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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The deadline for trading unsigned draftees has already passed. Crabtree won't be traded without signing a contract.
  2. 1. Stuff like that is only fiscally irresponsible and a giveaway for the rich when Republicans do it. 2. Finally John Kerry does something involving the military.
  3. It's really amazing how that **** works. Must be too much Vitamin D.
  4. I don't think anyone is blameless, so jw's not completely out of line but his "solution" is ridiculous.
  5. Yeah. Not because you have a cold. Something with a pretty high deductible.
  6. It's systemic. Pretty much the way business is done. I don't know if any of them are doing anything "Enronian" and I doubt Congress could find anything even if it was overt. That's just not the way they work. Like I said before, it's all legal. That doesn't mean it's not B.S. I do agree that there is a major agenda, which should be expected any time one party has control of both the legislative and the executive. Luckily for us they're generally buffoons.
  7. You obviously don't know much about accounting. It's pretty easy to show significantly lower profits through a variety of methods - all of which are legal. Every company I've ever worked for/with has done it, so I find it hard to believe it's not happening in health care. Almost all data in the modern world is easy to manipulate and there isn't an easy way to change it.
  8. I think everyone should have "catastrophic" health insurance. I also think healthy people should get a significant discount and the fatty mcbutterpant's of the world should pay per square inch. I think hospitals/doctors should have to tell you in advance what things cost so that you have a choice on who gets your money. I think there should be independent review boards to stop defensive medicine. I think there should be significant Tort reform. I think the FDA should significantly streamline the process for getting drugs to market and should let anyone diagnosed with a terminal illness/condition take whatever the !@#$ they want if they think it gives them a chance to survive. I think the government should stay out of people's decision on whether to end their own life. I think Medicare/MedicAid/the VA/should all be abolished. I think the HMO Act of 1973 should be repealed in its entirety. I think the easiest way to save money is to streamline administration but the lawyers won't let that happen. I think employers should be cut completely out of the health care business. I think all medical expenses should be tax free.
  9. Well there's the measure I look for. Top 10 lists.
  10. No offense but "book cooking" is an art form in this day and age. They can repeat that stat a million more times and it'll still be absolute poppycock. Not saying your point is lesser but that particular tidbit is of little merit.
  11. Let me know when you're willing (or more likely able) to discuss anything beyond the sound byte level. Until then feel free to stick to your cheap hooch and intellectually lazy takes. It amuses me because of your "stature". You mean because I'd take that to heart or because you actually think that education equals intelligence? Because I have a hard time believing that even the majority of toadstools who inhabit this board would think you're anything more than average in that department.
  12. I think that take is fine as long as they're allowed to let you bleed out when you actually need medical care because you decided that having a cell phone and cable was more important than health insurance.
  13. If I was going to lose my job at the end of the season when my team didn't make the playoffs, I don't think I'd be putting a green ass rookie on the field against a division foe with the game on the line. Just sayin'.
  14. And it was all because of one positional change on the back end. Yeah, he's awesome. That's why he's on his fourth team in 5 seasons and was part of a team that lost 8 of the last 10 games after they inserted him into the starting lineup.
  15. I asked exactly the same question when Brady got him to vacate the middle of the field on the game winning TD pass. I actually had to look up who number 31 was. Couldn't believe they'd have a rookie on the field in that situation. Talk about setting yourself up for failure.
  16. Jesus. I've seen beheading videos that were less painful to watch.
  17. Don't take it personally. Our attention spans are really short.
  18. Typical mass media garbage. The two have nothing to do with one another but the theory is simple enough to get lemmings to follow along so they do regurgitate it with authority. Yet we still spend more per student than any nation in the world, so perhaps it's not an issue of money. I guess that concept is far too complicated to delve into, though. That would cause a whole bunch of people a ton of discomfort, most of whom are the ones people in the media industry vote for in droves. There are plenty of proposals for addressing each of those topics but none of them are very popular because they tear at the expensive empires that are firmly entrenched. I'm not surprised you're not familiar with them as the mass media tends to ignore anything that doesn't involve further spending of taxpayer money. It's the "bandaid on a brain tumor" mentality. But we can pretend that the anti-tax movement is the one that disingenuous. Keep writing at the ninth grade level, John.
  19. And you just posted that you think there's going to be a shooting war in Iran soon. Coincidence?
  20. I still have heartburn with it because guys with Dion's skill set are once in a generation. You simply shut down the ice for 30 minutes every night. I love Vanek but great defensemen just don't come along that often.
  21. Which in post analysis seems to be the trump card reason we invaded Iraq. Can't have oil being traded in Euros, now can we?
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