not what is best for the some other country because you've had a long term relationship. But thanks for making it about me. Shows how bankrupt your argument really is.
  19. Not really. It's more important to do what is right for your citizens than to hold hands with another country no matter what the consequences. Adaptability. Who took it as an absolute? And why would it even matter? We rarely do what is right for any reason other than economics and even that is debatable. The idea that the U.S. leads is nothing but political trumpeting.
  20. Mostly because Ryan never dialed down the pressure and the Pats have zero running game. Brady was as rattled as I've ever seen him - he obviously missed Welker and Galloway picked a really bad time to play one of his worst games as a pro.
  21. I don't see the merit of that argument. Which simply means Washington was practical and understood that each situation needed to be judged on its own merit and responded to accordingly. Superpowers have never "gone it alone".
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