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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Because that's generally what it takes for the political pendulum to swing the other way, dumb ass.
  2. I don't think it matters what Fitz shows when he plays. There's little question the QB position needs to be addressed.
  3. It's actually enhanced mine. Same stupid ****, different end result. Special thanks to Rex Ryan for not giving the ball to Jones very much.
  4. The BILLS win one in spite of themselves. Sanchez sure looks like a future superstar, huh?
  5. And once again, the BILLS failure to run to the line of scrimmage and run a play costs them. C'mon DICK!
  6. Don't let the fact that it is YOU who has turned "killing Constitutional rights" into "protecting corporate interests" (mostly because politicians and liberal idiots like you rarely understand the consequences of the legislation that they are passing). Not that Democrats/liberals don't protect corporate interests, because they absolutely do (surely they didn't take going after Big Pharma off the table in exchange for support for their Health Care Bill? Oh wait, that's absolutely the FIRST thing they did). If you don't understand that, then you're an even bigger fool than you come off as in your posts. You couldn't make a cohesive argument if your life depended on it.
  7. He's a typical pecker checker. He knows he's full of crap so his entire play is: You're a loser because you post more than me on this internet message board. I'm deeply wounded.
  8. Your lack of intellectual ability doesn't make someone else a hypocrite. I know that's going to be too much for you to fathom but go ahead and try anyway.
  9. When did he upgrade from smoke signals? I missed that one. Wind must have been blowing out.
  10. Facing your own hypocrisy is obviously a tough thing for you to do. No surprise there.
  11. The vote was 405-2, jackass. The Republican party is just as liberal as the dummycrats you worship when it comes to the killing Constitutional rights, which is why I used the term "big government". I know this stuff is hard for you, but try to keep up.
  12. Am I the only one surprised to find out Mississippi has teachers?
  13. The big government you liberals love is so sorry that one of the big government programs you don't like has consequences. In no way should you look at the programs you do love with the same kind of scrutiny, as that would involve questioning your own beliefs and facing reality. Thanks though for ignoring the real part of the story, which is that big government passed a law that said it was OK for corporations to strip away Constitutional rights like jury trials.
  14. One way to stop them from eating is by choking them.
  15. It would have been nice to see him offer up solutions to the things government has broken in regards to health care rather than simply point out what they're planning won't work. Welcome to what Republicans bring to the table.
  16. Of course the federal government is making 8% on a gallon of gasoline - which is down from the 15% (approximated) they were making during the Clinton Administration...
  17. Settle down Eric, there isn't anyone anywhere who thinks you have a clue. When you try to insult people the only effect it has from the "victim" is pity towards you. Which is also the most likely reason you've procreated.
  18. That's because both parties say "Good for America" when they mean "Good for people who keep us in power and money". And with the partisan retards in the electorate, they're all but guaranteed to stay there and continue to erode America away.
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