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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Which is why "degrees" exist already. Try again.
  2. Which has absolutely nothing to do with Sarah Palin. You mean because heavily Republican states don't have budget problems? Care to tell me what Alaska's budget situation looks like? I have no clue what's going on? Are we pretending that Republicans are somehow fiscally responsible now? Complaining about the current administration while ignoring Republican bloat and fiscal irresponsibility is why I think you're a complete idiot. Democrats spend money we don't have, just like Republicans. You worship one. I worship neither. He could send 400k. I don't think it's going to matter until someone actually defines what victory in Afghanistan actually is. Welcome to "war" in the 21st century. The easiest person to blame for Afghanistan isn't currently in office... You mean because she wouldn't quit in New Jersey? Quitters always quit. New Jersey is getting what it deserves, just like every other place that continues to pretend the two party system isn't an absolute failure. Let me know when you're fed up enough to actually look at politicians like Sarah Palin with the same eyes you use on President Obama because there aren't many real differences between them. As I said earlier, the Sarah Palin that won the governorship of Alaska would NEVER have accepted the VP nomination from someone like John McCain.
  3. "Hate Crime" seems like another crutch for inequality. I've yet to hear a cogent argument for it, though there may be statistics that prove it gets more idiots to plead guilty to lighten their sentences in much the same way gun leftislation does. I could buy that but it still flies in the face of the Constitution. The thought that "Hate Crime Legislation" will stop people from race related crime is ridiculous in the very same way that the possibility of the Death Penalty stops murder.
  4. I don't think the Sabres are cheap at all. They've made a few questionable decisions but that can be said about pretty much any team out there. The biggest issue they've had is when they've not made the playoffs, it's been just barely. That keeps you out of the sweepstakes for difference making guys like Crosby, Malkin, Tavares, etc. I'd say they also have a problem drafting in the first round but that' pretty much true of any team that selects after about pick 5 because you're taking an educated guess at best. Cheap? Not really. Stupid to pay guys like Max and Kotalik instead of dumping them and keeping Drury/Briere? You bet.
  5. Finally, something you can comment on with some expertise. Bravo.
  6. I don't have any weakly found grudges - it's a simple observation that more than holds its own. You're pretty much the definition of a Palin worshipper and your comebacks in that thread more than proved it was more than about David Letterman. I don't expect you to own up to it - that would take stones. The reason you "thought" I was on Team Obama is because you can't see through you're own hypocrisy. People like you are the problem, not the solution.
  7. Is that the same as when you told me Obama was my hero? Your magic act is already stale, dumbass-o.
  8. I don't know, he probably throws it to Reed because that's his safety blanket. I think he doesn't make the throw to Evans in the end zone or the initial dropped pass by T.O. because those guys are closely covered. My biggest issue with Trent is he doesn't seem to understand that the windows in the NFL are small and that it's rare for guys to be wide open. Look at Manning's pass to Dallas Clarke yesterday. There's no way Trent even thinks about throwing that thing.
  9. There is plenty of blame for both sides on Peters leaving Buffalo. Pretending otherwise is revisionist history.
  10. You mean because we're going to get to play Delhomme, Anderson, and Sanchise every three games? One can only hope there are 3 equally pitiful performances in the future because that'll continue to cover the fact that there are receivers running wide open all over the secondary and that the safeties everyone is so enamored with are FAR away from their responsibilities when the ball arrives.
  11. Except it's not a good call. That play had multiple failures: 1. Fine was charged with single blocking the strong side DE and got blown 3 yards into the endzone - right into Freddie J's lap. 2. Hangartner helped out on Wood's guy and then went to the second level - I'm guessing his initial assignment should have been the slanting weakside DT. 3. Levitre probably should have helped Bell on the weakside DE. The strongside DE, the weakside DT, and the weakside DE all arrived at Freddie at virtually the same time. No one outside the dressing room knows what blocking assignments should have been executed but there isn't a guard in this game who could make the block everyone is apparently expecting Levitre to handle in that situation. Regardless of these facts, that play was doomed to failure because Fine can't block my mother, much less a 300 pound DE.
  12. You mean because the BILLS play the same style of defense when he's in the game, right? (this is a trick question) I'll be enamored with Byrd when he's within a yard of his man when the ball arrives. Getting picks off deflections/badly lofted passes into the wind isn't the stuff legends are made of. We're not going to be lucky enough to face a guy like Delhomme every week. Jake hasn't been the same since his performance in the NFC Championship game. He constantly overthrows balls. A confident QB yesterday on the Carolina sideline and that game looks suspiciously like the game in South Florida not so long ago.
  13. Which is why I took the time to include both parties in my insult, as well as anyone who follows them. Pretending that because they "aren't in charge" they deserve some kind of free pass is at best disingenuous. I'm not seeing it but I sincerely hope you're right. Like pretty much all politicians. Welcome to why the government shouldn't be in charge of much.
  14. Wait, so politicians pay back the groups that get them elected regardless of whether it's good for the country? It's not news and the idiots who follow the Dummycrats will continue to do it, regardless of the corruption - just like the a-holes who do the same for the Republitards. If you're not an independent, you're an idiot.
  15. Dude's on ketamine or something similar. No way he's drunk. Funny as hell, though.
  16. I think it's awesome that people continue to cite a whole bunch of facts without knowing any of the "nuts and bolts" of same.
  17. I would be very curious to find the real number of "working" Americans who aren't covered. If the government was actually serious about that, they could simply offer them TRI-Care. Easy enough. Of course, this is the same government who made it illegal for employers to directly offer the TRI-Care supplement to veterans because it meant veterans would actually use an earned benefit. But the government is all about helping. Regardless of that fact, there is little doubt the government will not solve a problem that they've created with 40 years of selling out the citizenry to the highest bidder. You want government health care? Join the military. Then end up in the VA system. Then tell me what a smart guy you are.
  18. Large companies don't care about their customers. They care about lip service and metrics. To think anything else is ludicrous.
  19. I fail to see how you don't fall into the "extremist" category. The government is the largest reason for the health care mess and it's quite unlikely that they're going to change anything with anything that's currently on the table.
  20. Neither do Democrats or Republicans. That's why things like Prescription Drugs and Tort reform were completely off the table BEFORE anything was even typed. Everything IS expensive, especially because for the last 40+ years the special interests and lobbyists have owned Washington. You're not turning around a battleship in a phone booth and the current administration has absolutely no interest in reigning in people who give them tons of money to stay in power. But you keep blaming the industry, lemming.
  21. In fairness to the simpletons who desperately need to hate, that is a pretty big word.
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