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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Nice offensive tackles. I pine for the day when we have guys who can block a CFLer.
  2. I fail to see the difference between Palin "fans" and Obama "worshippers". I fall in neither category, though it's not surprising that someone with your limited cognitive abilities would believe that someone who thinks Palin is an idiot is somehow an Obama worshipper because your world is obviously very simple. Actually, what's sad is watching so many people buy into someone who doesn't have anything to sell. The Sarah Palin that ran for governor of this state isn't the one who ended up being governor. The fact that there are a whole lot of stupid people willing to spend their money on something she's "written" is the equivalent of the New Kids on the Block selling a bunch of albums and then pretending their music is something other than mediocre. I don't care about someone capitalizing on their popularity and making a bunch of money, just don't try to pretend that she's anything more than that. Sarah Palin isn't a leader of any kind, she's a quitter and shouldn't ever be in charge of anything publically. I love the fact that you actually think I'm a liberal. That's just awesome. Try and find a single person on this earth who agrees with you. Moron. Yeah, she's not a lawyer. Whoo hoo. People aren't at all "tuned in" to what's going on, as evidenced by the continuation of the 2 party system. Get back to your ridiculous worship of someone for no actual reason, it's fun to watch.
  3. I totally agree with that. He take the rest of his flunkies with him.
  4. It's no difference than the "we're going to call the instigator penalty more often this season". The first game I watched was Carolina/Philly. Carcillo boards Ray Whitney (Carolina's best player) so Gleason goes over and fights him. Gleason gets 2/5/10 for instigating. Really? So if Carcillo doesn't board Whitney is there a fight? Way to understand your own !@#$ing game, NHL.
  5. I know that's the case far too often and it could be solved very quickly by not allowing insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, much the same way they could eliminate people losing their health care by taking employers completely out of the equation. Insurance companies obviously have a very powerful lobby, as do trial lawyers. The average American simply doesn't.
  6. Apparently the one where government doesn't control everything - because they certainly don't seem to be addressing any of the actual issues involving health care.
  7. You mean because your worship of a terminally stupid quitter politician is somehow vindicated by David Letterman scoring and it being made public knowledge?
  8. I doubt it's the plan, that would take a clue. It will, however, be the result.
  9. Don't care. I'll believe this team is different when it proves it is. Facts is facts, the Yankees have consistently underperformed in the postseason for almost a decade. And "CC being CC" has meant a .400 postseason winning percentage and an ERA of almost 8. I don't know why you have faith in Burnett. As far as I remember, he's never even sniffed the post season.
  10. Great. I can't wait until the first "and now Whitner has been beaten out by Jairus Byrd" post.
  11. Could you homos quick !@#$ing up the health care thread with Nazi talk? For !@#$s sake.
  12. I wouldn't say they've embraced the free market. They've exploited it, certainly.
  13. I'm really surprised that taking corporal punishment out of schools and making sure kids have tons of self esteem has led to them killing each other in heinous ways.
  14. I'll echo the "wings suck" thing. I do like the Buffalo Chips and I think a couple of their sauces are OK for dipping.
  15. That's why the only time I use a barbell is if it's attached to a Smith machine.
  16. I've outlined them a number of times and to be quite honest, I'm tired of repeating it. Use the search function. Or use google. There are plenty of pretty smart people out there who've spent a ton of time and effort outlining what is really wrong with the health care system and real reforms that would make a difference. Not this ridiculous socialist nonsense that won't change a damn thing. Of course they're being ignored because they're not well funded special interest groups who keep people in power. The U.S. spends more on health care than any country in the world, yet we get less for our money. More government involvement in the system is THE reason it's the way it is today, not the fix.
  17. So in other words the government has basically ignored simple problems that could easily be cured with legislation and the only answer is to now give them the keys to the entire kingdom. That's some brilliant lahjik right there.
  18. You "not worrying about it" isn't anywhere near the same thing as something working, just as the 3 foot view looks much different from 30,000 feet.. I'm not so sure why that's such a difficult thing to understand. I'm also not arguing that the American model isn't broken because it certainly is but what Washington is proposing doesn't fix a single symptom of the problem. I'm not surprised you don't get that, either. Whoo hoo for China. It's awesome that you can exploit your population as basically slaves for the gain of the very few. Their version of socialism rules.
  19. That seems to be an American business model. If I had a nickle for every time I told a decision maker "if you don't have enough money to do this right the first time, when are you going to have the money to fix it?", I'd be a ridiculously rich man.
  20. He was pretty terrible. He didn't "lead" us to a 9-7 season - we pretty much lucked into it because of our second half schedule that had us playing the dregs of the NFL for six straight weeks. We started that season 0-4 because the offense (especially Bledsoe) totally sucked. Bledsoe's record as a starter in Buffalo against teams that finished with 10 or more wins was 2-14. His career record was 8-38. He was a guy who was born one generation too late. The zone blitz and his inability to evolve doomed him when he should have been at his best.
  21. No, it really hasn't. You and I have a different definition of stellar. And saying the OLine sucks isn't a pass for Edwards in any way but when you take a guy who got battered in college and put him in a situation to be battered some more, it's not exactly the recipe for good long term development. Ask David Carr. It's pretty easy when you don't ever throw the ball down the field and take sacks rather than air it out to the outside when the defense is giving you that look.
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