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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That's because you don't actually understand the problem so you're more than willing to go along with a ridiculously stupid solution. Which is what Washington counts on.
  2. Wow. That was brutal. Dude should get suspended for a long time for that one. Totally unnecessary and the definition of charging. The lack of respect for the other player's well being totally disgusts me.
  3. So you think a law that banned weapons used in less than 1% of gun crimes and was basically based on safety features was a good piece of legislation?
  4. I'd rather have a team filled with Josh Reed's. There's more than enough talent on this team that a quality coach could contend. Of course, that's assuming the idiots at OBD actually hire a quality coach and then allow him to bring in some NFL caliber players to shore up the disaster under center/OT. Is anyone really surprised that a team who fired their OC 10 days before the season and cut their starting LT AFTER that is in the crapper? Really?
  5. "Roger and Me" is decent but if it's "the finest documentary you've ever seen", let me suggest you watch more documentaries.
  6. His mom should have named him Medicine Woman.
  7. Just as you are acting as the statistics stand on their own, when they clearly don't. I'd hardly call what you're doing "examining". Though we could use "ludicrous" to describe your conclusion. Because the reasons are incredibly dissimilar. I know that's tough for you mouth breathers to understand but try thinking outside your little rat cage for five seconds. What countries? The last time I checked vehicles aren't being built by countries. Let me know when that starts happening because NOTHING that's going on now has ANYTHING to do with that, regardless of how many times you click your retard slippers together.
  8. I'm not sure how you get "I own the country". If you think some other place is paradise because they do something ludicrous, then you ought to head over there and try it for yourself. I've lived all over the world - pretty much nothing is the way it's reported but that doesn't stop people like you from trumpeting it from Mount High as if it was the gospel itself. Oh, I think the U.S. is wrong - just like the rest of the world. I also have absolutely no doubt that if the government gets more involved with health care it'll get even more expensive and the quality will fall proportionately - and I'll be proven correct in very short order. I'll let you know the minute one of your insults registers.
  9. Increased regulations=Increased costs=Higher premiums. The government that's behind this argument has more to do with increased health care costs than any other single thing (just look at Medicare/MedicAid reimbursement). Talk to your own doctor. Ask him/her what's driving up the costs - the answer won't be profit. Profit is a pretty small part of the problem, though I don't believe the numbers because it's pretty easy to hide stuff accounting wise.
  10. Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. Alaska has it good pretty much no matter who is governor because our politicians KNOW they'll get the boot if they even TRY to raise taxes or create a bunch of government jobs. Alaska has plenty of problems but raising taxes/new taxes are almost completely off limits. Do your own research. I can assure you that the vast majority of people who are down on her don't care about the media's take. There isn't a gauge for how much I don't care about that.
  11. Then there well be plenty of places for smart people like you to move to. See ya.
  12. Settle down? Are you implying that I'm worked up over that ridiculous point? Hate Crime legislation is nothing more than pandering.
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